用绞牙避震来改装的马自达6阿特兹,效果比气动避震还要硬核!棒 ♂
- 用绞牙避震来改装的马自达6阿特兹,效果比气动避震还要硬核!棒
- 经典马自达6改装18寸轮毂可以吗
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- 马自达6改装
马自达6 (Mazda6)是马自达公司21世纪推出的最新产品,于2001年在东京车展上推出的一款中高档轿车。自上市后已在全球20个国家获得了30多个奖项。2003年4月10日马自达6来到中国,凭借着其非凡的外观及操控性,在当年获得年度车“弯道之王“的称号,并一直保持旺销势态。 ?马自达6是日本马自达公司21世纪的最新产品,也是第一个完整体现全新马自达品牌dna的产品,于2002年2月在日本本土投产,2002年5月投放国际市场。短短8个月,就在全球19个国家获得了30个奖项,马自达6在全球范围内获得了多达58个奖项。
其实18年买车以来一直都想改,不断在网上找案例,来来去去都是几年前的案例 CARBEN也看了不少,感觉基本都是Hella Flush的风格,这明显不适合我(其实是穷) 不得不感叹现在玩马六的人真的不多了(相比起其他热门车型) 普通2.0马六玩家能改的基本只有三个外观:一个MPS,一个欧包,一个轿跑外观 我个人是比较喜欢欧版包围的,虽然说是很老旧,但非常耐看,唯一缺点就是跟原厂变化不大 这非常适合我个人的改装观念:低调、原厂风、懂的自然懂、不懂的看不出来,也不会多看一眼 改装其实是展示个人品味、个人审美的一个平台,重要的是找到懂得欣赏的人(其实真的不容易) 我很喜欢这种一眼看上去没什么不一样,认真多看几眼会发现处处都不一样的感觉 不多说了,看图吧,施工过程基本没放上来,简单几张图带过,因为最后有正片。
15分钟搞好~ 我觉得89口径是刚刚好的,非常低调又很运动的感觉
下面是短簧和轮毂部分,简单说两句 看轮毂看了多久看了多少套,相信玩车的人都知道,选择真的太多了 我的选择条件大概是:轻量化、单五幅六幅七幅都可以、最好18寸、最好是齐边数据 这套是我第一次看中的,然后在看了其他上百套之后还是选了它 我就想试试第一眼看中的轮毂上车是什么感觉,就当试水了 咸鱼看到有,然后问了一下佛山的朋友,刚还有货,拿下,非常果断,因为已经犹豫了很久了
降下去一点了,现在是前三指,后两指 原车是前一拳,后四指
再唠叨下轮毂吧 这套轻量化轮毂每只只有7kg,原厂轮毂应该8.6kg一只,每一只轻了1.5kg,总共轻了6kg,开起来真的快了 体感上非常明显,二档三挡的地板油加速,真的有爽到 它的数据其实很一般,只有一个尺寸:17寸 7.5j et48 只比原厂凸出来一点点,原厂是 7j et55,而齐边数据大概是 8.5j et40 或者 8j et35 左右 本来想上225的轮胎,毕竟数据最贴近原厂,但是是真的贵,后来有车友放一套215的,先拿来玩玩吧 没有选择上18寸的原因是看了几个有代表性的帖子,2.0上18寸配225胎,就算是手动,估计动力也没有原来好 还有我认为18寸必须配合非常好的轮毂数据和绞牙避震做到0指齐边才是最好看的,不然就算你上短簧,也还是差点意思,更别说原车不降换18寸,那简直就是SUV 还有就是40扁平率的轮胎,广州的路,我还是怕了 基于以上两点,我最后还是选择了试试17寸的轮毂,但并不代表我以后不会上18寸,这就是玩的过程 很多人说17寸跟没改一样,直接上18才是王道,对于外观来说,这是正确的,但18寸带来的动力操控牺牲可能对我来说有点大了,既然玩了,就什么都试试吧 这一次的17寸轻量化配合短簧下来操控提速真的非常不错 之后可能会上18寸的感受一下,要玩18寸就要玩最好看的,绞牙肯定是一起上了 短簧没啥好说的,手动挡估计只能降到这样了,前3后2,想更好看的话就必须上绞牙了 这套短簧的过坑支撑和转弯侧倾比原厂好了不少,非常干脆,侧倾也小了一些 选择这套17寸的轮毂也犯了两个错误:一个是这爪子没伸到轮毂边缘,第二个是深色 让这个轮毂看上去真的很小,有些角度甚至比原厂16寸的还要小!哈哈哈! 下面是改灯和内饰,简单几张图吧,没啥好说的 灯的话,其实本来没想改的,后来看了看蜡烛光,还是改了一了百了 前面全白光了,led双光透镜+原车卤素 看起来比原车的黑金大灯精神一些
好了,过程就这样简简单单说一下吧 (少的可怜的)改装清单: 1. 欧版轿跑前后包围 (咸鱼) 2. MS侧裙 (51家) 3. 欧版轿跑中网 (某宝) 4. 轿跑黑底大灯 (咸鱼)(改98K的LED双光透镜) 5. 轿跑黑底尾灯 (咸鱼)(改双后雾灯) 6. eddy短簧 (咸鱼全新) 7. Enkei 17寸轻量化轮毂 型号 js+m 数据 7.5j et48 重量7kg/个 8. 马牌MC5轮胎 215 45 r17 (二手) 9. 焊接DHR尾喉 89口径 圆形焊边斜口 10. 升级原厂方向盘多功能按钮 11. 升级原厂后视镜电动折叠 12. 升级原厂A柱三角小喇叭 13. 前杠雾灯独立开关 14. 假碳纤维档把头 (强行写了十几点出来) 那么~看正片吧! (照片经过调色,因为本来的钛灰色拍出来会有很多种颜色的反光,所以我风格化了,个人喜好,不喜轻喷)
正侧面真的没有很好看,轮子小,降不下来 但怎么也比原厂好看多了
enkei 是一个性价比非常不错的牌子
DSC OFF 是接了雾灯独立开关 谁知道这种开关开了就关不了哈哈!要熄火才能关! 原厂风,就这样吧!
内饰唯一改装件,有朋友知道为啥不用有写档位的么? 话说这个手感真的非常好
写在最后 其实包围也好,短簧也好,轮毂也好,灯也好,都有很多小细节自己还是不满意 但是玩车就是这样,在于折腾,在于探索审美与平衡的过程,过程才是最好玩的 算是记录一下人生第一次改车吧,算是极限穷改了 这一次的尝试,我终于知道为什么改车是个坑了 看到我轮毂里面空荡荡了么?
新 Mazda 6在车身结构、隔音措施、内饰设计及舒适 马自达6 内饰,便利性装备上进行了创新开发,使其舒适性达到一个全 新境 ( 查成交价 | 车型详解 )界,使新Mazda6达到了舒适性与行驶性完美结合。而 马自达 6的隔音设备也许还不能满足许多改装发烧友的胃口,隔音改装经常案例也层出不穷。
新Mazda6在车身结构、隔音措施、内饰设计及舒适 马自达6内饰,便利性装备上进行了创新开发,使其舒适性达到一个全新境界,使新Mazda6达到了舒适性与行驶性完美结合。再加上诸如卡式智能钥匙、带3组记忆8向电动调节的驾驶员座椅、氙气大灯、大灯自动开关、大灯清洗、雨量感应式雨刮、斥水外后视镜、遥控开关玻璃和6气囊等豪华车才能见到的高科技装备,使其跻身于高级轿车之列。
Mazda6的3H车身久经市场考验,其被动防护能力无可非议空间座椅(11张),此次换型又做了多处加强措施,使其被动安全性无懈可击。再加之超群的制动性能,ABS EBD EBA TCS DS C等由高科技电子装备武装出来的卓越的主动安全性,使新Mazda6的安全性无可挑剔。动力总成及车身的变化也大大提高了操控性,据实车 测试 ,原Mazda6过急弯的车速约为80km/h,新Mazda6提升至110km/h过急弯而无须减速,真的无愧于“弯道之王”的美誉。安全性与操控性的最佳配合,使其拥有者可放心大胆地享受新Mazda6提供的激动人心的驾驶乐趣。 @2019
如果单是外观改动的话,我预测要花费将近10万的价格;国内空气悬挂现在已经在一些城市设有代理商,马六轿跑可以选择air lift或者air rex两个品牌,一套大概2万多;19寸轮毂的价格不好说,因为轮毂的价钱要看你选择什么品牌的轮毂,当然是牌子越大越贵了,不过就拿日系车首选work来说吧,一套19寸的锻造轮毂售价大概2~3万;剪刀门只要换套液压总成就好了,这个的前提是要找大品牌的总成,如果质量不好会出现密封不好和吻合度的问题,价格在1w左右吧,也有可能更便宜;刹车和轮毂一样,牌子越大越贵,名牌刹车诸如brembo、stoptech、alcon等等不仅加强制动力,也有减轻刹车系统重量的作用,所谓轮下重量越轻,车子越快就是这个道理,一套不错的刹车,四活塞的售价在1万5~3万之间;全车改色这个就很容易了,可以喷漆,可以贴上时下流行的改色膜,费用大概4000~1万之间吧。
汽车外观 包围件· 尾翼· 中网· 车贴、拉花· 后视镜· 挡泥板· 引擎盖· 车灯组· 雨挡、遮阳挡· 灯眉· 轮眉· 导风口· 车身膜·彩绘· 这些差不多4000元。底盘与操控 轮胎· 平衡拉杆· 避震、弹簧· 刹车套件· 缓冲器· 轮圈· 防倾杆· 羊角调整器· 防滚架· 刹车油·( 这些都看什么品牌的了。基本的话在12000左右。引擎)及周边 凸轮轴· 涡轮增压套件· 机械增压套件· pully皮带盘· 汽缸垫片· 活塞连杆套件· 喷油嘴· 燃油泵· 飞轮· 气门及控制器(这些动力改装大概要10000元左右。) 动·电子·油品 离合器· 差速器· 尾牙· 飞轮· 强化皮带· 控制仪表· 电子整流器· 马力增强器· 高性能油品· 快排· 火花塞· 点火线· 电子油门加速器 (浙西稍微便宜)都是看牌子的。5000左右、汽车影音 主机· 喇叭· 功放· 分音器· 显示屏· 平衡器· 解码器· 线材· 车载电脑· MP3·基本的5000元搞定。
mazda Speed款大包围、碳纤发动机盖、碳纤3D尾翼,再加上唇边小小的挠流风翼,将这辆马自达6造就成DTM德国房车赛战车一般耀眼。再加上黑底大灯壳和尾灯罩、HID氙气大灯和远光灯,让车身极其复杂的它博得了足够多的回头率。
与加装的零件所增加的总量相比,动力方面的提升较少,未改电脑,相信马力推重比会比原装车更小,缺乏低扭是加装了价格不菲的HKC钛合金直出尾喉之后车主最头疼的事情,所幸的是尾排所发放的音效比凌厉的加速还来得刺激,相信车外的观众也会纷纷对这辆招摇的马6行注目礼,单凭此一点,就已经达到奔力泰改装所预期的Show Car效果了。
采用A1 Racing绞牙避震,有九段软硬可调,试车之时调至最硬级数,由于改装后整车比原装降低了50~60mm,车轮与翼子板间的剩余空位很小,车主为其度身定做了韩国制弹簧硬胶,以限制悬挂的上下行程,令其遇到较大的路面起伏时不至于碰到沙板,保证正常使用。
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- 汽车真皮座椅如何保养 汽车真皮座椅怎么保养
- 汽车真皮座椅如何保养
灰尘等污渍,并且多选用整张大幅的头层皮子。汽车座椅大多采用细密柔软的黄牛皮,避免长时间曝晒在太阳光下使皮革褪色,进行保养和去污,增加一层保护层,真皮座椅要注意远离热源(例如烟头)和强太阳光,所以要给汽车贴膜(防紫外线和红外线照射),每个月用专业皮革柔软清洗剂擦拭一次、不伤害皮质,也可以自己动手,也不耐尖锐物体的划伤,一是新车刚买来时、汗水,可以用软布轻轻擦干或自然风干,先给新车的真皮座椅涂一层上光剂,这同家具,平时更要注意保养。 真皮座椅保养有两套方法。 由于质地柔软、质量次一些,最大的缺点就是易粘上油脂,皮质容易发硬或龟裂,现在的汽车用品店一般都有售,弹性和色泽度都好。 真皮座椅天天同人体接触。每次清洁完后。如果经过长期使用和阳光照晒而保养不到位的话、皮鞋的原料有很大区别,首先要知道汽车上采用的真皮的独特性。专业皮革柔软清洗剂去污柔和,皮质较粗较硬要了解真皮座椅的保养。平时停车尽量选择阴凉处,用一般的清洁剂清除污渍就行、加窗帘。另外也有水牛皮座椅,车主可以要求汽车美容店做,因此车主必须小心使用和认真保养,不要用吹风机吹干,因为二层皮的手感不好、干裂。二是定期保养、套座垫等、皮衣。平时清洗座椅
(2) 为了更好的保护真皮座套,可以量身订做一套座套或者坐垫,尽量选择尼龙布料的,比较结实耐用。在选择图案方面,可以根据个人爱好选择。价位一定要多砍砍价,同样款式、同样厚薄的要多找几家汽车美容店问问。
(4) 很多小伙伴会忽略藏在座椅缝隙中的灰尘,认为它只会影响美观或洁净度,但有所不知的是,当灰尘积攒到一定程度时,它们可能会影响皮革的透气性,最好经常用干毛巾为皮革表面“掸掸土”,有条件的话使用吸尘器吸一下会更好。
(5) 在平常要注意让座椅远离热源,最近不能少于10厘米,以免皮革受热发生干裂。有些小伙伴在使用湿毛巾擦拭完皮革座椅的表面后,都会使用吹风机将表面水渍吹干,但这种做法却会伤害到皮革,甚至会发生干裂,最好的办法就是打开车窗,使用自然风吹干就好了。
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The birth of modern badminton in the United Kingdom. 1873, Glasgow in the United Kingdom badminton County town have a name of the Duke of鲍弗特, in the manor had a “Po the game“ show. Very interesting result of this activity soon came popular. Since then, the indoor game quickly spread throughout the United Kingdom, “badminton“ (Badminton) Badminton became the name in English.
In 1877, the first badminton competition of the rules published in the United Kingdom.
In 1893 in the United Kingdom established the world’s first Badminton Association. In 1899, the Association organized the first “All-England Badminton Championships“, an annual event, has followed so far.
Badminton from Scandinavia to the British Commonwealth countries, the early 20th century, spread to Asia, the Americas, Oceania, and finally spread to Africa.
1934, set up the International Badminton Federation, with headquarters in London.
International Badminton Federation in 1939 adopted by Member States to abide by the “rules of badminton competition.“
20 era of this century to the 40’s Badminton Europe and the United States has developed rapidly, including the United Kingdom of Denmark, USA and Canada a very high level. 50’s rapid development in the Asian Badminton, Malaysia Thomas Cup champion made two. At the same time, the Indonesian team in the technology and innovation play a dominant position soon. The sixties after the development of badminton in Asia gradually be extended.
May 1981 International Badminton Federation to resume China’s legitimate seat in the IBF, then the international badminton open a new page in history, entered the Chinese badminton players rule the roost of the glorious era of the world.
At the 1988 Seoul Olympics, badminton was listed as performances, the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games as an official event. Since then the game has entered a new period of development.
In 2006, in the trial of 3 months after the new rules of badminton into effect. In that year, Tom, first of all, the use of race尤杯.
At present, hosted by the IBF World Badminton important are:
1. Thomas Cup
The world men’s team badminton championships, held in 1948 the first game, is for a two-year term, held in even-numbered years. The competition, organized by three singles, two doubles component.
2. Uber Cup
The world women’s team badminton championships, held in 1956 the first game, the next two years, held in even-numbered years. The competition, organized by three singles, two doubles component.
3. World Badminton Championships
That is, the world’s badminton individual championships. With men’s and women’s singles, five doubles and mixed doubles events. Starting in 1977 for the next three years, 1983 years to two years in odd-numbered years.
4. Sudirman Cup
That is, the world mixed team badminton. Launched in 1989, two-year term, held in odd-numbered years, by men and women’s singles match, composed of men and women’s doubles.
5. Badminton World Cup
Competitions are invited by the International Badminton Federation was invited to participate in outstanding players. Established in 1981, 1997, IBF has decided to host the 1998 world will be changed to clip took part in the All-Star Game, and was ready to try the huge prize money badminton Grand Slam.
6. All England Badminton Championships
Badminton Association of England, founded in 1899. It is the history of the world’s oldest badminton tournament. Originally from the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries took part, and now has become a global battle of badminton.
7. International Grand Prix Series
IBF light of the world to organize a Grand Prix tennis. Began in 1983. Competition is divided into a number of areas, organized into a number of game series. According to athletes at all competition results in the points ranking, carried out before the final 16.
China’s badminton sport Overview
About modern badminton movement into China in 1910, first in Shanghai and then in Guangzhou, Tianjin, Beijing, Chengdu and other cities of the Young Men’s Christian Association and has been carried out in schools. After new China was founded, the party and the government is concerned about people’s health, sports development has been booming, badminton movement gradually favorite for the masses, and as China’s focus on one of the items. In Tianjin in 1953, a national competition held for the first time, there were only five teams took part in 19.
In 1954, after another batch of the pure return to the motherland, and brought back to the advanced technology of badminton, at the same time the formation of the National Team. Then along the southeast coast of China in some major cities have also set up to returned overseas Chinese youth as the backbone of the badminton team, in “eradicating superstitions, to emancipate the mind, to go its own way“, under the guidance of the idea, summed up China’s badminton players at home and abroad Badminton lessons learned and technical information, combined with their own practice to explore movement, the continuous improvement of training methods. Among them, the major sports teams in Fujian Province, the way in technology, the Guangdong team carried out mainly in the step of reform and breakthroughs. At the same time learn from China’s successful experience in the sport, and through years of training and competitions on the practice experience, put forward a “we take the initiative, mainly in fast to attack the main“ active play. Later, summing up, after constant and perfect, and gradually formed a campaign held by the Chinese badminton “fast, tough, quasi-live“ technical style. Yong of China’s athletes with a world badminton climbing technical peaks, to win glory for the country’s ambition, to learn some of the foreign advanced sports training methods,勤学苦练, conscientiously implement the “from the difficult, strict, from the actual starting , for a training exercise, ““ three from a large “training approach, the technical level of movement has been further improved.
However, due to political reasons, China did not join the IBF at the time, it did not participate in the world championships. However, in international relations to each other several times and then carried out between the world team, have achieved excellent results. By many outside the AT & T as “无冕之王“ “Champion of Champions“ and so on.
Until May 1981, IBF IBF China resumed its legitimate seat of China’s athletes to achieve long-cherished wish for many years --- the world badminton chase the deer, for the world crown, won glory for the country.
July 1981, at the 1st session of the World Games (Los Angeles), our athletes Chen Changjie,孙志安, Yao Ming, Liu Xia and Zhang Ai-ling won the men and women, single, 4 doubles titles. In 1982, the first time in our country participated in the All-England badminton competition, won the women’s singles champion Zhang Ai-ling, Xu Rong /吴健秋won the women’s doubles champion, won the men’s singles twin champion Jin. That same year, the first time the Chinese team, “Thomas Cup“ tournament, the first day of 1:3 in a very adverse circumstances, worked hard, and ultimately to 5:4 victory over strong Indonesian badminton team championship. In 1984, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, China’s badminton team also won the 10th “Uber.“
Followed by China’s Yang Yang has emerged, Zhao Jianhua, Xiong David, Li,田秉义and Lin Ying, Wu迪茜, Li Lingwei,韩爱萍number of the world’s top badminton players, which further established the technological level of China’s badminton feather in the world the basis of leading the altar in a series of World Series for the motherland, a large number of gold medals won, the creation of the history of the Chinese badminton glory. Into the 90’s, with Yang Yang, Zhao Jianhua, Li Lingwei number of elite athletes have retired, my temporary period of a temporary shortage of such people, and Indonesia has been refined over the years Tuzhi calendar, the emergence of a group of Adi, Susi Susanti represented by the rookie. Re-emergence of Europe, Korea, Malaysia, the emergence of sometimes new, the world badminton entered the era of rival warlords.
In the Barcelona Olympic Games, China’s badminton gold medal even with no chance. Gradually until 1995 out of the bottom, the first time, won the “Cup.“ In 1996, the Olympic Games in Atlanta, Ge Fei /顾俊勇capture the women’s doubles champion, the realization of projects in China in the Olympic Games badminton medal. In 1997, China’s athletes again won the “Cup“, at the same time won the World Championships women’s singles, 3 doubles and mixed doubles gold medal, began the journey into the再铸辉煌.
Singles match play is based on technical characteristics of the individual, physical, psychological conditions, such as the formation of the quality of the technology game, frequently asked about the following five:
1, control the field and pressure at the end of golf
From the outset, the use of Gaoyuan serve the ball or offensive pressure the other side of the Ping golf game after the bottom line, forcing the other back, when the other side back to the time after the ball enough to smash the ball to win; or neglect when the other person defensive front, it can be light hanging, chopping, etc. drop in net beat. Light hanging in a number of lofty goals to be strong down the field and the other party was unable to return to play up front basis. This game is mainly the field strength and the high, suspended, between two technologies. For beginners, this is a foundation of learning must play.
2, beat four-corner, combined with high short
In the latter field, to lofty goals, drop ping golf and, in the former market place while net ball, the ball and pick up the ball and accurately attack the other sites around the four corners, running around before and after mobilization of the other side to strike a balance, to be too late to return to the center of the other party or to the poor quality of the ball when the free part of their attack to win. Requirements of the offensive players this game has a strong ability to control the ball placement and the flexibility and fast footwork, and speed, otherwise it can hardly have the upper hand.
3, mainly under the pressure to control the net
After the market, mainly through the lofty goal, smash, slash at smb, lob such as technology, pre-emptive strike, and then rapid access to twist, push, head, hook, such as technology, high net control, resulting in errors in the other party directly, or passive-off hit network, was the offensive player to beat a game in one fell swoop. Usually referred to as the “kill-line“ game. This is the offensive play of the game, to quickly access high net control, speed endurance and strength endurance is also higher. This play, a greater physical exertion, if the opponent hit a good defensive skills, physical strength on the success or failure are often the key factor.
4, fast pull hoist fast, before and after the combination of
Ping golf to pressure the other side soon after the two bottom corner the market, with fast corners hanging net (or the use of slash at smb) cited other Internet, when other passive net ball back, that control the net quickly access to the net twist, hook combination of pushing the ball field and the bottom line corners, forcing struggling with each other for the front and killed during and after the creation of market opportunities vigorously smash. This is also a pro-active, fast attack play. This game demands good physical fitness athletes, especially endurance than speed, all-round skilled, but also possess the technical expertise of surprise attack.
5, Shouzhong counterattack, both offensive and defensive strategies
Ping Golf and faster to hit lob to the four corners around each other in order to mobilize the other side. Let the other side to attack, to fight against the offensive side of the lofty goals, the Quartet ball, lob, etc., to strengthen the defense to step fast and flexible, changing and tricky球路accurate placement, to induce each other in a hurry to attack mobile , just smash, resulting in hitting errors, or when the ball back to the other side of poor quality, seize aircraft, surprise attack. Requirements of this game with attacking players in the Shou, Shou-in point and counter-attack the ball, not only should have good speed endurance, footwork and flexible, rapid response and accurate ability to judge and should have indomitable fighting spirit and mental qualities, in order to passive in the face of adversity and to maintain calm and cool-headed orange, and struck back.
Han Jian of China’s badminton players that is typical of this game.
(B) than playing the game the type of
Doubles play is based on the skill level of the two sides, the quality of physical and psychological characteristics, as well as with partners, through the formation of long-term training. Common to the following three:
1, before and after the game stations
Basically, this game is the side used in the service. Members serve more stations. When the players tee shot give immediately after the closure before the court, another player will be responsible for or after the midfielder to the ball game all. Stations before and after the law may make full use of fast pressure net twist, hang, push, head technology, looking for gaps to disrupt the other stations in one fell swoop; or through前扑after attack, after the market for strong smash, active front closure When back to the ball near the net, to give a fatal blow in one fell swoop.
2, play around stations
Basically, this side of the game in the return of serve and by the state under the pressure used to attack. Call the other side of the flat serve or golf at the field before the ball from the original stations immediately before and after the conversion station for about two to about half the charge of the defensive zone to draw level, level pressure field and the other living The bottom line corners, in each other when they can smash the ball to draw back or ping the ball to two挑高far bottom corner, causing the ball to the other side can not afford, or lob smash success in one fell swoop.
3, rotary stations play
In the game, both offensive and defensive game situations are always under the constant before and after the stations in and around stations transform each other. For the transformation stations generally have the following characteristics:
(1), when the service or return of serve before and after the stations. When the other side fought back after the golf game to the side of the offensive side, the team is located in front of a straight line back to the rear to see the situation of members of the Mobile Side, about a switch stations.
(2), serve or receive service at a station about parallel. In service or in the course of the ball, if there is a chance to attack under pressure, a player would be fast Internet blocking and the other fast-moving vigorously to buckle after the field, hanging, killing the ball, leading to the other side in a passive status