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[本站 帮对比一下长城C30和凯越♂帮对比一下长城C30和凯越帮对比一下长城C30和凯越长安CX30与长城腾翼C30安全性哪个好长城腾翼c30和长城c30是一样的车吗长城c30和腾翼c30区别长城C30和腾翼C30一样吗都行1、C30是长城自主研发的…



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都行 1、C30是长城自主研发的一款三厢紧凑车型,外形简洁匀称,内饰简约舒适,操控简便,性价比较高,适合第一次买车的年轻消费群体,也适合普通家庭使用。生产工艺在自主品牌中处于较高水准,在市场中拥有较高的人气和销量。不足之处:网友反映车型动力不足,内饰粗糙、异响、抖动、漏油、噪音等问题较多,返修率偏高。2、新凯越承袭了别克品牌内涵与设计精髓,在大气优雅的家族化设计中注入更多年轻活力,时尚漂亮的外观受到了众多消费者的喜爱,尤其得到了一批年轻车主的追捧;内饰设计偏于家用,布局合理,用料有所提升,桃木以及镀铬的装饰提升了其档次高,但低配车型的做工工艺明显粗糙;空间舒适够用,后排乘坐空间略显紧凑;老款车型动力及操控表现尚可,新款车型将搭载1.5L DVVT直列四缸发动机,搭配全新一代6速手自一体变速箱和5速手动变速箱,动力操控表现值得期待;网友反映车门异响、倒车雷达异响、发动机噪音大、后视镜抖动等小问题较多。 同价位建议选择合资车型 凯越 保有量大 技术成熟。 不是一个价位,不予比较 我买的就是凯越,这车开着让人省心,C30就没开过了,国产车大件都没什么问题的,就是小毛病多点。 看钱办事吧。不同价位,不好比较。 作为凯越车主, 和C30比, 毫无疑问凯越更好,无论是品牌还是售后,还是车子本身的稳定性和实用性...我是11款的凯越手动档,市区开大概每百公里油耗8L多点...现在13款的新凯越换了发动机后油耗更省..维修很方便,配件市面上最多;保养的话,一般小保养200-300元...推荐楼主选择凯越... C30和凯越不是同一级别的车 具体无法对比 但是看保有量的话两车都是很不错的 市场保有量很大!凯越合资技术较成熟 但是外观有点落后了!~C30也不错 但是内饰塑料件等不是太好! @2019









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咨询记录 · 回答于2021-12-02











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您看看 帮帮我汽车网 吧 上面汽车维修的视频很多 有关于 发动机的很多 另外还有维修企业员工管理 汽车维修技术营销 企业管理服务营销 最新的汽车维修技术都有 还有目前最全的汽车维修手册 和线路图 希望能帮到您

别克车比较皮实 发动机比较老 技术还是成熟 费油 100公里 9个油左右悬挂比较软 舒适度还可以 价钱应在94800左右 各地不同的 希望对你有帮助

北京现代汽车北京现代汽车公司的VIN前3为是LBE (最早的一批车是LNB,很少见,可忽略不计)LBE后面的一位代表车型,但是我们习惯看的是第四位和第五位。XD/PC伊兰特(ELANTRA) 分为1.6L和1.8LSC/EF索纳塔(SONATA)分为2.0L、2.5L和2.7L(2.5和2.7属于绝版,要专门订购)TC/JM途胜(TUCSON) 分为2.0L和2.7LNF御翔(以前是就是叫NF,后来改名为SONATA NF,不过一般还是叫它御翔居多)分为2.4L和2.4LMC雅绅特(ACCENT)分为1.4L和1.6LHD悦动(最近超火爆的车型,由金城武代言,配置和外形以及舒适度相当不错)排量和伊兰特一样,分为1.6L和1.8L其中伊兰特又有很多分支,有06款(路上跑的最多的,出租车就是这样的)、07款(与06款的差别在于中网改成横置,后杠有两个装饰灯 另外还有一些汽车通用的标示,如下CC--发动机排量单位:毫升L(Lengtn)--气缸排列法,代表直列。L4,直列4缸 L--加长 V(6、8、12)-- 即其气缸排列在两侧,成“V”字型,“6、8、12”表示气缸数量,V6表示“6缸V型发动机”,其优点是发动机的布置紧凑,占用空间小。 EFI--电子燃油喷射 VTEC--为一种进气的方式,普通车空气未经此系统处理,其分子排列混乱,会造成其在燃烧室内燃烧得不完全,从而会产生废气过多,机件磨损过快等一系列问题。VTEC系列的作用是将空气处理以后才进入气缸燃烧,可提高马力,降低废气及磨损。是日本本田公司发明的技术。 DIESEL--在许多车的后面及侧面都有此标记,其实际的中文意思为“柴油”,表示该车使用柴油。 Cd:空气阻力系数,简称“风阻”。Cd越小,则表示该车的动力利用效率越高、越省油及车内噪 音越小,车辆行驶的稳定性越好。 324R--表示直列多缸排列发动机2D--二门3D--三门4D--四门5D--五门HB--掀背式W(Wag-On)--旅行车C(Coupe)--双门跑车S(sedan)--四门跑车C(Convertible Coupe)--活顶双门跑车Limousine--超豪华轿车M(Manual)-- 手动变速器A(Automatic)-- 自动变速器A4-- 四速自动变速器FF --发动机前置,前轮驱动FR-- 发动机前置,后轮驱动RR-- 发动机后置,后轮驱动MR --发动机中置,后轮驱动 轮胎字母:195/70HR14--195:表示轮胎宽度,单位是毫米(mm);70:表示扁平比;14:表示车轮直径;HR:速度的代表方法,表示轮胎可承受的最高车速标准。一般HR表示为210km/h;VR:表示为230km/h;SR:表示为80km/h; P--停车档,在车子停放或完全静止时采用;R--倒车档,使用该档时必须将车完全静止才能入档,严禁在运动中由前进档换入倒车档,以防损坏齿轮;N--空档,车辆暂停使用,如等候红、绿灯;D--行车档;2--中速档,在雪地或市区等车速不高的情况下使用;L--低速档,用于爬斜坡或易打滑路面。OD--超速档,用于高速行驶情况。 北京212--第一个“2“表示越野汽车,“1“表示载重1吨,第二个“2“表示第二代产品。 标致505、504--第一位数字“5“代表第五代产品,“0“是一个习惯数字,没有意义,第三位数字“5“或“4“代表底盘型号。 奔驰280--代表装配2.8升发动机 汽车尾部的字母G、GL、GLS含义:G为基本型(Grand入门级)、 GL为豪华型(Grande, Lux)、 GLS为顶级车(Luxury, and Super)。由于国内很少有G,所以很多经销商直接将GL解释为基本型,GLS解释为豪华型。还有的车的尾部为:“SGL“,代表超豪华级;“EFI“代表电子燃油喷射;“T“表示涡轮增压发动机。

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Many years ago, a lot of trees on the mountains behind the village were cut, causing the egrets to fly away to find another place to live. These years, people no longer cut trees. Instead, they have been planting trees to improve the environment. Due to their efforts, the mountains are now covered with trees, the people here has become richer, and the egrets have flown back to their old habitat.
There are four seasons in a years。They are spring,summer,autumn and winter. In the place I live, spring is from February to April, when it’s usually warm and pleasant. Many people go hiking in spring because of the fine weather. Summer is from May to August. It’s very hot in summer, so people like swimming in summer. Autumn is from September to November, when it tends to be cool and it’s time for farmers to harvest. Winter is the coldest season of a year here. Sometimes it even snows in winter. Despite the terrible weather, many children like winter because they can build snowmen and have much fun.
The four seasons are very different, making the world colourful and adding a lot of pleasure to our life.

warm-blooded vertebrate of the class Aves, unique in having feathers, the one major characteristic that distinguishes them from all other animals. Birds have a four-chambered heart (shared with all mammals), forelimbs modified into wings (shared with bats), a calcareous-shelled egg, and keen vision, the major sense they rely on for information about the environment. Their sense of smell is not highly developed, and auditory range is limited. Most birds are diurnal in habit. There are approximately 8,700 living species, and more than 1,000 extinct species have been identified from fossil remains.
General features
Photograph:Ostriches (Struthio camelus); at left is the male
* Ostriches (Struthio camelus); at left is the male
The smallest living bird is generally acknowledged to be the bee hummingbird of Cuba, which is 6.3 centimetres (2.5 inches) long and weighs less than 3 grams (about 0.1 ounce). The largest living bird is the ostrich (see photograph), which may stand 2.5 metres (8 feet) tall and weigh 135 kilograms (300 pounds). Some extinct birds were even larger: the largest of the moas of New Zealand and the elephant birds of Madagascar may have reached over 3 metres (10 feet) in height. Among flying birds, the wandering albatross has the greatest wingspan, up to 3.5 metres (11.5 feet), and the trumpeter swan perhaps the greatest weight, 17 kilograms (38 pounds). A Pleistocene condorlike bird, Teratornis incredibilis, had an estimated wingspan of about 5 metres (16.5 feet) and was by far the largest known flying bird.
The ability to fly has permitted an almost unlimited radiation of birds, so that they are now found virtually everywhere on earth, from occasional stragglers over the polar ice caps to complex communities in tropical forests. In general the number of species found breeding in a given area is directly proportional to the size of the area and the diversity of habitats available. The total number of species is also related to such factors as the position of the area with respect to migration routes and wintering grounds of species that nest outside the area. In the United States, Texas and California have both the largest number of species recorded (545 and 461, respectively, including both resident and migrant species) and the largest number breeding (300 and 286). Seven hundred and seventy-five species, 650 of them breeding, have been recorded from North America north of Mexico. The figures for Europe exclusive of the erstwhile U.S.S.R. are 577 and 420, and the figures for the former Soviet states are 704 and 622. Costa Rica, with an area of only about 51,000 square kilometres (about 20,000 square miles) and a known avifauna of at least 758 species, probably has the most diversified group for its size of any country.
Bird and human relationships
Wild birds and their eggs have been at least incidental sources of food for humans since their origin and still are in most societies. The eggs of some colonial seabirds, such as gulls, terns, and murres, or guillemots, and the young of some shearwaters (muttonbirds) are even now harvested in large quantities. With the development of agrarian human cultures, several species of birds became domesticated. Of these, chickens, ducks, geese, and pigeons, descended from the red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus), mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos), greylag goose (Anser anser), and rock dove (Columba livia), respectively, were taken in early and have been selectively bred into many varieties. After the discovery of the New World, the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), which had already been domesticated by the Indians, and the Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) were brought to Europe and produced several varieties. Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) from Africa were also widely exported and kept not only for food but because they are noisy when alarmed, thus warning of the approach of intruders. Besides being a food source, pigeons have long been bred and trained for carrying messages, and the ability of frigate birds to “home” to their nesting colonies has enabled inhabitants of the South Seas to send messages by these birds.
With the development of modern culture, hunting evolved from a foraging activity to a sport, in which the food value of the game became secondary. Large sums are now spent annually on hunting waterfowl, quail, grouse, pheasants, doves, and other game birds. Sets of rules and conventions have been set up for hunting, and in one elaborate form of hunting, falconry, there is not only a large body of specialized information on keeping and training falcons but also a complex terminology, much of it centuries old.
Feathers have been used for decoration since early times. Their use in the headdresses of American Indians and various peoples of New Guinea is well known. Feather robes were made by Polynesians and Eskimos; down quilts, mattresses, and pillows are part of traditional European folk culture. Large feathers have often been used in fans, thereby providing an example of an object put to opposite uses—for cooling as well as for conserving heat. Whereas most feathers used in decorating are now saved as by-products of poultry raising or hunting, until early in the 20th century, egrets, grebes, and other birds were widely shot for their plumes alone. Ostrich farms have been established to produce plumes. Large quills were once widely used for writing, and feathers have long been used on arrows and fishing lures.
Many birds are kept as pets. Small finches and parrots are especially popular and easy to keep. Of these, the canary (Serinus canaria) and the budgerigar of Australia (Melopsittacus undulatus, sometimes called parakeet) are widely kept and have been bred for a variety of colour types. On large parks and estates, ornamental species like peafowl (Pavo) and various exotic waterfowl and pheasants are often kept. Zoological parks in many cities import birds from many lands and are a source of recreation for millions of people each year.
With the rise of agriculture, man’s relationship with birds became more complex. In regions where grain and fruit are grown, depredations by birds may be a serious problem. In North America various species of blackbirds (family Icteridae) are serious pests in grainfields; while in Africa a grain-eating finch, the red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea), occurs, like locusts, in plague proportions so numerous that alighting flocks may break the branches of trees. The use of city buildings for roosts by large flocks of starlings and blackbirds is also a problem, as is the nesting of albatrosses on airplane runways on Pacific islands. As a result of these problems, conferences on the control of avian pests are held with increasing frequency.
Although birds are subject to a great range of diseases and parasites, few of these are known to be capable of infecting man. Notable exceptions are ornithosis (or psittacosis), caused by one or more viruses that are transmitted directly to man from pigeons, parrots, and a variety of other birds, a serious and sometimes fatal disease resembling virus pneumonia. Encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain, is also serious and is transmitted from birds to man and to his domestic animals by biting arthropods, including mosquitos. Wild birds may also act as reservoirs for diseases that adversely affect domesticated birds. Much work has been done recently on the ecology of viruses, with more and more of them being found in birds.
The study of birds has contributed much to both the theoretical and practical aspects of biology. Darwin’s studies of the Galápagos finches and other birds during the voyage of the “Beagle” were important in his formulation of the idea of the origin of species through natural selection. Study collections of birds in research museums still provide the bases for important studies of geographic variation, speciation, and zoogeography, because birds are one of the best known of animal groups. Early work on the domestic fowl added to the development of both genetics and embryology. The study of animal behaviour (ethology) has been based to a large extent on studies of birds by Konrad Lorenz, Nikolaas Tinbergen, and their successors. Birds also have been the primary group in the study of migration and orientation and the effect of hormones on behaviour and physiology.
Birds feature prominently in mythology and the literature of many countries. Some of their attributes, real or imagined, have led to their symbolic use in art as in language. The aesthetic and recreational pleasures of birdwatching are increasingly being recognized.
Man’s impact on bird populations has become increasingly strong. Since 1680, approximately 80 species of birds have become extinct, and an even larger number are seriously endangered. While pollution and pesticides are important factors in the decline of certain large species, such as the peregrine falcon, osprey, and brown pelican, the destruction of natural areas and introduction of exotic animals and diseases have probably been the most devastating. Concerted efforts are required to ensure the survival of rare species and to learn as much as possible about them.

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I will say without hesitation, “I think I prefer to make small gifts“, because such gifts are gifts to express myself. Why spend a lot of money on those luxury gifts?


Besides, we have to ask our parents for money!


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Little Egret Egretta garzetta in Kolleru, Andhra Pradesh, India. Egretta is a genus of medium-sized herons, mostly breeding in warmer climates. Representatives of this family are found in most of the world, and the Little Egret, as well as being widespread throughout much of the Old World, has now started to colonise the Americas.These are typical egrets in shape, long-necked and long-legged. There are few plumage features in common, although several have plumes in breeding plumage; a number of species are either white in all plumages, have a white morph (e.g. Reddish Egret), or have a white juvenile plumage (Little Blue Heron).The breeding habitat of Egretta herons is marshy wetlands in warm countries. They nest in colonies, often with other wading birds, usually on platforms of sticks in trees or shrubs.These herons feed on insects, fish and amphibians, caught normally by cautious stalking.希望帮到你啦~

Egret the species name the human and the age: (Linnaeus, 1766) English common name: Little Egret the egret’s in taxonomy position is: The bird outline - stork shape item of - heron branch - egret is, is the rare and precious species. The egret is divides five kinds: Egretta alba modestus, egretta intermedia intermedia, small egret, yellow mouth egret and crag heron. (sometimes egretta alba modestus Egretta alba, makes Casmerodius alba) to see in two hemispheres, the length of body the approximately 90 centimeters (35 inches), only the back has the feather. Sometimes its Americas’ population is called the Americas egret or the ordinary egret. small egret (E. garzetta) distributes in the old mainland; Length of body approximately 55 centimeters (22 吋); The feather robe white, the forehead feather is strong, but back’s feather assumes lace shape the yellow mouth egret: the yellow mouth egret also calls Bai Lao, Tang Bailu and so on, is one kind of medium wading bird, the length of body is 46-65 centimeters, the body weight 320-650 grams, the female bird is slightly small. Its posture is very graceful, the body is thin and small and is slender, the mouth, the neck, the foot are very long, the body is lithe, is advantageous to the soaring. It is throwing over a body cream color feather, spotless, appears is arrogant and is elegant. But the feather color also has the very big change in the summer and the winter, summer the mouth is the orange yellow, the foot is the black, the foot is the yellow, the eye is a blue color first; The occiput is living has the spear shape long shape aigret which many tall and slender white feathers compose, the longest 2 be more than 10 centimeters, look like a pair of gentle braid, flutter in the wind, beautiful moving. The back, the shoulder and the first neck’s lower part is living has the feather scattered suo shape long decoration feather, the shape, if rain clothes, therefore is called “suo the feather”, extends backward surpasses the tail feathers nose, the first neck base suo the feather hangs to under chest, looks like the silk thread to be the same. egret distributed situation our country has the heron branch bird birds and beasts 20 kinds, is by the egret most precious. Chongqing nine Long Poqu the Bai Shiyi town more than three bridge villages, have the national first egret nature protection area. In the area has each kind of umbrette more than 20,000. Xiamen has 10 kind of umbrettes, occupies our country heron branch birds always to plant the number 50%. And the egret is 5 kind of completeness, had reflected Xiamen’s geographical position and the wetland environment has the typical nature and the representation in the umbrette resources distribution.

鸟类; 鸟,禽( bird的名词复数 ); 飞禽;

Beautiful gardens filled with pools, fountains and rare birds

This time on very a short visit to rural parts of Zhongxian I saw kingfishers, egrets, a pheasant, and4-5 other species of birds I could not identify.

The little egret is a delicate poetry.
Pigment, gestures, everything is appropriate.
The White crane is too large, too stiff, pink Ibis or grey heron, also think big, and too unusual.
However, egrets are because it’s common, and oblivion its beauty.
The snow-white body hair, it s a streamlined structure, the iron color growing, cyan’s feet, one of the increasing by one of reducing too long, too short branch, one of the suspicion of swells and white Diane come at the expense of one of the suspicion of the dark.
In clear water when there is a field only two standing fishing, the entire field has become a site of embedded in the glass box. The size of the field as Egret design seems to people from all walks of the mirror box.
Sunny in the morning, saw it alone at the apex of the tree stand, it seems as if it is not stable, yet it is. This is the other birds difficult performance hobby. People say that it is within our grasp whistle, it really is in sight whistle? twilight sky rare low-flying egret is a rural life in favor. It was c lear to visualize, and have a life.
Some people might feel beauty, Egret can’t sing. However, egrets are not of itself is a very beautiful songs?-no, the reason the song too.
The little egret is a poem, a charm in the heart of prose poems.

Introduction to Huangguoshu Scenic Area
1、Huangguoshu Waterfall Scenic Spot:Huangguoshu Waterfall, 77.8 meters (255.2 feet) high and 81(266 feet) meters wide, is a world-famous waterfall, being the only one to be appreciated in six directions all over the world. Over 20 km2 (7.7 square miles) centering around Huangguoshu Waterfall is a cluster of 18 waterfalls, which is the biggest waterfalls cluster in the world.
Tianxing Bridge (Bridge of Stars) Scenic Spot: Situated 5 kilometers (3 miles) down the Grand Waterfall, Tianxing Bridge Scenic Spot is made up of Tianxing (Bridge of Stars) Bonsai, Tianxing Cave, Silver Chains Waterfall and Stone Forest on the Water. It is a natural “World of Fairy Tales” combining all the picturesque view of Carst Landforms like stones, water, roots, vine, caves and waterfalls.
Huanguoshu Doupotang (Steep Slope Pool) Waterfall Scenic Spot: Located 1 kilometer (0.6 mile) upriver from the Huangguoshu Waterfall, it serves as the widest (110-meter wide) waterfall among the cluster. It is also called “Roaring Waterfall” due to its deafening sound. Here live precious bird species such as peacocks, black & white swans, Egrets, mallards and mandarin ducks. Hundreds of peacocks fly together at a certain time every day.
Huanguoshu Shitouzhai(Stone Stockade Village) Scenic Spot: It is 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) upriver Huangguoshu Waterfall. All the houses in the village were constructed with stones, hence the name Shitouzhai. The permanent residents here are Bouyei ethnic minority group who are renowned for their traditional handmade wax prints. The village is the unique place awarded and named “The Hometown of Miao Wax Printing in China” by the National Ethnic Affairs Committee.
In addition, there are the flirtatious expressions of folk custom, mainly are the Bouyei and Miao (two ethnic minority groups) and the being exploited sights like Unfathomable Mystery-Red Cliff Relics, Dishuitan Waterfall Scenic Spot, Langgong Scenic Spot and etc..

Changde county over HanShou wuling, ding city, AnXiang, LiXian, LinLi, taoyuan, shek mun, nine, tianjin city county city, area 1,82 million square kilometers and a population of nearly 600 million.
ChengTou dalang mountain ancient primitive society, it is current our country found the earliest ancient, fully show the ancient site ChangDeRen intelligence, and to be about 6,000 years history.
Countless national unearthed relics. Many national key units of cultural relics protection, all is in silence with changde narrates’s long history, splendid culture. For the kingdom of changde, the two city scenery as cultural relics of the gentiles. May the spirit of a dongting lake, the essence of wuling mountains, adjacent to the territory of changde there exist advantageous curvaceous, lakes and mountains, picturesque, with unique tourism resources.
The world-famous peach garden scenic spot, the legend is in eastern poet tao yuanming described in tao yuanming fairy, xanadu. Clip mountain is China’s Buddhism holy land, is the unity of the first temple garden of hunan national forest park. According to historians clip mountain said scholars research, li Ming peasant uprising leader ChanYin clip was a dragon pond.
ChangDeShi wall - this new humanistic landscape, is spectacular, selected poems thousand first, crisscross, a Chinese momentum fai macros and special skill. The national aquatics base -- willow leaf lake tourist resort.
Beautiful scenery, egrets gathered flowers YanXi.
River to swim national forest park, the city park, etc, binhu tourist attractions in up to 330, tourists will follow. Changde traffic developed, yuan li two water, then the Yangtze river dongting.
Shicheng railway wear condition. Long often highway make land more easily, changde has formed, the land-and-water empty three-dimensional transportation in the country in one of the few cities.
Digital transmission, program-controlled telephone, wireless paging, mobile phones, shortened changde and world timespace boundary. The establishment of any teleport changde, gallop on the Internet, you roam the world!!!
Translation sentences don’t need hard to ~ straightaway good!! Sentence structure not too complex ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ everybody just tacit casual pick 15 sentence into English went ~ ~ 15 sentences will do!!!!!!!!!!!! First thank you ~ ~ ~


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