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getz 高额头怎么改善

[本站 getz高额头怎么改善smokegetsinyoureyes—theplatterstheyaskedmehowiknewmytruelovewastrue.oh,iofcoursereplied“somethinghereinsidecannotbedenied.”theysaid“somedayyou’llfinda…

getz 高额头怎么改善

smoke gets in your eyes —the plattersthey asked me how i knew my true love was true. oh,i of course replied “something here inside cannot be denied.” they said “someday you’ll find all who love are blind.” oh,when your heart’s on fire, you must realize smoke gets in your eyes so i chaffed them and i gaily laughed to think they could doubt my love. yet today my love has flown away, i am without my love. now laughing friends deride tears i cannot hide. oh,so i smile and say “when a lovely flame dies, smoke gets in your eyes!” (smoke gets in your eyes, smoke gets in your eyes) smoke-gets-in-your-eyes 译文: 烟雾弥漫你的眼 人们曾经问我 怎知我的爱情意真挚 我理直气壮地回答 内心深处的感情是无法否认的 他们说 总有一天你会发现 恋爱中的人都是盲目的 当你热情澎湃的时候 你的眼睛蒙上了一层烟雾 我嘲笑他们 想到他们竟怀疑我的爱 真令我发笑 如今我的爱人离我而去 我终于失去了意中人 我饱受了朋友的讥笑 伤心的泪水再也隐藏不住了 我只能强颜欢笑地说 当爱情的火焰熄灭时 烟雾弥漫你的眼


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