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  • 求助朱自清《绿》的英文译文
  • 求 狂野大自然 的观后感,要英语的

Motherly love, a time immemorial human beings the same theme.
我们赋予它太多的诠释,也赋予它太多的内涵。 We give it too much interpretation, but also give it too many connotations.
没有历史史诗的撼人心魄,没有风卷大海的惊波逆转,母爱就象一场春雨,一首清歌,润物无声,绵长悠远。 No historical epic awesome stunning, there is no shock wave of the sea风卷downturn, motherly love is like a spring rain, a Qing Song, soundless lubrication, long distant.
当代散文家余秋雨在一篇文章中写道:“一切远行者的出发点总是与妈妈告别……而他们的终点则是衰老……暮年的老者呼喊妈妈是不能不让人动容的,一声呼喊道尽了回归也道尽了漂泊”。 Contemporary essayist Yu wrote in an article: “Everything travels from the starting point is always with the mother ... ... and they bid farewell to the end of it is aging ... old age ... the old man can not help but cry mother is moving, say shout Road to make a return of all the drifting Road. “
母爱是天涯游子的最终归宿,是润泽儿女心灵的一眼清泉,它伴随儿女的一饮一啜,丝丝缕缕,绵绵不绝,于是,在儿女的笑声泪影中便融入了母爱的缠绵。 Motherly love is the ultimate destination of the End of the World home is Runze Qingquan a spiritual sons and daughters, sons and daughters it is accompanied by a drink one sip, fishes continuously, memories we do not, therefore, in the children’s laughter in the film will tear into the motherly love .
母爱就象一首田园诗,幽远纯净,和雅清淡; Motherly love as an idyllic,幽远pure, and AGB light;
母爱就是一幅山水画,洗去铅华雕饰,留下清新自然; Motherly love is a landscape painting, carving铅华washed away, leaving the fresh and clean;
母爱就象一首深情的歌,婉转悠扬,轻吟浅唱; Motherly love as a deep feeling of the song, mildly tuneful, sing轻吟shallow;
母爱就是一阵和煦的风,吹去朔雪纷飞,带来春光无限。 Motherly love is a warm wind, the snow falling吹去Schomburg, bringing Chunguang unlimited.
母爱就是一生相伴的盈盈笑语,母爱就是漂泊天涯的缕缕思念,母爱就是儿女病榻前的关切焦灼,母爱就是儿女成长的殷殷期盼。 Motherly love is accompanied by a lifetime of Yingying laughing, motherly love is drifting continuously miss the earth, motherly love is concerned about their children before bed anxious, motherly love is the sons and daughters grow up殷殷期盼.
想起了母亲,志向消沉就会化为意气风发;想起了母亲,虚度年华就会化为豪情万丈;想起了母亲,羁旅漂泊的游子就会萌发起回家的心愿;想起了母亲,彷徨无依的心灵就找到了栖息的家园。 Reminds me of the mother, depressed aspirations will be translated into high-spirited; reminds mothers, wasted years would translate into lofty; reminds mothers, drifting羁旅will germinate from the wandering of the desire to go home; thought of a mother, a loss no one to depend on found a soul on the habitat homes.
时光如水,年华易逝,似水流年淡去我们多少回忆,却始终不改我们对母亲的绵绵思念。 Time, such as water, Nianhua Perishable, Homecoming faded memories we have, but always do not change our memories of the mother’s thoughts. 莺归燕去,春去秋来,容颜渐老,白发似雪。 Ying Yan went to the spring to autumn, the face of growing old, snowy white hair. 儿女在一天天长大,母亲却在一天天衰老。 Sons and daughters grow up in one day, his mother one day in senescence. 当儿女望见高堂之上的白发亲娘,他们都会投入母亲怀抱,热泪涟涟! When the children saw the white hair above Gao亲娘, they would put mothers embrace, tears tears!
母爱也是文学和音乐的永恒主题。 Motherly love of literature and music is the eternal theme. 文人以母爱为题,写出的文章便滋润蕴籍;乐师以母爱为题,弹奏的曲调便清柔幽美,余韵绵绵。 Motherly love for the writers to write the article then moisten蕴籍; musicians to love the title of the tune they play清柔beautiful, continuous finish.
“慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”。 “The hands of a loving mother line, wandering onto clothing. Departure thick seam, Italy may delay return. Who made the heart-inch grass, reported a three Chunhui.“ 唐代诗人孟郊,历经坎坷,穷困愁苦,而母亲的笑容却时刻令他梦萦魂牵。 Tang Dynasty poet, Meng Jiao, after frustrations, suffering poverty, while the mother’s smile has always made him dream of the soul led rayon. 在他得知母亲将来的时候,掩不住脸上的笑容,按不住心中的喜悦,抖落衣冠上层累的风霜,拂去心头积淀的风尘,携妻将雏,到溧阳城外迎接母亲。 In the future, he learned that his mother, when not conceal his face a smile, according to the hearts of pleasure can not, shake off the upper dressed tired of the wind, flick the dust accumulated in my heart, his wife will be young, to meet the mother of Liyang City . 芳草萋萋,花香阵阵,白云舒卷,碧野晴川,处处洋溢着儿子不尽的思念。 Fangcao lush, floral smell, Baiyun舒卷, Bi Ye Qingchuan, always filled with thousands of missing son. 母子相依,热泪盈眶,握着妈妈温暖的双手,望着母亲苍老的容颜,不禁怆然饮泣,感慨万千,提笔赋诗,情思涌动,在孟郊笔下,就熔铸了这首饱含母爱的《游子吟》,诚挚深切,传诵千年。 Dependent mother, tears, the warmth of mother holding hands, looking at old mother looks, one can not help饮泣sorrowful, filled with emotion, write赋诗, surging emotion, described in Meng Jiao, on the casting of the first full of motherly love “You zi yin“ deeply sincere, read the Millennium.
唐代诗人杜甫,一生颠沛流离,栖止不定。 Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu, life back and forth, only habitat variable. 他在安史之乱后回到家乡时,已田园寥落,物是人非。 He returned to his hometown after the An-Shih Rebellion has pastoral寥落,物是人非. 凄苦忧愁,睹物伤怀,他将忧国忧民之心与思母之情相融合,互相生发,写成感人肺腑的《无家别》。 凄苦sad, sad睹物, he will care for heart and think of home fuse with love, mutual germinal, moving into the “no other home.“ “永痛长病母,五年委沟溪。生我不得力,终身两酸嘶。人生无家别,何以为蒸黎!”言词悲切,凄苦哀绝,足以令人慷慨动容,下千秋之泪。 “Yong-long disease pain the mother of five commissioned Ditch Creek. Health and I were not effective, life-long two neigh acid. Life without homes do not, why is steamed Lebanon!“ Mournful words, must凄苦sorrow, is generous enough to fight, the next centuries Tears.
东汉末年,蔡文姬被乱兵掳至匈奴,作别家国,万里投荒。 Eastern Han Dynasty, Cai Wenji was pillager Abduction to the Huns, unless home country, thousands of miles to vote Arakawa. 在被汉使赎回时,母子诀别,含悲引泪,亲朋相送,凄凉感伤。 So that the redemption in the Han, the mother Farewell, cited含悲tears, friends and relatives相送, desolate pathos. 她在所作《悲愤诗》中写道:“已得自解免,当复弃儿子。天属缀人心,念别无会期……号泣手抚摩,当发复回疑”。 She made “grief poem“ wrote: “has a self-free, when the resumption of abandoned son. Days are made up of people’s minds, there is no study session ... ... boohoo hand stroke, when the complex back to the suspect.“ 凄怨哀伤,声节悲凉,读之使人落泪。 凄怨sad, sad and dreary acoustic section, reading the people to tears. 唐人曾以此为题,作胡笳之曲,如泣如诉,欲歌欲哭,一种醇烈的母子之情充溢于曲调之间。 Tong Yan San have used this as its theme song for the胡笳,如泣如诉, Song For欲哭, a strong alcohol母子之情overflowing in between tunes.
母爱是伟大的,也是无私的,它沉浸于万物之中,充盈于天地之间。 Motherly love is great, but also selfless, which are immersed in all things, filling in between heaven and earth.
有了母爱,人类才从洪荒苍凉走向文明繁盛;有了母爱,社会才从冷漠严峻走向祥和安康;有了母爱,我们才从愁绪走向高歌,从顽愚走向睿智;有了母爱,也才有了生命的肇始,历史的延续,理性的萌动,人性的回归。 With motherly love, mankind from primitive civilizations to flourish desolation; With love, from the society of indifference toward the grim harmonious well-being; With motherly love, we move from melancholy singing, from the stubborn ignorance to wisdom; With motherly love, but also have the beginning of life, the continuation of history and rational initiative, the return of human nature.

第1个the church in Mainz, Canyon Moon Bay, and so on.
5. Please tell us flying Temple.
Possession of the name “Ka Zhaxi,“ coming from the viewing platform Temple (Department of tourists to live) 1 km, 8 km from the city of Deqin. “Ka Zhaxi,“ which means “my nine blank lines,“ according to legend had a Sakyamuni Buddha from Tibet to come here, so this temple was built and named “flying temple.“ Prince Edward has snow-capped mountains in the main hall dedicated to God, as well as Padmasambhava sleep lying Buddha statues that Ka Zhaxi. Three colors are painted on the walls of the magnificent murals, says the founder of the Gelug Sect master Tsongkhapa, the Sakyamuni Buddha, Guanyin a decade, Lok King Kong wins, the law of the Buddhist temple of the gods, as well as flying to Jiansi bamboo that the Palestinian card By fall, Deqin Ganzi, Sichuan and the Temple of the Living Buddha Temple in several portraits. Dian-zhong for the murals painted in the Ming Dynasty, a very high cultural value. Kage Bo dedicated to the equestrian statue of god-English, in order to fine sculpture. Next to the main hall to set up by the Church and burn incense and Taiwan for Dachaoshan are turning, burning incense.
6. Please tell Mainz in Mainz and in the church.
The Diqing Tibetan who are devout Buddhists as the most important part of life, but they accepted the church in Mainz, in Mainz is why the Church can be said to exist is a miracle.
In 1866, French missionary Father del Gu into the Diqing, its forces to infiltrate the northwest of Yunnan and try to be extended to Tibetan areas in the hinterland. They set up churches, the development of believers in Tibetan Buddhism a powerful force, there is a very difficult place. Very few followers, and a growing belief by people of Tibetan Buddhism by hatred. People with disabilities who can not tolerate the Catholic Church’s missionary activity, sparked the Arab-Israeli Weixi lesson plans and teaching block. In 1905 the teaching Weixi, angry crowds burned the Lancang River, Nu River along the 10 churches, killing a French missionary Yubo a million South Po. The Qing government was forced by the imperialist forces, a large number of troops sent to suppress the people monks and laymen, anti-foreign religions of the masses to resist for three months, was eventually suppressed, the church to receive a huge compensation, in Mainz in Mainz in the construction of the church. In 1921, in Mainz completion of the church and become Catholic, “Diocese of Yunnan,“ the main church, the Church under the jurisdiction of 2 minutes, has been running a school and a hospital nuns.
Style church as a whole reflects the characteristics of the Basilika churches, and also the characteristics of the Church of Rome. The main building sitting east of the West for brick. Positive for the tall bell tower, the upper part of the clock tower, though for the Chinese Pavilion and the Chinese Wading cornices, but it ends at the top of the cross mark or confirm the identity of its Western-style. Deqin county seat from the southbound direction vici to 88 km, the car slowly across the Lancang River Bridge, then to the mountain surface water, quiet environment of Mainz in the village. “Benz“ in Tibetan means “village“, ““ Tibetan word for “six.“ Mainz have been called the beautiful and rich land of fish and rice.
Mainz went in, they see a brick of Chinese and Western architecture, ranked in the pleasant shade of the world, this is the Catholic Church, as the visitors were worthy of the name of “Xanadu.“ Possession of high-rise trees, flowers, things such as the sea. Mainz in the church building is located in the central village of lush flowers and trees, back the Department of Castle Peak, surrounded by terraced fields dotted farm structures. Construction groups with the natural landscape into one style. The entire building in order to support the church as the central combination of Chinese and Western-compatible, appropriate priorities, including doors, front yard, churches, as well as the backyard of the cellar, garden, vegetable garden, orchard and so on, compact, spectacular scale. Along the outer walls of buildings which have doors, hospital flower production, planting fruit, unique taste. Church sit west to east, French (Gothic) architecture, as a whole into a cross, riding wishful stamp 1.30 meters high, arched stone gateway to be used as and 6 meters deep into the three meters wide, and then build on top of the porch Cheng buy their own air, as high as 20 meters. Cuanjian Ding-roof pavilion for the wooden structure, with 4 and 12 in piles outside the spinal column supporting Zhang, both within and outside the block between a stone pillar fence. Clock Tower on board, panoramic view of Mainz, but also access to remote riverbank scenery. 22 meters deep into the church, 12.7 meters wide, from row 6 square pillar supporting the roof, on both sides of each window 7. Altar 3.8 meters wide, 5.75 meters into the deep, on both sides of the locker room with purification. Glass tile roof covered with homes in Palm arch two years. Grapes produced in the orchard, sweet and delicious. French missionaries brought from the Gandhi-brewed wine and utensils brewing technology, brewing technology and to pass on to the local religious people. Today, the church also maintains wine at the time of containers. If you go to Mainz, diethylene glycol can enjoy the wine Gandhi.第2个three weeks, with the blessing of the gods, the official start Dachaoshan activities. Kamiyama pilgrimage route has “transferred“ and the “transfer“ of the sub. “Transfer“ according to a clockwise direction in order to cross the south of the “multi-carat“ Pass north of the mouth and “pull“ Project I, the snow-capped mountains around the whole week, Prince Edward, after cloud osumi Xicha and Nande Qin, Zuogong boundaries, the need to walk 13 Days. “Transfer“ is limited to the Deqin County of flying Temple, the rain falls and the Prince Edward collapsing temple among the three fixed-line, turning, walking about 5-6 days. For most of the pilgrims coming all the way, both the Dachaoshan “transfer“ or “to“ life, only one or two.
In the summer of pilgrims walking on the road, there are countless flowers accompany visitors. Return of the steady stream of pilgrims on the road, leaning bamboo, bamboo pole on top of all inserted a few Myricaria film, it is the Hydropower special logo. Forward line, you can see a huge Lin Jing Fan stand when the wind, the trees covered with a red white and blue printed with Tibetan Liuzizhenyan (Mani Padme banks) and the patterns of cloth Jingfan. Dachaoshan were in Lin Jing Fan ignited to take the oriental arborvitae branches, with the smoke in the Cong Jing Fan and Mani Dui bypass in three weeks, and then on its way. Over the ridge, through the woods houses, they collapse into the village of rain, like a Shangri-la. After a village temple, who Dachaoshan Jinmiao to burn incense and worship. Again, to a cattle farm, you can see dozens like Bai Lian-km glacier melt water from the rock dump or down the left side of the glacier Jingfan a breeze, which is well-known collapse of the rain god waterfall. God may waterfall drizzle, snow Fengyi Chui, on and off this falls under the jurisdiction of the pilgrims who prostrate themselves in worship. According to the local people said that the only disaster without the benefit of its people can enjoy under the divine and Piaofei waterfall wet Yi Jin. There is no disaster blessing of the people there will be no Fufen. After that, visitors can also enjoy the rain in the collapse of the Chailang Bau (only one person through the channel, the legend is not sinful adopted), an eight Kayin (Tibetan Zhuanshu inscribed on a stone, “Stone Double seal characters “), five trees from the same root, and so unique scenery.
Prince Edward from the temple to the village of Yong Ming on the road, along with countless stones from Leiqi simple stone houses, it is said to be followers of the Dachaoshan this for themselves after death, and under the home-made, for the soul. Pilgrims took to the road, where a village or Murao Hill Project and the mouth next to the road, visitors can always see with piles of stones, stone Lei Qi and Ma Nidui into the colorful, fluttering in the breeze of Jingfan, appears to be solemn, Mysterious.
Temple coming to the rain god collapse of the Dachaoshan waterfall, is more frequent contacts pedestrian routes. By 3 450 m height above sea level leading to 1 950 meters while the Lancang River. Jing Fan Man pulled through the Bridge Wing, Wing-tat and the West when the two villages, walking uphill, will see a water mill, with once by Water wheel drive and to stop this is to give local people here Water for spirituality in order to allow water to sell their expertise. This is known of the “Re Shuitang,“ there is a boiling hot spring water outflow reel, next to the pipe useful primer to get into the hot springs of the two Shui Nichi, visitors to this hot springs bath, is said to have illnesses and misfortunes of the effectiveness of .
Tibetan Buddhists believe that each turn a mountain, can eliminate some sin, so that the soul be purified; each to be completed by all means to their dream one step closer to heaven; pilgrimage in en route to be the soul means that the fall from the sky Be able to bounce back into heaven. Transferred by road is only a pious, brave man to complete the roads, communication and a dream of paradise in the road, life is a memorable adventure trip. 第3个these words also save the life of the hero who blurted out the words used. So what exactly is meant by “Buddha“? In fact, the Buddha was pagoda, although the Chinese pagoda for all people, no stranger to, but if asked, “What is the purpose of having pagoda?“ Remains a difficult To answer the question, which we need to understand the origin of the pagoda, as well as the use of its type, structure and so on.
Tower, known as Sanskrit stupa, in ancient India is the meaning of the graves. From Sanskrit into Chinese in India, has emerged in the Buddha map, and so on who the name of Buddha, and the grave side, round graves, the name of free translation, and so significantly higher. The “tower“ is the ancient Chinese people from India to give this building a very figurative name, was first seen in the Jin Dynasty Ge Hong wrote the “Court“. Legend has it that Sakyamuni Buddha and Fastreact de-pan, his disciples to his body cremated, the remains of the fire in the condensation become colorful, do not hit the breaking of crystals, known as Sheli Zi. Legend has it that Sakyamuni was also left behind the body of his bones, head bones, teeth, hair, finger and so on are all the Buddha She Lizi. At that time, there are eight countries of the King heard that the Drug Jianie release, leading the soldiers will come for the Buddha relic, they were the last to be a, according to India’s age-old traditions and customs in their country to build a tower to worship. These are below the pagoda palace, which is a collection of relics of the Buddha Sakyamuni. As the followers of Buddhism Sakyamuni Buddha She Lizi will be seen as a supreme sacred items, the pagoda is not only to be released Jianie Chai symbol of the Buddhist disciples who is the object of worship. Buddhism: If the faithful regularly pray around the pagoda, in the afterlife will be able to obtain the highest merit and rewards. So, right around the pagoda for worship, has become monks at the time of day will do the homework. Moreover, the pagoda is to build itself a story rather than act. Chai Jianie release in two years after the dynasty’s peacock India has opened the Ashoka on the first eight stupa in the underground palace of the seven towers, She Lizi out, they were divided into many, and then he spread Buddhism in the majority of the region Generally built to support tower. This is also often the generations to follow the Buddhist believers. Today, all over the stupa of the Buddha in Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia, in China’s vast land, there are ancient tower on the number of 10,000.
Having said that, people can not help asking: so many of the pagoda are following it’s really the Buddha who Shakanai She Lizi? Of course not, really dedicated body of the pagoda is a relic of the few, and most of the Buddha The following column is dedicated to the symbolic relic of the Buddha. What to do this symbolic relic? Buddhist, said: believers have stupa built, if I can not find the Buddha’s body She Lizi, can be gold, silver, glass, crystal, agate, and other treasures to be replaced; if It can not find these treasures can also be great to clean the beach to pick up the sand, or collect some herbs, bamboo root section to create bone. As long as sincerely with the Xinfo heart, a symbol of these items in the eyes of the faithful will have a completely true as Shenfo relic of the general function and role. Another focus of the Buddhist classics of the Buddha and thinking of all the wisdom of Buddhism believers to the realm of de Drug beacon, so that in some ancient tower, a number of Buddhist classics have been enshrined as a relic in the tower Are. Classic is different from the real bone of the body, so pagoda in the collection of classic Buddhist been called “holy bodies relic.“ Regardless of who is the real bone or bone bodies, the pagoda where they will be called “stupa.“
However, there is a pagoda only be used as a symbol of the Buddha, not buried under the tower She Lizi, it does not have the nature of the graves, such as holes in the grottoes carved out of stone pagoda is one such 6 This tower in the Buddhist Sanskrit literature called Chaitya, who called the Chinese “to support“ or “at the end of the system.“
Any form of culture and the arts are not fixed, immutable, as an important symbol of the Buddhist faith, one of the pagoda is the case. When the construction of the pagoda from India to thinking in all directions, all regions of the followers of Buddhism in India pagoda-style building at the same time, has been a combination of the nation’s culture, to create their own favorite style pagoda. As a result of the development of Buddhism in history, a variety of emerging pagoda, Buddhist beliefs into ancient architectural art of all ethnic groups in the Flower. China is also a wide range of the ancient tower, from the looks of their shape and structure of the form, can be roughly divided into the following types:
(1) tower-style pavilion: in the ancient China of the oldest, the highest body, to preserve the largest number of Han nationality is a unique architectural style pagoda. This distance between each tower’s more, looked a like a high-level pavilion. Comparison of body tall, the tower in general have a masonry or wooden stairs, for people to climb the television, remote access Vision, and the tower’s floors and floors of the tower is often the line. Some of the towers, but also intends to create Fangmu structures such as pillars and doors and windows.
(2) tower Miyan Shi: China’s ancient tower in the number and status second only to the pavilion-style tower, the general body also tall, it is the pavilion by the Wooden Pagoda-style brick structure to the development of the evolution from time to time. This high level of the first tower, the first layer over the distance between the layers is particularly short on each floor of the tower close canopy of overlapping. The tower is within the general air of the drum, the board can not access Vision. Some Mi Yanshi in the tower when the production is solid. Even with the tower can climb stairs, and within the actual number of floors have to look far less than shown by the light-rise tower. Wealthy Fangmu structure of the building most of the decorations on the first floor of the tower.
(3) follow-up bowl-tower: India is the oldest form of traditional pagoda in China very early in the construction of the main popular since the Yuan Dynasty. It’s part of the tower is a flat circular bowl cover, above a large resettlement of Tasha, the following have the support Xu Mizuo. This was due to the Tower of Tibetan Buddhism in Tibet to use more, so it was known as “La Mata.“ Also because of its shape much like a bottle, it is also known as a “tower-Aquarius.“
(4) the throne of King Kong-style tower: This is the name for its own portfolio of the case, and the specific shapes are diverse. Its basic characteristic is: below the base of a tall, the seat has a five-tower, located in the middle of a relatively tall tower, and at the four corners of the tower is relatively short. Five base of the tower shape does not necessarily, some of the Miyan Shi, and some follow-up is bowl-like. This column is dedicated to the Buddhist community in secret to teach King Kong 5 relic of Lord Buddha pagoda, in popular in China after the Ming Dynasty.
(5) tower-style Pavilion: India is a review of the bowl-tower and the ancient traditions of the Chinese Pavilion construction of a combination of ancient forms, but also has a long history. The tower looks like a pavilion, are single, some also in the top of an additional Xiaoge. In the tower within the general set up shrines, Buddha placement. As a result of this simple structure of the tower, not the cost, easy-to-repair, many of the monks who had been used as Muta.
(6) Flower Tower: Tower has single flowers as well as the high-rise. Its main features are in the upper half of the tower Decorative floriation complex, looks like a huge bouquet of flowers, may be decorated from the Pavilion and at the top of the tower-style pavilion, tower Miyan Shi tow

Avatar is a 2009 American science fiction epic film written and directed by James Cameron and starring Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez and Stephen Lang. The film is set in the year 2154, when humans are mining a precious mineral called unobtanium on Pandora, a lush moon in Alpha Centauri. The expansion of the mining colony threatens the continued existence of a local tribe of Na’vi—a sentient humanoid species indigenous to Pandora. The film’s title refers to the genetically engineered Na’vi bodies used by several human characters to interact with the natives of Pandora.Development on Avatar began in 1994, when Cameron wrote an 80-page scriptment for the film. Filming was supposed to take place after the completion of Cameron’s 1997 film Titanic, for a planned release in 1999, but according to Cameron, the necessary technology was not yet available to achieve his vision of the film. Work on the language for the film’s extraterrestrial beings began in summer 2005, and Cameron began developing the script and fictional universe in early 2006.Avatar was officially budgeted at US$237 million. Other estimates put the cost between $280 million and $310 million for production, and at $150 million for promotion. The film was released for traditional two-dimensional projectors, as well as in 3-D, using the RealD 3D, Dolby 3D, XpanD 3D and IMAX 3D formats, and also in 4-D. The stereoscopic filmmaking was touted as a likely breakthrough in cinematic technology.Avatar premiered in London on December 10, 2009, and was released internationally on December 16, and in North America on December 18, to critical acclaim and commercial success. The film broke several box office records during its release and became the highest-grossing film of all time in North America and worldwide, surpassing Titanic, which had held the records for the previous 12 years. It also became the first film to gross more than $2 billion. Following the film’s success, Cameron stated that there will be a sequel. Avatar has been nominated for nine Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director.2012 is a science fiction disaster film, directed by Roland Emmerich and released in 2009. The film stars John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Danny Glover, Thandie Newton and Woody Harrelson. It was distributed by Columbia Pictures. Filming began in August 2008 in Vancouver.The film briefly references Mayanism, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and the 2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events unfolding in the year 2012. Because of solar flare bombardment the Earth’s core begins heating up at an unprecedented rate, eventually causing crustal displacement. This results in an onslaught of Doomsday event scenarios plunging the world into chaos. Ranging from Los Angeles falling into the Pacific Ocean, the eruption of the Yellowstone National Park caldera, cataclysmic earthquakes wreaking havoc around the globe, and Megatsunamis surging across the Earth. The film centers around an ensemble cast of characters as they narrowly escape multiple catastrophes in an effort to reach ships in the Himalayas, along with scientists and governments of the world who are attempting to save as many lives as they can before the disasters ensue.The film was promoted in a marketing campaign by a fictional organization, the “Institute for Human Continuity“; this entailed a fictitious book written by Jackson Curtis titled Farewell Atlantis, and streaming media, blog updates and radio broadcasts from the apocalyptic zealot Charlie Frost at his website This Is The End. This campaign was subjected to numerous criticisms, and was regarded as a form of viral marketing.The film received mixed to negative reviews from film critics, but topped the international box office in its first weekend with $225 million. It ultimately grossed over $769 million worldwide, becoming Roland Emmerich’s second highest grossing film, behind Independence Day.Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (known as Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief in the UK and Australia) is a fantasy-adventure film directed by Chris Columbus. The film is a loose adaptation of The Lightning Thief, the first novel in the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series by Rick Riordan. It stars Logan Lerman as the titular Percy Jackson alongside an ensemble cast which includes Brandon T. Jackson, Alexandra Daddario, Jake Abel, Rosario Dawson, Steve Coogan, Uma Thurman, Catherine Keener, Sean Bean and Pierce Brosnan. It was released to theaters on February 12, 2010.In its opening weekend, the film ranked #2; and in its, first week, the film grossed $40 million, comprising 40% of its “$95 million budget“. Critical reception was mixed. The film made a worldwide total of $126,361,813 after 9 days of its release. A sequel, based on the second book of the series, The Sea of Monsters, is in works.Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a 2009 American science fiction action film, directed by Michael Bay and produced by Steven Spielberg. It is the sequel to Transformers (2007) and the second film in the live action Transformers series. The plot revolves around Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf), the human caught in the war between Autobots and Decepticons, having visions of Cybertronian symbols, and being hunted by the Decepticons under the orders of their long-trapped leader, The Fallen, who seeks to get revenge on Earth by finding and activating a machine that would provide the Decepticons with an energon source, destroying all life on the planet in the process.With deadlines jeopardized by possible strikes by the Directors Guild of America and the Screen Actors Guild, Bay managed to finish the production on time with the help of previsualization and a scriptment by his writers Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, and series newcomer Ehren Kruger. Shooting took place from May to November 2008.Sherlock Holmes is a 2009 action mystery film based on the character of the same name created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The film was directed by Guy Ritchie and produced by Joel Silver, Lionel Wigram, Susan Downey and Dan Lin. The screenplay by Michael Robert Johnson, Anthony Peckham and Simon Kinberg was developed from a story by Lionel Wigram and Michael Robert Johnson. Robert Downey, Jr. and Jude Law portray Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson, respectively. Holmes investigates a series of murders, apparently connected to occult rituals. Lord Blackwood is the mysterious villain. The story culminates with a confrontation on top of Tower Bridge, still under construction.The film went on general release in the United States on December 25, 2009, and on December 26, 2009, in the UK, Ireland, and the Pacific.希望帮到你,如满意请采纳~

The Best Japanese Horror Films of All Time, Part 1
by Dejan Ognjanovic
Japanese tradition of cinematic terror goes all the way to the 1920-ies (A PAGE OF MADNESS, 1926). In the following decades there were several adaptations of classic ghost stories, but they reached the Western shores only with Kenji Mizoguchi’s UGETSU (1953), winner of the Silver Lion award at the prestigious Venice film festival, and the much-praised omnibus KWAIDAN (1964: see below), winner of the Special Jury Prize at Cannes. Reaching the Western festivals, and occasional distribution as well, these and many other titles showcased the treasures of Japanese folklore filmed with a lush cinematic style. They were made by well-known directors and stars, with respectable budgets, and exemplified high artistic standards at the time when Western horror was dominated by B-movie quickies of Roger Corman and Hammer production.
Dedicated for decades to its own folklore, Japan was fully recognized as a major player on the international horror scene only in the 1990-ies, when a series of young and brave directors abandoned costumed period pieces and embraced horror as a part of everyday, contemporary reality. Horror was no longer a fairy-tale like thing from the past: it was recognized as a major constituent of the current spirit of times. Horror tropes became essential for expressing the worldview of the new generation of Japanese directors such as Shinya Tsukamoto, Kyoshi Kurosawa, Sogo Ishii, Hideo Nakata, Takashi Miike and others. Their language of horror was not lost in translation: it was embraced by the jaded Western fans as a breath of fresh air (but also as a welcome variation for the money-grabbing producers yearning for the latest remake idea).
There are three dominant topics found in the majority of Japanese horrors, exemplified in the very title of this overview: ghost stories (both period and modern), psycho killers and bleakly futuristic cyberpunk horrors. They metaphorically represent a dark worldview in which the past is seen as a source of terror (usually merged with guilt), the present is a source of paranoia in which individuality and meaningful existence are threatened by a large-scale insanity, while the future is equally threatening with body mutation, identity dissolution and technological overkill. These themes occasionally overlap, and our division cannot be scalpel-precise, but it should serve the purpose of showing the undercurrents of the dominant trends in Japanese horror cinema, and the subtexts beneath the apparently innocuous genre cinema.
Because of an incredible number of significant titles dealing with psycho killers, that topic will be divided into two parts, while the final, fifth part of this series is devoted to important titles which could not be forced into any of the three major thematic divisions. Thus, our selection of the best Japanese horror films will be presented in five parts:
1. Ghosts
2. Psychos (1): PSYCHO OBSESSION
3. Psychos (2): SERIAL KILLERS
4. Futuristic (cyberpunk) horrors
5. A league of their own
Japanese ghosts, naturally, obey the rules of Shinto beliefs, but in their essence they are not much different from the Western ones. These apparitions (yurei) are created when a person dies suddenly and violently (including a rush suicide), thus leaving a certain ’business’ among the living – unfinished. Improper burial is another common cause of haunting this world instead of joining the souls of the ancestors. Revenge remains the main purpose of these ghosts. Much can be read into the fact that Japanese ghosts tend to be almost exclusively female. Is it a national guilt projected and transformed into fear because of the violently subordinate place women had in the traditional Japanese society? Is it a way of admitting that the wronged ones (those most eager to avenge themselves) tended to be mostly – women? Whatever the case may be, there are much fewer stories and films about male ghosts (when they appeared, they were mostly warriors haunting their last battlefield).
Yurei are usually dressed in a long white robe, actually a kind of simple kimono (katabira), in which people were buried in the old days. Portrayed more or less the same as mortals, they are easier to mistake for a living person than their Western, transparent counterparts. Pale face and long black hair are the only hints of something amiss. According to same later beliefs, yurei have no legs, which means that they float instead of walk, but in theatrical or cinematic versions of ghost stories this detail is usually hidden beneath the long kimono, or disregarded altogether.
The most prolific Japanese director to deal with the traditional ghosts was Nobuo Nakagawa, with his classics THE GHOSTS OF KASANE SWAMP (1957), THE MANSION OF THE GHOST CAT (1958) and especially THE GHOST STORY OF YOTSUYA (1959). These titles are, unfortunately, still hard to find in the West and thus must be omitted, for the time being, from this selection. The same goes for a later addition to this sub-genre, Nobuhiko Obayashi’s HOUSE (1977), which rates very highly among the few Western fortunates who were able to see it. Having in mind these omissions, the following selection should be sufficient to cover the best of the best among Japanese ghostly horrors.
Dir: Masaki Kobayashi
“Black Hair“: A poor man abandons his wife and marries a rich woman. Unhappy with her, he goes back to his first wife, but realizes a bit too late that she’s no longer alive... “Hoichi, the Earless“: A blind young monk goes every night to an abandoned graveyard, compelled by the ghosts of a famous battle to retell their story, over and over again... “The Snow Maiden“: A woodcutter marries a woman who just happens to be devoted to wander snowy landscapes, bringing death to mortals. “In a Cup of Tea“: A warrior is menaced by an elusive spirit first seen in a cup of tea staring up at him...
One of the first Japanese films to gain wide international recognition is also a matchless spook-fest of highest order. This omnibus, based on four ghost stories recorded by Lafcadio Hearn, showcases the riches of Japanese folklore, but also the riches of cinematic talent. As directed by Masaki Kobayashi, KWAIDAN is a painterly exercise in style, a stunning eye candy whose painted sets’ artificiality only stresses the fairy tale aspects, never undermining the main effect: chill. Terror and beauty are merged just like the world of the living and the world of the (un)dead. Japanese ghosts do not come from a distinctly separated otherworld (as they do in the West): they are here, omnipresent, all the time. That is, if they are wronged, or with some business left unfinished. The mortal trespasses, witting or unwitting, are duly punished in all four parts of this omnibus, and thus they function as morality tales as well. The first tale is similar to UGETSU, being an allegory of male desire for wealth at any cost with a supernatural angle handled with much more zest for terror than UGETSU (which was not much concerned with frights and thus cannot be labelled a horror film). KWAIDAN is one of the most beautiful films of any nation, period or genre. It is also the grand-daddy of all Japanese ghost stories, unsurpassed even now, more than four decades later.
Dir: Kaneto Shindo
A beatufil young woman and her mother-in-law are raped and killed by a marauding group of samurai. They come back as ghosts bent on seducing and killing the hateful warriors. The real trouble starts when their son and husband comes back home as a samurai. Will they be able to evade the vow they’ve made to the vengeance demons?
From the director of ONIBABA (see part 3 of this guide) here comes his second-best horror film, with visuals even more stunning than before (in glorious black and white). The woods are haunted by the seductive spectre who has no trouble attracting the weary warriors to a secluded house for an evening of sake, conversation and throat-ripping. Beautiful, poetic, but quite gory as well, this is a wonderful horror film with an intelligent subtext and a strong moral core (just like ONIBABA). It condemns an entire caste - not only the samurai but their rulers as well (shown to be equally contemptible). At the same time, it presents revenge as a morally dubious endeavor and deals with complex emotions rarely found in European and American gothic films of the time. Just like KWAIDAN and ONIBABA, it has been recently included in EUREKA’S ’Masters of Cinema’ DVD series, and rightly so!
RING, 1998
Dir: Hideo Nakata
KFCC Review: Click Here!
A single-mother reporter investigates a series of mysterious deaths which seem to be connected with watching a certain video tape. After watching it herself, she becomes enmeshed in the race with death which only gets worse when her son watches the tape too. She has only seven days to save herself and her son, or else... Sadako will cause some more death-of-fright face disfigurements...
RING starts with a bang (SCREAM-style) but continues with a relatively subdued mystery which builds and builds and BUILDS until it explodes in a virtuoso double-bang finale. Or make it triple-bang, because the scenes of emptying the well and Videodrome-Sadako surprise are followed by the ending whose chilling implications are rightly presented as apocalyptic in that great final shot. A masterpiece of suggestion, RING is everything a great horror needs to be: subtle, scary, shocking, unobtrusively gruesome, visceral as much as cerebral and spiritual, convincingly ridiculous and ridiculously convincing, metaphysical, thought provoking, imaginative and strikingly memorable. It burns itself into your psyche never to leave your (sub)conscious with images which correspond with the deepest fears of mankind: fear of the dark, of death, fear of loss of a loved one (especially a child!), fear of forces surpassing our control and understanding, fear of gods and demons, lonely places, deep wells, dark waters... RINGU reminds us that Japan is a tiny piece of land surrounded by the vicious, mysterious ocean: this land in itself becomes a metaphor for our position in the cosmos the way Lovecraft wrote: ’We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.’ And Lovecraftian hints are cleverly present in Sadako’s otherworldly origin: ’Frolic in brine, goblins be thine’. Mostly remembered for its striking set-pieces – especially the much copied but never surpassed Sadako’s emergence from the TV set – RING is equally masterful in its quieter moments, like a spooky scene in which our protagonist ’meets’ (sort of) Sadako in broad daylight, in the park, surrounded by people. Blessed and cursed by being a trend-setter, RING is not responsible for dozens of copies or for the fact that all of them (including an inferior American remake) pale in comparison to its achievements.
SéANCE, 2000
Dir: Kyoshi Kurosawa
A young pair abducts a little girl hoping for ransom. The girl, however, dies. They get rid of the body, but can they get rid of the spirit?
Made for TV and slightly overshadowed by PULSE, made a year later, Kurosawa’s SéANCE is a great example of spook cinema. Inspired by an old British black comedy, SéANCE ON A WET AFTERNOON (1964), it showcases the use of quiet moments, silence and broad daylight for exposing very dark (but occasionally darkly comical) aspects of (in)humanity. Restrained, like most of his other films (if you do not count his early slasher, GUARD FROM UNDERGROUND), this is a film that does not so much rely on shocks and jump scares as it does on the shiver inducing atmosphere which gets heavier and heavier.
PULSE, 2001
Dir: Kyoshi Kurosawa
KFCC Review: Click Here!
When there is no more room in Hell, the dead will walk... the internet? It seems so, after more and more people are found dead next to their computers. Even worse, they tend to leave vague black smudges as only traces of their former existence. And the situation grows more and more apocalyptic...
A highly idiosyncratic mixture of teen-horror and art film, PULSE works like a mutant offspring of Tarkovsky and Cronenberg sprinkled with heavy doses of RING spookiness. Its horrors are based on the idea that the real hell would be if not even death could bring the delivery from empty, pointless existence – if solitude and emptiness just kept growing in the afterlife. Kurosawa’s point seems to be that his protagonists are already ’dead’ – dead in life, living virtual lives in the cyberspace. The second half may be a bit self-indulgent, and any semblance of coherence is thrown away for the sake of random uber-scary scenes. Excellent sepia-toned, mute-colored photography and elaborate sound design and score work wonders in terms of an oppressive atmosphere of doom ’n’ gloom, but one wishes Kurosawa opted for a more linear narrative and just slightly more coherent ending. The end, by the way, brings this film very close to the category of ’bleak futuristic/apocalyptic’ horrors, to be dealt in detail in part 4. of this series.
Dir: Hideo Nakata
KFCC Review: Click Here!
Another single mother in Nakata’s oeuvre, this time with a small daughter, rents a dilapidated apartment in an equally gothic building. The growing stain on the ceiling is only the beginning of much greater problems of supernatural origin.
Heavy on atmosphere and drama, low on rhythm and ambition, Nakata’s follow-up to RING does not even attempt to top it in any regard. Instead, the whole ghost story is used as a kind of background for a not-too-exciting drama about mother-daughter relationship. With only a few characters confined to a single setting DARK WATER may be too small to merit a feature running time, and some viewers may feel the running time stretched a bit. If you do not expect another masterpiece there is a lot to enjoy in the visuals and elaborate soundscape (always reliable Kenji Kawai provides adequately brooding dark ambient score), but the slim story and not too original denouement prevent this from achieving a level of ’classic’ and confine it to a ’slightly above average spook-o-rama’.
Dir: Takashi Shimizu
KFCC Review: Click Here!
A series of vaguely connected people come (one after another) to an unassuming haunted house and are killed by its ghosts. The end. Actually, to be continued.
Shimizu must be the only respectable director who has remade a film of his more than once (I stress ’respectable’ so as to exclude Jesus Franco and the like). Originated as a direct-to-video cheapie, it got a video-sequel (criminally cheating by reprising at least half of the original film’s footage!), a Japanese theatrical remake (which also got a sequel), and then the American remake (plus sequel)! There are good things to be said about both theatrical versions: the Japanese is fresher and colder, the American is more linear and easier to follow. They both provide good scares, undermined only by the fact that there are no developed characters to root for. Too fragmentary for its own good, THE GRUDGE is less than the sum of its parts, more like a cinema equivalent of a carnival ’Ghost house’ ride than a real film with developed story.
Dir: Takashi Miike
Randomly selected teenagers receive deadly messages on their cell phones, with their own last words/cries sent from three days in the future. Can you fight destiny? Even more importantly, can you afford to throw away your cell phone?
Unashamedly derivative, Miike’s film is still delightfully quirky to provide interest and a lot of pleasure from more-than competently executed scenes of cell-phone terror. It is organized around set-pieces – who could forget the train suicide or death in front of TV studio’s cameras? – while the story and characters are weak and secondary. The resolution of the mystery is convoluted (and ultimately redundant) while the final showdown goes so over the top it verges on the ridiculous. Never boring, but also rarely more than vaguely intriguing, ONE MISSED CALL is a well-made scare-fest which proves that Miike can function equally well within the mainstream production as he does outside of it.
BOX, 2004
Dir: Takashi Miike
KFCC Review: Click Here!
A female novelist suffers from memories/nightmares having to do with her past, or at least a version of it. She is tormented by dreams/visions of two little sisters, carnival performers: in the fight over father’s affection one of the girls is killed. The remaining one keeps dreaming of being buried alive...
Miike’s segment in the Asian horror anthology THREE EXTREMES is (surprisingly! but aren’t surprises his trade mark?) the least extreme of the three. Rather restrained for his standards, it is a deliberate surreal mystery whose playing with reality may be confounding for some viewers, but the visual and atmospheric mastery in some scenes is the closest that any Japanese director has come to the beauty of KWAIDAN.

From the Three Gorges 700 miles, both banks Lianshan, slightly does not have error place; The peaks on top of peaks, the overcast day blocks out the sun, from the non-noon midnight, does not see the sunlight month. as for Xia Shuixiang the mausoleum, follows the current blocks, or the imperial edict proclaims anxiously, sometimes toward blanch emperor, the evening arrives at Jiangling, during thousand two hundred miles, although while rushes to the imperial wind, not by illness. spring when winter, then the element rapids green deep pool, returns to the clear inverted image. (Mountain offers) certainly lives cheng the cypress, the waterfall waterfall, during flies rinses. Clear Rong Junmao, a great deal interest. to the clear first frost day, Lin Hanjian austere, common Gao Yuan cries loud and long, is every time makes chillily different, spatial Gu Chuanxiang, the sorrow to transfer for a long time certainly. Therefore the fishing song said: “the Badong Three Gorges Wu Gorge is long, the ape calls three tears to moisten the clothes!” in Three Gorges’ 700 miles boundary, river current both banks is the mountain continuously, also does not have including gap’s place; The layered cliff, the cliff layer upon layer, camouflages the skylight date shade, if is not the high noon, cannot see the sun, if is not the midnight, cannot see the moon. has inundated to the summer river water climbs mountains mausoleum time, downward and the upward route is blocked. Sometimes emperor has the command to transmit rapidly, travels by boat on the morning from the Baidicheng embarks, evening then arrives at Jiangling, this middle is separated by more than 1200 miles, within first, even if is rides the fast horse to harness gets windy, also not such quick. in Three Gorges, when spring, winter two season time, that snow white jet stream, the deep green deep pool water, is hitting the clear wave which revolves, produces an inverted image in water Shan Ying, is very magnificent. On river bank side high mountain peak, steadily many grotesque mourning cypresses. Also has the waterfall waterfall, hangs down down from the high cliff, flies the class to flush swings between the cliff. River water clear, trees dark green strongly fragrant, the appearance of the mountain is precipitous, all the various grassy plants are lush, is really the appeal infinite. but after the rain the first clear or the autumn frost beginning fall morning, in Three Gorges maybe picture. The woods and the mountain stream appear a piece cool and silent, climbs up Gao Ya the apes and monkeys in long to call loudly frequently, the sound continuously, is really miserable, the empty mountain valley hears the echo, sorrowful persuasive, very long very long does not vanish. Therefore in the local fishing person’s song sings: “the Badong Three Gorges Wu Gorge is long, the ape calls three tears to moisten the clothes!”

le voyage dans la lune
歌手: Air
专辑标签:欧美流行流行电子Pop Electronic
le voyage dans la lune简介:Le Voyage Dans La Lune (A Trip To The Moon) is an upcoming album by the French band Air. Announced by EMI Music on December 7, 2011, the album is scheduled to be released in 2012.
According to a press release, the album takes its inspiration from the classic 1902 silent film Le Voyage Dans La Lune (A Trip To The Moon) by Georges Méliès. A fully restored version of the film is currently playing at film festivals world-wide. Air composed an original score for this new film version of the film. A free 3-minute film excerpt featuring the song Sonic Armada was made available for one week in early December 2011 in conjunction with a pre-order offer. The digital version of the album along with the newly restored and colorized 16-minute film will be released as a strictly limited edition.
love 2
歌手: Air
love 2简介:据国外音乐媒体报道,法国著名电音组合Air将于今年10月6日发行他们的第五张录音室专辑《Love 2》。
据了解,这张《Love 2》是Air乐队在他们位于巴黎的新录音室Atlas Studio录制的第一张唱片。在此之前,Air曾与电台司令(Radiohead)和保罗-麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)的制作人尼杰尔-哥德里希(Nigel Godrich)以及Beck、Supergrass的制作人托尼-霍夫尔(Tony Hoffer)合作过,然而,这张《Love 2》却是他们第一次从创作、录音到制作过程一肩挑。
在《Love 2》正式发行之前,两支单曲将率先上市。7月7日,专辑的开场曲目《Do The Joy》将以数字形式开始销售,而在8月25日,专辑中另一首《Sing Sang Sung》也将与广大乐迷见面。
据Nielson SoundScan统计,Air 1998年发行的处子专辑《Moon Safari》迄今为止在全美共售出了36万4千张,Air前四张正式专辑的总销量共计达到了73万3千张。而在2000年,他们还为电影《The Virgin Suicides》(《处女自杀》)创作了原声音乐,那张原声大碟如今的销量也有近16万张。这些年来,Air从早期的《Moon Safari》之后一直在吸收和融入一些新鲜的元素。
在这张《Love 2》中,乐迷们可以期待听到一些风格更为广泛的声音和不同的编配。其中的《Love》和《Tropical Disease》更具jazzy groove曲风,而纯演奏曲目《Be A Bee》和《Eat My Beat》则更具一种温暖的质感。对于Air来说,每张专辑中也都会有个别法国式的流行曲目,这张专辑中的《Heaven’s Light》、《Sing Sang Sung》和《You Can Tell It To Everybody》就继承了这一“传统”。
pocket symphony
歌手: Air
pocket symphony简介:by Heather Phares
Ever since Moon Safari was hailed as an instant classic, Air have swung back and forth between the experimental and accessible sides that Nicolas Godin and Jean-Beno?t Dunckel united so perfectly on their debut. 10,000 Hz Legend might have been too grandiose and aggressively experimental for some Air fans, but Talkie Walkie sometimes felt as if the duo was presenting the most widely palatable version of their music possible. On Pocket Symphony, Dunckel and Godin find a balance between pretty and inventive that they haven’t struck since, well, Moon Safari, even though it isn’t nearly as immediate -- even by Air’s standards, this is an extremely introspective and atmospheric album. It’s beyond clichéd to call the duo’s music filmic; nevertheless, Space Maker and Night Sight play like the album’s opening titles and ending credits, bracketing a set of songs that are sadder and wiser than anything Air has done since The Virgin Suicides (particularly Lost Message, which could have easily appeared on that soundtrack). Made around the same time Dunckel and Godin were working with Jarvis Cocker and Neil Hannon (who also appear here) on Charlotte Gainsbourg’s 5:55 and Dunckel was recording his solo project Darkel, Pocket Symphony could be seen as part of a loose trilogy; if so, it’s more in line with 5:55’s moody romanticism than Darkel’s hyper-pop (where, apparently, any lighter-hearted tracks along the lines of Talkie Walkie’s Alpha Beta Gaga or Surfing on a Rocket ended up).
surfing on a rocket(ep)
歌手: Air
surfing on a rocket(ep)简介:Exclusive U.S. only release featuring a previously unreleased studio track! Two of the most dancefloor friendly tracks on Air’s massively acclaimed album Talkie Walkie get several amazing new interpretations on this 7-track E.P. release. For Surfing On A Rocket, the Israeli team NoMo Heroes have produced a sublime downtempo version with an intoxicating Middle Eastern refrain, while DFA Records artist The Juan MacLean transforms the track into a deep cosmic funk jam. For Alpha Beta Gaga, Air recruited celebrated DJ Mark Ronson to craft tough hip-hop beats around the tune’s catchy whistled melody, one an instrumental mix and the other a vocal mix featuring MC Rhymefest. As an additional treat for Air fans and completists, this E.P. also features a previously unreleased Air original, the super-chill Easy Going Woman featuring vocals by Thomas Mars of Phoenix.
talkie walkie
歌手: Air
talkie walkie简介:by John Bush
Artistic development doesn’t always improve an artist’s work, as the members of Air discovered when their second album, 2001’s 10,000 Hz Legend, disappointed fans and critics expecting another pop masterpiece to rank with their debut, Moon Safari. 10,000 Hz Legend buried the duo’s clear melodic sense underneath an avalanche of rigid performances, claustrophobic productions, and a restless experimentalism that rarely allowed listeners to enjoy what they were hearing. Gone was the freshness evident on Moon Safari: the alien made familiar, the concept that electronic dance could be turned into a user-friendly medium, the illustration of simplicity and space as assets, not liabilities. Fortunately, Air learned from their mistakes -- or, at least, their limitations -- leading up to the recording of third album Talkie Walkie, and the happy result is a solid middle ground between both of their previous records. The features are kept to a minimum and the tracks are constructed to sound no more complex than they need to be, even though Air risk the assumption that Talkie Walkie is a simple album. While there’s nothing present to compete with the plodding glory of Sexy Boy, Talkie Walkie ultimately succeeds because of Dunckel and Godin’s renewed contentment to produce the tracks they do better than any other -- ones with a surface prettiness but no great depth. (It’s no mystery why they’ve been tapped for several scores.) Ironically, the one track here that shrugs off the simplicity of electronic pop is a track first heard in a film, Alone in Kyoto, an impressionistic string piece originally composed for the Sofia Coppola film Lost in Translation.
everybody hertz
歌手: Air
everybody hertz简介:After dazzling all and sundry with their lusciously sublime 1997 debut Moon Safari, Air promptly confused a good portion of those listeners with the dark and dense follow-up, 10,000 Hz. Legend. But it was inevitable; either they returned with Moon Safari Pt. II, which probably would’ve far outsold 10,000 Hz. Legend but also burdened them with the tag of redundant. Instead, they took the Radiohead route and pleased the critics, a move that’ll more than likely benefit their career in the long run.
Now to further cloud the waters, Air are releasing this remixed take on 10,000 Hz. Legend, which sees a laundry list of the underground’s most lauded sonic re-interpreters to create hi-tech takes on three of that album’s songs: Don’t Be Light, How Does it Make You Feel? and People in the City.
Daft Punkster Thomas Banglater turns Don’t Be Light into quite the grandiose ’70s prog-rock mini-epic, complete with a fuzzed-out guitar solo worthy of Hawkwind. Mr. Oizo goes the minimal electro route on the same tune while The Neptunes find a catchy hook in their inimitable, funky pop style and run with it. The Hacker just turns on the classic New Order preset and churns out something that could be called Blue Wednesday Afternoon.People in the City is transformed into an earnest lounge ballad courtesy of Modjo, How Does it Make You Feel? takes a trip into deep dub environs via Adrian Sherwood and it all ends on a mellow new track, The Way You Look Tonight. For the completists. --From URB Magazine
10000 hz. legend
歌手: Air
10000 hz. legend简介:Previously Air′s Jean-Benoit Dunckel and Nicolas Godin made softcore collages of Pink Floyd-ish synth tones and droning French lounge pop. 10,000 Hz Legend goes further out, attaining new heights of cheesy, Space Odyssey-like computer music. Like Kraftwerk skinny-dipping with French nymphet Jane Birkin and Star Wars′s R2D2, Legend swells with mad robo-love, following a computer romance amid droll tributes to vacant pop culture. Beck′s appearance on The Vagabond proves the Loser only works well solo, making Air disappear on their own album. The absurd Radio #1 and the sappy chorus in How Does It Make You Feel? could snuggle beside Celine Dion′s latest yawner. But there is magic: Radian is a Cluster-like orb of cooing flutes, gentle rhythms, and a ghostly vocal. Electric Performers offers clunky electronic beats and the lines We are the synchronizers / Machines give me some freedom. The catchy People in the City sounds like Mirwais producing Serge Gainsbourg, while Don′t Be Light recalls electro Krautrockers Neu! Feeding us Moog merengue and Reese′s Pieces rhythms, Air remain sweet computer boys to the core.
the virgin suicides(处女之死)
歌手: Air
the virgin suicides(处女之死)简介:《迷失东京》是索菲亚·科波拉执导的第二部剧情长片,1999年她执导了自己的导演处女作《处女之死》(The Virgin Suicides),这部颇受专业人士好评的电影讲述了70年代密切根州,一对天主教夫妇因小女儿茜茜莉亚自杀而改变。左邻右里都对她自杀原因诸多揣测,住在他们附近的4名男孩,开始注意她的4位姐姐的一举一动……影片以青春期少女的深邃忧伤震惊了世界,之前她只拍摄过一部14分钟的短片“Lick the Star”。索菲亚,身为科波拉的女儿,从婴儿时代起就接触了电影的熏陶,从《处女之死》到《迷失东京》的飞跃,更使我们不得不惊叹她的敏锐洞察力和过人才华,期待她更多更好的影片…… 电影原声大碟《The Virgin Suicides》同样为人们所称赞,音乐有些忧郁、压抑 ,专辑内共有13首纯乐器演奏作品 ,除了第一首歌(Playground Love)由Air新成员(Gordon Traxx)演唱之外,其余全部为《处女之死》(The Virgin Suicides)的电影配乐及由此启发而写的歌曲。如果说Air“空气”乐队的上一张专辑充满了70年代摇滚感受,这张唱片的定位则转到玩花样,玩幽暗,玩气氛,真可谓别有新风味!鉴于剧情比较沉重压抑,Air“空气”小组基本上还是偏离他们擅长的轻松跳跃的谱曲手法,更多是营造那种低迷又有些忧郁的氛围以求和故事所要体现的人物和事件更为吻合,因此本张专辑还是呈现了较多迷幻电子乐色彩,对于很多“空气”小组的追随者而验,确实是个发现。虽然受电影的局限,许多音乐没有带上乐队的明显标签,但是从(Highschool Lover)、(BathroomGirl)中还是能够体会到“空气”的特征。
premiers symptomes
歌手: Air
专辑标签:驰放Chillout流行电子Pop Electronic氛围Ambient
premiers symptomes简介:Air’s European-label five-song EP, Premiers Symptomes, may have been a collection of early singles, but when it first came out in 1997 it felt all of a piece. Deploying an array of vintage mid-century instruments (Fender Rhodes, Minimoog, Clavinet), as well as a tuba, Nicolas Godin and Jean-Benoit Dunckel created a cloistered, lulling sound world that was entirely their own (although, think The Percy Faith Orchestra Covers Brian Eno’s Music for Airports and you get the basic idea). By contrast, the recent rerelease of Premiers, with two bonus tracks, sounds like exactly what it is: a collection of early singles. It’s not that newcomers Californie and Brakes On are unworthy, just that their overt funk shatters the tranquil atmosphere this French duo so painstakingly establish elsewhere. Most electronica fans are usually more than happy to bump ’n’ grind, but when they’re in the mood to play Premiers Symptomes, all they want--all they need--is the Air that they breathe. --Jeff Salamon
kelly watch the stars(cd-single)
歌手: Air
kelly watch the stars(cd-single)简介:来自法国的电子梦幻流行乐的双人乐队Air的专辑《Moon Safari》的第二张单曲。The second single from the French duo’s smash album ’Moon Safari’. Includes Beck’s Sexy Kino Mix of the hit ’SexyBoy’, plus ’Remember’ (D. Whitaker Version) and two versionsof ’Kelly Watch The Stars’ (Edit & Album Version). Slimlinejewel case. 专辑曲目:1. Kelly Watch the Stars
moon safari
歌手: Air
moon safari简介:他们是一支流行电子乐队,乐风抒情悦耳。2001年的专辑《10千赫传奇》(10000HzLegend)将Air愈发成熟、具有惊人的深度和美感的音乐才华展现无遗。其中既有轻快的曲调,又有阴暗沉郁的声响
by Stephen Thomas Erlewine
A cavalcade of analog synthesizers, organs, electric pianos, and processed voices populate Moon Safari, a thoroughly appealing, otherworldly debut album from Air. Where most of their dance contemporaries push the boundaries of trip-hop or jungle, Air blends Euro-dance with new wave. Any futuristic element on their album feels strangely outdated, since they’re borrowed from the early ’80s, which gives their music an odd, out-of-time feeling. The waves of gurgling synths beneath the spacious, colorful chords and melodies give the impression that the music is floating in space. For all the atmospherics and layers of synths, there’s a distinct pop sense to Moon Safari that makes it accessible and damn near irresistible.
the virgin suicides ost
歌手: Air
专辑标签:舞曲流行Dance Pop
the virgin suicides ost简介:Air′s debut, Moon Safari, solidified the French duo′s position among fickle electronica music fans and earned them critical accolades throughout the press. Yet one of their most important fans turned out to be Sofia Coppola (daughter of Francis Ford), who, inspired by their moody ambiance, asked them to write the soundtrack for her directorial debut. The Virgin Suicides--adapted from the novel by Jeffrey Eugenides about the Lisbon sisters and their quest for answers in a turbulent American adolescence--includes stars such as Kirsten Dunst and Kathleen Turner, and Air make a deeply impressionistic subliminal appearance as well. Gordon Tracks sings the lush and romantic Playground Love; the rest is a throbbing score of somber synths and thick washes of modest psychedelic touches that recall the tranquil buzz that comes from too much staring at the lava lamp. The only complaint is that this 13-track album is only 40 minutes long; some of the cuts should have been longer. The meditative quality practically demands it.

When I get Xianyan Rocket the second time, I’m Surprising about the green of Meiyu Tan .
Meiyu Tan is a Falls Tan .There are three falls in the Xianyan Rocket, the lowest is Meiyu Tan .To the hillside, they heard the voice of Huahua Huahua; Lift up our heads and embed in the black edge of the two posts, the water will be white and bright eyes are on. We first Meiyuting. Meiyuting is opposite road Falls; Sit Tingbian without head, we can see that it all.
Pavilion is the season of deep Tan. This prominent corner booths squat in the rock, and down the country Kongkonger; As a season of the wings floating in the Sky Show general. 3 noodles are Hill, as part of abuse holding half; Person in the bottom of the well. This is a thin Yin autumn weather.
Faint clouds in the flow of our top; Yan face and bushes, underscored the culture a bit oily material from the greenery the campus offers. And the ring for Falls seemed exceptionally. Falls from above the salt, as was the size of several Checheng skein; Ceased to be a neat and smooth the cloth. Yan has many edges and corners; Baoliu read, a dramatic impact, as it flyings Suiyu chaos of the raid. That splash of the water, glistening and many Miscanthus sinensis; Yuan Wang to, as a small film scenes, have charged into the light rain. It is said that Tan was 得名 season. But I think as nations, particularly the exact more. Race again, little waft with the wind, it is idle. -- Then there are occasionally a few into our warm embrace, then drilled into the province, no longer find it.
Tan makes a glittering green plum us; We began chasing catching her hairs of conversions. Jiuzhe grass, sharp rocks, mine was to carefully and bow Guo Qiong a stone door, then to bark one of the soldiers Pitt. Falls in between overlapping part of Chinese gown sleeves; But my heart has not Falls.
My heart lies with the Green and sway. That lush green ... as if a great deal of lotus leaf cells, full of strange green .... I think she opened her arm around; But this is how one attempt with? -- from riverbanks, hope there face, even though some far! . This sheet is, a thick green plot, indeed lovely. She comes to the crease knot, the Qunfu a tail like young women; She lightly tampered with, as the first love of the virgin’s heart beating; She’d of the bright, as Tu “that oil“ generally, as soft-egg, so tender, it had always been with the most tender skin; She did not abuse dust -- more complex, rather a piece of moist jasper, only the same color green -- but you have fail her! I have seen in the Beijing Shichahai brush away Luk Yeung, miss the large yellow can not, it seems enhanced. I have seen junior high and steep and deep Hangzhou Hupao Monastery Federated “green wall“ of endless piece and green overlap, then it seems that too. The remaining part, the wave is too difficult West Lake, the Qinhuai River and grew. Lovely, and I will draw you to what? I can draw from? Tan is about deep, and it could be so strange week of the Green; Just days into a piece of the blue line inside, so the only Xianrun .... -- that lush green! I think that if you take this, I will grant it the lithe dancers; She will Linfeng floating cited. I think that if you give up on, I will grant that the good songs blind sister; She will Mingmou good stare. I hate you; How you are willing I? I Yongshoupai with you, with your stroke, as a dry-year-old girl. I also fish out your entrance is Wenzhao her. I send you a name, I then told you “daughter Green“ good?
When I get Xianyan Rocket the second time, I’m Surprising about the green of Meiyu Ta

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: A lion and his friends rule the zoo at night, after all the people have gone home. When one of their own ends up missing, the animals escape from the zoo, travel around the urban jungle, and then wind up on a jungle island where they have to adapt to the…
Heard it before? Yet despite its extreme similarities to Madagascar, Walt Disney Studios’ The Wild is a very different picture. Sure the storyline may be very close, at least until the animals get on the island (which, granted, is the bulk of the film) but Disney takes a far different approach to the story that Dreamworks released last year.
The most obvious difference is the visual approach to the movie. While Madagascar went with a heavily stylized, cartoonish feel, Disney takes a more realistic approach to its film. The result is stunning at times, with lush jungles and furry animals that look almost lifelike. The CGI animation is quite impressive most of the time, with one downfall. Because the animals are made to look so real, they lose some of their expressiveness. The extremely talented vocal abilities of the cast make up for the lost visual, but it is still a loss for the movie.
The second difference is that this is not a buddy picture like its predecessor. The story here centers around a father and son set of lions who can’t seem to communicate properly, leading to the son running off in an attempt to discover his inner roar by traveling to “the wild.” This element takes the story in a very usual Disney direction, focusing on a character (or characters) who are trying to find their place in the world. Because of that, the movie carries elements of Disney’s biggest animated hit, The Lion King. Some people will tell you Disney’s just ripping off as many pictures as they can with this film, but I think the nods to The Lion King are strong points for this film, and an element that really separates it from Madagascar.
The film goes in an interesting direction for the cast, handing roles over to very non-Disney style actors like Kiefer Sutherland, Janeane Garofalo, and most notably, Eddie Izzard. The actors do a marvelous job of bringing very strong characters to life. I had great concerns from the trailers that the movie would try to set Izzard’s koala character up to be that annoying breakout character for the film. The truth is the film sets all of the characters up that way. There isn’t a character here that doesn’t serve a purpose for the story and really get a chance to shine, with unique personalities and performances for all. Besides, where else are you going to get a film with Izzard and William Shatner?
Disney’s The Wild is a fun movie with fun characters, entertaining visuals, and a Disney style-story that most people will be able to relate to. So what if it bears a striking similarity to another picture released in the last year? That shouldn’t keep you from enjoying it, possibly even more than the other film.
Movie studios are notorious for pushing uninspired remakes, movies which borrow heavily from successful films, and sequels made for the sole purpose of turning a quick profit onto unsuspecting audiences. But with The Wild, the filmmakers have just pushed things too far. There’s nothing original here. Hardly a single character, scene or storyline in this unappealing and surprisingly lifeless animated movie is something we haven’t seen done before - and done better. The Wild is more of the same old thing, wrapped in a just barely whisper-thin disguise.
I don’t know who had the idea first – the filmmakers behind Madagascar or The Wild. Frankly I don’t care and neither should audiences. What does matter is that The Wild feels like a warmed over version of Madagascar and that film is recent enough (it was released in May 2005) that it’s still relatively fresh in our minds. Audiences will immediately notice the striking similarities between the two family films and justifiably feel as though they’re watching an alternate cut of Madagascar rather than a film that stands on its own.
A scene from the animated animal movie, The Wild.
? Walt Disney Pictures
Both films feature New York Zoo animals. Both movies have a lion and a giraffe in prominent roles. Madagascar and The Wild also have rebellious penguins and zoo occupants who party once the people leave. The heroes of both films break out of their zoo enclosures and make their way through the streets of New York, although only in The Wild is the Times Square sequence so jarringly full of product placement. The main characters in both films ultimately wind up on a boat the animals commandeer in order to get to the wild. The similarities don’t end once the characters crash into land. In both movies, the New York Zoo creatures are met by dancing animals led by a bizarre ruler. Madagascar and The Wild even try and teach the same basic lessons.
As for the voice cast, I admire Kiefer Sutherland (and I’m addicted to 24) but there’s not enough warmth in his voice as Samson, the father lion forced to travel to the wild to retrieve his young son. Sutherland’s vocal performance is basically a one note affair. He never connects emotionally and that’s absolutely mandatory when bringing an animated character to life.
Sutherland’s not the only member of the voice cast who fails to make much of an impression. Eddie Izzard is a wise-cracking Koala who generates the film’s few laughs. Izzard pushes the comedy toward a PG rating but apparently wasn’t allowed to take the final step. Jim Belushi was just okay as a squirrel in love with a giraffe. And speaking of the giraffe, I had no idea she was voiced by Janeane Garofalo until I read through the credits after watching the movie. Is that a good thing? Not in this case. Garofalo’s biting wit wasn’t included in the character’s personality. Had it been, The Wild may have wound up a little edgier and not the total snorefest it turned out to be.
To sum it up, The Wild is pointless. There are only a couple of good chuckles, the animation is beautiful yet detached, and the plot is Madagascar all over again with a little Finding Nemo sprinkled in for good measure. Even if Madagascar didn’t exist, The Wild wouldn’t be worth the price of a ticket. It’s a movie that, if it absolutely had to be made, should have gone straight to DVD. Rent almost any other recent animated movie, make your own popcorn, and save yourself some money.
Antz” and “A Bug’s Life.” “Deep Impact” and “Armageddon.” It’s been a while since major Hollywood studios have come out with competing films that were alike in concept. Now renewing the feud, Disney releases “The Wild,” a picture so similar to Dreamworks’ “Madagascar” that it’s shocking there hasn’t been a major lawsuit involved.
Like “Madagascar,” “The Wild” begins in New York’s Central Park Zoo. Lion cub Ryan (Greg Cipes), born in the zoo, lives in the shadow of his wild-born father Samson (Kiefer Sutherland). Unable to roar ferociously, Ryan runs away and finds himself inadvertently loaded on a shipment heading to Africa. Feeling responsible, Samson sets out to find his son and bring him home, but not without the help of some oddball friends, including a giraffe, a koala, a snake and a squirrel.
Like most animated features, “The Wild” features some impressive voice talent. Along with Kiefer “Jack Bauer” Sutherland, other actors lending their voices to characters include Janeane Garafalo as Britney the Giraffe, a surprisingly funny James Belushi as Benny the Squirrel, and William Shatner as the evil Wildebeest Kazar. All put in good performances, but Eddie Izzard stands out as the hilarious Koala Nigel, who is inexplicably English and not Australian.
The similarities to “Madagascar” are too abundant to mention, but there are some differences. For one thing, the story has a little more heart. The father/son bonding story in “The Wild” is more akin to “Finding Nemo,” another Disney picture, but made by Pixar. Also, the romantic subplot between odd couple Bridget the Giraffe and Benny the Squirrel is quite humorous.
Although not a Pixar creation, “The Wild” is beautifully animated; especially in its darker moments. The effects are almost too perfect, however. The characters in the film are so lifelike that sometimes their visages lack the ability to convey a suitable amount of emotion, which ultimately hurts one’s ability to properly relate to them. But some of the effects are quite affective, specifically those of the opening dream sequence of the film, which are some of the most inspired in quite a while.
“The Wild” is a slight improvement over “Madagascar” (if only because the characters are a little less annoying), but the film still falls short of being anything other than box office filler. Although the idea of having the prey become predator (wildebeest hunting lions) is an interesting one, the basic story and characters are nothing new, and the action of the film is actually a little tedious. Kids may enjoy this as a DVD rental, however.
The Wild,“ the latest feature cartoon from the Walt Disney Studio, starts out with a few strikes against it, including a story suspiciously similar to last year’s not-so-hot “Madagascar.“ But “The Wild,“ as it turns out, is better than its zoo-escape rival. It has a good director, snazzy visuals and some really funny animals, and that’s at least half the battle.
Directed by visual effects specialist Steve “Spaz“ Williams, “Wild“ is about a group of New York City zoo chums who wind up in the jungles together and find that living there, while sometimes a blast, can be hazardous to their health. For them, a world full of predatory beasts isn’t necessarily preferable to a city full of Yankees fans and occasional muggers.
If that story sounds a lot like “Madagascar,“ it may be because there aren’t that many ideas circulating around Hollywood these days. In any case, “The Wild“ sends its zoo crew, headed by star lion Samson (Kiefer Sutherland), back to the jungle and presents them with an unnerving foe-- a gang of over reaching wildebeests, prodded by their bullying leader Kazar (William Shatner), who wants them all to rise up on the food chain.
“Madagascar,“ with its similar setup, wasn’t a very good movie. If you enjoyed it, it was probably because you dug the all-star vocal cast (Chris Rock as the zebra, Ben Stiller as the lion, David Schwimmer as the giraffe and Jada Pinkett Smith as the sensuous hippo) and the bows to the great minimalist style of Looney Tunes maestros Chuck Jones and Friz Freleng.
“The Wild“ is better, mostly because it has some truly spectacular animation and because the cast is just as likable--even, in some cases, preferable.
Sutherland’s Samson, whom I like as a lion better than Stiller as Alex, is the zoo’s big sports star (in a weird sport called turtle-curling, involving actual turtles) and also the overly boastful dad of teenage cub Ryan (Greg Cipes of “Deadwood“), who has been beguiled by Dad’s tales of the old veld battles and wants to see for himself. So he does, after getting wrongly boxed up for shipment, with his would-be rescuers Samson and his buddies chasing through New York, its alligator-infested sewer system and eventually across the ocean.
If Sutherland’s lion edges Stiller’s (on leonine sincerity alone), I’d say Janeane Garofalo also easily wins the giraffe sweepstakes over Schwimmer’s sad-sack Melman. As the sexy and resourceful Bridget, the unlikely love object of a fast-talking, bossy little squirrel named Benny (Jim Belushi), she’s a giraffe you’d like to spend time with. There’s also a friendly but dopey 21-foot anaconda named Larry (Richard Kind). And the film’s funniest character is Nigel the sarcastic, shaggily British koala voiced--and apparently largely improvised--by Eddie Izzard.
Because Izzard made so much of his stuff up, Nigel has a living, breathing quality, coming across as a mixture of some dithering old British character actor and the acerbic Simon Cowell of “American Idol.“ When Nigel gets adopted as a deity, in a scene reminiscent of Sid’s ascension in “Ice Age: The Meltdown,“ it’s a top-of-the-world-Ma moment, especially played alongside the megalomaniac Kazar (a very ingeniously cast Shatner, whose villainy is as overstated as his heroism).
There are a lot of wisecracks in “The Wild,“ but the script is less vital than the visual virtuosity. Celebrated for his smashing computer effects in “The Abyss“ (the water funnel) and “The Mask“ (that wolf-whistle), Williams here creates backdrops so dense, you can all but feel them pressing in--filled with characters so detailed they look as three-dimensional as the dolls and toys that we know will eventually be made from them. Especially impressive: the 6 million separate hairs computer animators claim to have put into Samson’s wavy mane and coat.




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  As we knowgood health is more important than wealth.Food gives us energyso we must have enough food to keep healthy.

  we should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meatand we also must have right kinds of food.

  A cup of milk a day can help make us healthy as well.

  Different foods help us in different waysif we eat too little or too muchor if we choose the wrong foodwe may become sickso we must have meals three times every day on timetoo.

  It’s necessary for us to have healthy eating habits.






  Early rising benefits us in many ways.


  First, it helps to keep us fit. We all need fresh air. But air is never so fresh as early in the morning. Besides, by taking morning exercises we can improve our health.


  Second, it can help us in our studies. In the morning we can learn more quickly.


  Third, it can enable us to plan our work for the day. We cannot work well without a proper plan. Early rising can also give us enough time to get ready for our work.


  So we say that those who always get up late should make great effort to get up early.


  My name is Li BaoLing . I have a good friend . Her name is Chen ZiQing . I am 13 years old . She is as old as me. I am 155cm tall. She is 150cm tall . She is 5cm shorter than me . I am 36kg . She is 37kg . She is heavier than me .She often does homework with me .We always help each other. I am happy to have a good firend .


  Reading is very important in our life. We can get knowledge throug h reading. It can not only open our minds but also make us more

  intelligent. Besides, reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language like English.

  Textbooks, newspapers, magazines and other kinds of reading mater ials ca n help us k now more about the outside world and help us grow into an excellent person.

  I’m planning to read at le ast 5 books in the coming holiday. And I’ll spend more time reading every day in my seni or high school life. Reading makes a full man! Let’s start reading now.

  The spring festival is coming.My parents buy me some new clothes.Let me show them to you.They are a T-shirt,a jacket,a pair of jeans and a pair of trainers.

  The T-shirt and the jeans are made of cotton.I think it is very comfortable to wear cotton clothes.The trainers are made of leather.The colour of the the T-shirt is white because I like this colour and this colour makes the T-shirt look clean.The jacket is blue and white.Its a little long and big.It looks smart.My jeans arent tight.They are very comfortable to wear.The trainers are blue and white.They match my jacket very much.

  I love my new clothes.How do you like them?




  Smile, how warm the word is! it can make anyone happy. and this happiness is from the bottom of heart.

  It’s not like enthusiastic laughter, but just warm, makes your heart warm.

  Mother’s smile is like a spring wind, so gentle when you are sad, it can make you happy again; when you fail, it can make you stand up and work hard again; when you give up, it can make you try your best again…

  Smile, so easy, but also so useful.

  So, let’s learn to smile. everyone needs others’ smile. when we give others a smile, we will feel happy, too. and maybe next time, when you need a smile, the person who received your smile will give it to you.

  Let’s learn to smile often, i believe it can even make the whole warm. living with a smile, every day will be sunshine.

  We all know a story similar to this: Two Men and a Bear.

  In the forest,when a bear attacked them, the thinner man quickly climbed up to the top of atree and forgot his promise to the fatter guy, who could not climb the tree,about helping each other when in danger. Luckily, the fatter man saved himself.The fatter mat was very disappointed, and when they got together again, he saidto the thinner man, “You are not my real friend. Only a friend in need is afriend indeed“. This is a very familiar story. It illustrates to us what afriend should be like. It is, however, just a story.

  My school life is busy and interesting.

  We usually have four classes in themorning and three in the afternoon. Class begins at eight in the morning and onethirty in the afternoon. We have ten minutes rest between two classes. I oftenhave my lunch at school. After school I have after-school activities. I likeplaying basketball very much so I often play basketball for about an hour withmy friends. In spring and autumn we have sports meeting and sometimes we haveother activities, such as English compation. My school life is so fantastic thatI like it very much.

  The Road to Grow Up

  Before I was five years old, my parents gave me what I wanted, but as I became bigger, they changed their attitude towards me. My parents no longer satisfy me with all I want. When I want to buy a new dress, my mother won’t buy for me directly, she asks me to do something to exchange for it. Such as doing the housework or making progress in the study. What’s more, when I meet the difficulties, my parents won’t solve them for me immediately, instead, they will leave me to think about them and help me to solve them. What my parents do to me is right, it is my road to grow up.

  Mid-autumn Festival Plan

  Tomorrow is Mid-autumn festival, since I don’t have go to school, so I want to take a break and have fun. Mid-autumn festival is a big day, in the tradition, the families will get together and have a big dinner. For me, I have made some plans. In the morning, I will go shopping with my sister, we will buy some delicious food, so as to prepare for the dinner. In the evening, after finishing the supper, I want to play some games with my family, since it is the precious moment for us get together, we must enjoy the moment. At last, we will watch the TV show, what a wonder night.

  About David Beckham

  David Beckham is the only football player I can recognize. It is said that he is famous for his great skills of playing soccer and also his handsome outlook. I first know him from my big brother who is a crazy fan. In his bedroom one of wall is covered with Beckham’s pictures. And my deskmate is a crazy fan of Beckham but she pay more attention to the gossip and news about this famous football player. Considering these people, who like David, around me, so it is too hard to know him.

  Water is very important to humans. We can’t live without water. The water suitable for drinking is becoming less and less. But some people don’t seem to care about this. They waste a lot

  of water. They pour dirty water into rivers and pollute them. They throw rubbish into them,too. Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. We must do something to stop the pollution. We must protect the water as well as find ways to reuse it. If we don’t ,the last drop of water will be a teardrop.

  I really like the sea. Seeing it makes me relaxed and peaceful. My home is near the see and I love walking on the beach. Often, after dinner, I like going to the beach with my parents or friends. After sunset, the sea becomes so different from daytime.

  The see breeze makes me comfortable. Walking without shoes feels great, because the sand is so soft. Sometimes, we will play games on the beach or make some sand sculptures. It’s really funny. Besides, there are many people on the beach, and we often talk to them or play with them. Therefore, it’s a good chance to make new friends there.

  It’s going to be Spring Festival next week.Next Monday I am going to my cousin’s house. He lives in a village. I am going by ship.

  Next Tuesday I am going to have a picnic. Next Wednesday I am going to go shopping in Nanhai Plaza and to have K.F.C. Next Thursday I am going to Jihuayuan to fly kites. In the evening I am going to clean my room. Next Friday I am going to visit my uncle’s family and my grandpa. Next Saturday I am going to play football at school.

  Next Sunday I am going to hot spring in Kaiping.I am going to be very happy.

  Good afternoon,everyone! Today, I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Gu Zi Ya.I am tall and slim.At school ,my teacher usually says i am tall and slim.I also have a long hair .It is black and shiny.I have a pair of big eyes. .I have a small red mouth.So my mother often says i am beautiful. I like listening to music .Usually i listen to music in radio. Why do i like listening to music?Because music can make me happy. I like English too . I think English is very interesting. I am friendly.I have many friends. This is me!

  In my house, I have my room, my room is my private place, I don’t have to listen to my parents’ babbling.

  I like to stay at my room when I finish my dinner, I will stay silent and think about the question without other people’s interfere.

  My room can keep me safe and leave me the space to think.

  I love my room, I want to decorate it someday, making it more comfortable.





  Thursday, August 10, Fine

  Today I went swimming with a friend of mine. The weather was fine this morning and a large number of people were enjoying themselves on the seashore. Some were playing others were

  looking for seashells here and there. Many boys and girls were also learning to swim in the sea.

  I was a little afraid at first, but my friend encouraged me and taught me. Little by little, I could swim a short distance. It was great fun to be able to float in the water.

  Tired from swimming we lay down on the seashore, bathing in the sun. We returned home tired but happy.

  I like to study in the library.

  Every Sunday morning, I get up at five in order to find a seat in the library. I like the quiet atmosphere in the library, which makes me deeply absorbed in my study. Besides, there are reference books in the library which provide ready guidance to help me solve my problems. At home people come and go–some talking, others working. Inevitably, there are often noises around the house which make me nervous and unable to concentrate on my study. For the reasons mentioned above, I like to study in the library.

Helen helped her parents place picnic mats
Helen helps her parents set the picnic mat

“SUEDE”乐队组建于1989年的英国伦敦。主唱Brett Anderson成长于海沃德的苏塞克斯小镇,在那里他经历了压抑混乱的少年时期。80年代末,他来到伦敦,决定与老朋友、贝司手Mat Osman组建一支乐队。他们通过《新音乐快讯》的广告,招募到了吉他手Bernard Butler、鼓手Simon Gilbert。1992年,推出了单曲“The Drowners”,同年9月又推出了单曲“Metal Mickey”。1993年第3首单曲“Animal Nitrate”推出。同名专辑《SUEDE》于当年5月问世。并最终赢得了93年的Mercury音乐奖。专辑推出后乐队进行了英国巡演。94年2月,单曲“Stay Together”推出。《Dog Man Star》于10月问世,在录制《Dog Man Star》这张专辑的时候,Bernard Butler离开乐队,另组“McAlmont & Butler”代替他的是17岁的吉他手Richard Oakes。1996年,乐队加入了键盘手Neil Codling。96年9月,乐队的第3张专辑《Coming up》出版。99年,发表他们的第4张专辑《Head music》。2002年9月,发行第5张专辑《A New Morning》。
主唱:Brett Anderson
抽的烟的牌子:benson & hedges
宠物猫的名字:fluffington 和sphinx
他所拥有的第一张单曲:wuthering heights - Kate Bush
第一张专辑:nevermind the bollocks - Sex Pistols
最喜欢的无酒精饮料:earl gray tea
含酒精饮料:wine (cabernet sauvignon red)
最喜欢的一句话:“pale blinds drawn on day/nothing to do, nothing to say”-David Bowie
最喜欢的一句insult:Piss up a rope
最喜欢的足球队:ipswich town
所有suede团员最喜欢的电影:1996年发行的Toy Story
Brett在看“Romeo and Juliet”(是李奥那多主演的那一部)时哭了
在Dog Man Star中最喜欢的歌:The Wild Ones;Coming Up:Picnic by The Motorway;Head Music:Savoir Faire
最喜欢哪一个笑话:Sorry, no sense of humor
最喜欢的辣妹(Spice Girls)成员:They’re all shit.
一般大众对你最常见的误解是?I’m a talentless dwarf.
Brett最希望是他所写的歌是:Across The Universe (Beatles)
Brett希望他从未写过的歌曲是:Stay Together
suede的主唱、词曲创作者以及首领。本名Brett Lewis Anderson,1967年September 29th出生于Haywards Heath—一个介于London及Brighton间的小镇,Brett曾经形容它是:一个暗藏着暴力的可怕地方。—他曾像其它孩子一样加入帮派,不过后来退出了。他的父亲是位出租车司机,而母亲则是一位不成功的艺术家;多年后死于癌症。Brett从未学开车,因为他害怕将来和他父亲一样当出租车司机。Brett有一个姊姊,Blandina,“她很漂亮,和我一点也不像。”Brett说道。他姊姊在16岁时就搬出去住了。1986年,Brett和Mat搬到伦敦去,Mat就读于LSE(London School of Economics)而Brett则在Manchester的大学学习城镇与国家设计(Town&CountryPlanning),两个月后退学。Brett留在Manchester以担任DJ维生,“那是一间很破的小pub,时常会有人打断我,并且要求点Spandau Ballet的‘True’,我拒绝了!这时就会有一堆酒瓶砸向我。” 接下来那一年,他搬到伦敦,就读于Bartlett School,part of University College,学习城镇与国家设计(Town&Country Planning),Brett 在数学、物理、化学三个C他就是在这里遇到Justine Firschmann。Justine 的父亲是一名建筑师及营造师,曾经建造了Centre Point, 一栋座落在London中央的摩天大楼。Justine曾有一段时间是suede的吉他手,目前是Elastica的主唱。现在,Brett和她的女朋友Samantha(Sam)住在Ladbrok Grove in Highgate ,London。Brett曾写了一首歌曲Sam给他的女朋友;收在‘Beautiful One’这支单曲的B-side中。Brett写了suede的大部分的歌曲,他最喜欢由‘S’开头的字,例如‘Sam’‘ Sadie’ ‘She’sexual and savage. Brett在舞台上表演时,很喜欢旋转麦克风线,据说Richard曾经因此被麦克风打到送去医院。平常会听Sheryl Crow 和 REM的歌,且是early springsteen, Kate Bush, and Prince的歌迷,有时候还会听听Snoopy Doggy Dog的歌。他是一个素食者,不过对香菇是过敏的。Blur曾经写了一首歌曲“Charmless Man”来形容Brett,对于Brett,Damon Albern(blur)说道:“我讨厌毒品,而我知道Brett Anderson有在使用heroin。”Brett在压力之下戒掉了,并宣称他对针有恐惧。在1999年3月于Norwegian TV的一个电视访问中,Brett说道:“毒品是有害的,我再也不使用他们了。毒品是给失败者的,我承认我曾经嗑过药,但是现在都过去了。”

bamboo and cane furniture 竹藤家具
bamboo and rattan products 竹藤制品
bamboo and wood products 竹木制品
bamboo back-scratcher 竹抓痒耙
bamboo basket with double ears 双耳竹篮
bamboo basket 竹篮
bamboo basketwork 竹篮编织品
bamboo bean 竹豆
bamboo bed mat 竹床席
bamboo bed 竹床
bamboo bird cage 竹鸟笼
bamboo blind cord 编结竹帘的棉线
bamboo board 竹板
bamboo bookshelf 竹书架
bamboo box 竹箱
bamboo broom 竹扫帚
bamboo brush 竹刷
bamboo cage 竹笼
bamboo cane 茅竹
bamboo carving 竹刻
bamboo chair 竹椅
bamboo chipper 削竹机
bamboo chopstick 竹筷子
bamboo cocktail 竹叶青鸡尾酒
bamboo comb 竹篦
bamboo crate 箩筐
bamboo curtain picture 竹帘画
bamboo curtain rod 竹帐杆
bamboo curtain 竹帘
bamboo cutter 切竹机
bamboo dinner basket 竹餐具筐
bamboo dinner service 竹餐具
bamboo fan 竹扇
bamboo fibre 竹纤维
bamboo figurine 竹雕像
bamboo filament 竹丝
bamboo fish basket 竹鱼篓
bamboo fishing pole 钓鱼竹杆
bamboo float 竹浮子
bamboo flower basket 竹花篮
bamboo flower pot 花竹篮
bamboo folding fan 竹骨折扇
bamboo fruit basket 竹果筐
bamboo furniture 竹家具
bamboo handbag 竹制手提包
bamboo handle 竹柄
bamboo hat for ladies 女装竹帽
bamboo hat 竹帽
bamboo hexagonal basket 六方竹篓
bamboo juice 竹汁
bamboo ladder 竹梯
bamboo lampshade 竹灯罩
bamboo leaf green liquor 竹叶青酒
bamboo leaf rake 竹制草耙
bamboo leaf 竹叶
bamboo letter holder 竹信插
bamboo mat 竹席
bamboo mirror frame 竹镜框
bamboo needle 竹针
bamboo or wooden pencil box 竹木铅笔盒
bamboo or wooden pencil sharpener 竹木卷笔刀
bamboo painting scroll 竹帘画
bamboo paper basket 竹纸篓
bamboo paper 竹纸
bamboo partridge 竹鸡
bamboo pen container 竹笔筒
bamboo pen socket 竹笔套
bamboo picnic hamper 野餐食品竹篮
bamboo pillow 竹枕
bamboo plain chopstick 白竹筷子
bamboo plaited articles 竹编制品
bamboo planter 竹花盆
bamboo pole dryer 晾衣竹杆
bamboo pole 竹杆
bamboo products 竹制品
bamboo pulp 竹浆
bamboo raft 竹筏
bamboo rain hat 竹雨帽
bamboo rib 竹骨
bamboo rod 竹杆
bamboo root 竹根
bamboo rule 竹尺
bamboo screen picture 竹帘画
bamboo screen 竹帘
bamboo scroll painting 竹丝画帘
bamboo shade 竹丝卷帘
bamboo shape hat stand with yellow glaze 黄釉竹形帽架
bamboo shaving 竹刨花
bamboo sheath 竹鞘
bamboo shoot cube 竹笋丁
bamboo shoot in oil 油竹笋
bamboo shoot in original juice 原汁鲜笋
bamboo shoot in water 清水竹笋
bamboo shoot slice in water 清水笋片
bamboo shoot slice 竹笋片
bamboo shoot stewed with soy sauce 油闷笋
bamboo shoot tip 竹笋尖
bamboo shoot 竹笋
bamboo shopping basket 竹提篮
bamboo sieve 竹筛
bamboo snack chopstick 竹快餐筷
bamboo sofa cushion 竹沙发垫
bamboo splint 竹条
bamboo split hat 斗笠
bamboo split rake 竹篾耙
bamboo split 竹篾
bamboo steamer 竹蒸笼
bamboo stool 竹凳子
bamboo suitcase 竹提箱
bamboo table 竹桌
bamboo tobacco pipe 竹烟管
bamboo toy 竹玩具
bamboo tray 竹盘
bamboo washing basket 竹洗衣篓
bamboo web 竹网
bamboo white washing brush 竹排笔
bamboo works 竹制品
bamboo woven animal 竹编动物
bamboo woven flower vase 竹编花瓶
bamboo {mahjong} set 竹骨麻将牌
bamboo 竹
bamboo-braided fan 竹编扇
bamboo-root carving 竹根雕
bamboo-strip mat 竹席
bambooware 竹器
Bambusa ventricosa 佛肚竹bamboo and cane furniture 竹藤家具
bamboo and rattan products 竹藤制品
bamboo and wood products 竹木制品
bamboo back-scratcher 竹抓痒耙
bamboo basket with double ears 双耳竹篮
bamboo basket 竹篮
bamboo basketwork 竹篮编织品
bamboo bean 竹豆
bamboo bed mat 竹床席
bamboo bed 竹床
bamboo bird cage 竹鸟笼
bamboo blind cord 编结竹帘的棉线
bamboo board 竹板
bamboo bookshelf 竹书架
bamboo box 竹箱
bamboo broom 竹扫帚
bamboo brush 竹刷
bamboo cage 竹笼
bamboo cane 茅竹
bamboo carving 竹刻
bamboo chair 竹椅
bamboo chipper 削竹机
bamboo chopstick 竹筷子
bamboo cocktail 竹叶青鸡尾酒
bamboo comb 竹篦
bamboo crate 箩筐
bamboo curtain picture 竹帘画
bamboo curtain rod 竹帐杆
bamboo curtain 竹帘
bamboo cutter 切竹机
bamboo dinner basket 竹餐具筐
bamboo dinner service 竹餐具
bamboo fan 竹扇
bamboo fibre 竹纤维
bamboo figurine 竹雕像
bamboo filament 竹丝
bamboo fish basket 竹鱼篓
bamboo fishing pole 钓鱼竹杆
bamboo float 竹浮子
bamboo flower basket 竹花篮
bamboo flower pot 花竹篮
bamboo folding fan 竹骨折扇
bamboo fruit basket 竹果筐
bamboo furniture 竹家具
bamboo handbag 竹制手提包
bamboo handle 竹柄
bamboo hat for ladies 女装竹帽
bamboo hat 竹帽
bamboo hexagonal basket 六方竹篓
bamboo juice 竹汁
bamboo ladder 竹梯
bamboo lampshade 竹灯罩
bamboo leaf green liquor 竹叶青酒
bamboo leaf rake 竹制草耙
bamboo leaf 竹叶
bamboo letter holder 竹信插
bamboo mat 竹席
bamboo mirror frame 竹镜框
bamboo needle 竹针
bamboo or wooden pencil box 竹木铅笔盒
bamboo or wooden pencil sharpener 竹木卷笔刀
bamboo painting scroll 竹帘画
bamboo paper basket 竹纸篓
bamboo paper 竹纸
bamboo partridge 竹鸡
bamboo pen container 竹笔筒
bamboo pen socket 竹笔套
bamboo picnic hamper 野餐食品竹篮
bamboo pillow 竹枕
bamboo plain chopstick 白竹筷子
bamboo plaited articles 竹编制品
bamboo planter 竹花盆
bamboo pole dryer 晾衣竹杆
bamboo pole 竹杆
bamboo products 竹制品
bamboo pulp 竹浆
bamboo raft 竹筏
bamboo rain hat 竹雨帽
bamboo rib 竹骨
bamboo rod 竹杆
bamboo root 竹根
bamboo rule 竹尺
bamboo screen picture 竹帘画
bamboo screen 竹帘
bamboo scroll painting 竹丝画帘
bamboo shade 竹丝卷帘
bamboo shape hat stand with yellow glaze 黄釉竹形帽架
bamboo shaving 竹刨花
bamboo sheath 竹鞘
bamboo shoot cube 竹笋丁
bamboo shoot in oil 油竹笋
bamboo shoot in original juice 原汁鲜笋
bamboo shoot in water 清水竹笋
bamboo shoot slice in water 清水笋片
bamboo shoot slice 竹笋片
bamboo shoot stewed with soy sauce 油闷笋
bamboo shoot tip 竹笋尖
bamboo shoot 竹笋
bamboo shopping basket 竹提篮
bamboo sieve 竹筛
bamboo snack chopstick 竹快餐筷
bamboo sofa cushion 竹沙发垫
bamboo splint 竹条
bamboo split hat 斗笠
bamboo split rake 竹篾耙
bamboo split 竹篾
bamboo steamer 竹蒸笼
bamboo stool 竹凳子
bamboo suitcase 竹提箱
bamboo table 竹桌
bamboo tobacco pipe 竹烟管
bamboo toy 竹玩具
bamboo tray 竹盘
bamboo washing basket 竹洗衣篓
bamboo web 竹网
bamboo white washing brush 竹排笔
bamboo works 竹制品
bamboo woven animal 竹编动物
bamboo woven flower vase 竹编花瓶
bamboo {mahjong} set 竹骨麻将牌
bamboo 竹
bamboo-braided fan 竹编扇
bamboo-root carving 竹根雕
bamboo-strip mat 竹席
bambooware 竹器
Bambusa ventricosa 佛肚竹

去野餐的英语:Have a picnic


一、读音:英?? ? 

二、意思是:n. 野餐;愉快的时间;猪脊肉;vi. 野餐


1、Let’s go for a picnic by the riverside.


2、We had a lot of fun at the picnic on the beach.


初代奥迪TT 经典改装鉴赏

初代奥迪TT 经典改装鉴赏

  • 初代奥迪TT 经典改装鉴赏
  • 奥迪TT车改装小白兔
  • 橙色风暴 619匹姿态与动力兼顾的奥迪TTRS
  • 被“碳纤维”包围的奥迪TT,极为养眼的帅气姿态!
  • 硬核:奥迪TT跑车改装成SUV







在很多人心中,都有着跑车情节,法拉利、兰博基尼这样的超跑更是成了很多人的壁纸,没办法,太贵了,不过相对于那些动辄成百上千万的超级跑车相比,奥迪TT这样一款独特与时尚的外观设计加上不算离谱的价格,成了玩车人士的第一辆跑车,而今天玩车之家一台由HIGH SPEED改装的奥迪TT 改装车。
  作为改装中的热门改装件,轮毂选择了CSB SR10金色轮毂,8寸重量在7.4公斤到7.7公斤之间,超级轻。
  操控上,奥迪TT改正了德国KW V3避震,相比原厂有不俗的支撑力,明显提高过弯的极限性,簧下质量被CSB的当家产品SR10轮圈减去不少,配上AD08性能街胎,走街下场两不误。刹车系统自然也不能耽搁,一套STOPTECH四活塞刹车套件上身,相比原厂刹车更加快、狠、稳。
  这台TT在ECU与进排气部分进行了改装,该车经过untronic stage2程序改装,该程序对应马力是280匹,相对于原厂211匹马力来说,提升还是较为明显的,而重新设定的ECU程序也将改变发动机的输出特性,令缺乏激情的高转速区间的动力输出充盈起来,而硬件部分进排气的同步提升可以更好的发挥这台发动机的潜能。
  KW V3绞牙避震  ¥15500/套(参考价)
  全车哑光蓝色膜  ¥18000/套(参考价)
  CSB SR10轮圈  ¥12500/套(参考价)
  优科豪马AD08R 轮胎  ¥7000/套(参考价)
  美国STOPTECH STR40 四活塞 355刹车  ¥23500/套(参考价)
  untronic stage2 ECU  ¥7500/套(参考价)
  untronic 进气  ¥4800/套(参考价)
  排气系统  ¥31500/套(参考价)










































标签:the   in   is   ing

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