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[本站 oxford课文翻译(帮忙翻译上外的综合教程第七册Unit4《Oxford》的最后一段,谢谢)帮忙翻译上外的综合教程第七册Unit4《Oxford》的最后一段,谢谢牛津英语8a第4课课文翻译牛津9A课文翻译牛津高中英语模块6课文翻译牛津英语9b课文翻译牛津英语8a课文翻译Dealingwithtrouble牛津版英语八年级上册第五单元课文翻译AndsoitisthatOxfordisina…



  • 帮忙翻译上外的综合教程第七册Unit4《Oxford》的最后一段,谢谢
  • 牛津英语8a 第4课课文翻译
  • 牛津9A课文翻译
  • 牛津高中英语模块6课文翻译
  • 牛津英语9b课文翻译
  • 牛津英语8a课文翻译Dealing with trouble
  • 牛津版英语八年级上册第五单元课文翻译

And so it is that Oxford is in a sort a magnetic pole for England; a pole not, perhaps, of
intellectual energy, or strenuous liberalism, or clamorous aims, or political ideas; few,
perhaps, of the sturdy forces that make England potently great, centre there.
This essay is definitely categorized as a piece of literature in the full and deep sense, for
with its unique beauty and charm it succeeds in cultivating and fostering special feelings and
attitudes towards Oxford among the readers. It is believed that the author dotes on Oxford. The intense pleasure he felt in the super beauty and immense charm of Oxford was too nice and too luxurious to keep just to himself. It was his wish that the readers might share what he felt and would be moved to exclaim, “Oh, what a wonderful place! How I wish I could visit it and see it with my own eyes in no time!“
There are several elements that make it highly literary. The first is the author’s effort to
create a general impression of Oxford upon the readers, rather than present accurate detailed
facts, a device most favored by impressionistic artists. Paragraph 2 serves as a good example,
and such a metaphor as “feeling as a poor man might who has pinched all life, and made the
. most of single coins, and who is brought into the presence of a heap of piled-up gold, and told
that it is all his own“ enchants the readers with a sense of the blurring impression of “the
obscure lighting an obscure world“ (a phrase taken from The Motive for Metaphor by Wallace
Stevens), too wonderful for any pen to describe in an exact manner. The second element is the
romantic atmosphere the author creates. The typical example is what the author terms “a more
poetical kind of association,“ which is displayed to a certain extent with such phrases as “noble
dignity,“ “the spirit of the Renaissance,“ “sober ecclesiastical influence,“ “serious grace,“ and
“the expansive power of God.“ We would label the third element, despite its somewhat roman-
tic flavor, as uplifting inspiration as advocated by neo-classicists. The metaphor “as the fire on
the altar, throwing up its sharp darting tongues of flame, its clouds of fragrant smoke, giving
warmth and significance and a fiery heart to a somber shrine“ in Paragraph 6 and the mention
of the divine company of Homer and Sophocles, Plato and Virgil, Dante and Goethe in Para-
graph 7 could be regarded as two instances. Would you locate another three examples in the
text that illustrate the three elements mentioned above?
首先是作者花费了诸多笔墨向读者描绘了牛精大学的概况,而不是采用印象派的手法描绘些许景色。第二段就是一个很好的例子,如“就像一贫如洗的人,好不容易用硬币凑成一堆金钱,然后独自欣赏。”这比喻让读者着迷于“昏暗的灯光照着朦胧的世界”的感觉 (摘自华莱士?史蒂芬的《比喻的动机》),这是任何文字都无法描述的感觉。

我第一次看见这熊猫宝宝时她只有10天大,她看起来像个白老鼠。我们叫他Xi Wang,意思是“希望”。

白羊座 3月21-4月20
金牛座 4月21-5月21
双子座 5月22-6月21
巨蟹座 6月22-7月22
狮子座 7月23-8月22
处女座 8月23-9月22
天秤座 9月23-10月22
天蝎座 10月23- 11月21
你是一个强壮的人,你有充沛的精力.你喜欢保守秘密.然而,你因他人的过失而不原谅他们, 有的时候这是愚蠢的.
人马座 11月22-12月20
摩羯座 12月23-1月20
水瓶座 1月21-2月19
双鱼座 2月20-3月20

  • M7U2

  • Penicillin ::Another drug that has helped increase the standard of people’s health is penicillin, which is considered by many to be one of the most important medicines in contemporary society. It was discovered by a Scottish scientist named Alexander Fleming in 1928. He noted that a dish in which he was trying to grow bacteria for an experiment looked abnormal--there was blue mould in it. It astonished him to see the bacteria surrounding the mould dead, which meant that the mould had killed them. Fleming tried this mould out on another bacterium and found that it killed the bacterium too. He immediately realized that the mould might have an application in treating illnesses caused by bacteria. He named the liquid made from the mould ’penicillin’. However, the development of penicillin as a drug faced two problems. First, he was unable to find a procedure to make penicillin pure enough to work as a medicine. Second, it was difficult to produce penicillin in the ample quantities needed to be effective. In 1940, two other scientists, Howard Florey (Australian) and Ernst Chain (German-born English), helped solve these problems, and managed to make and test the new drug in large quantities. Since the new drug was needed for World War II, the government approval process for penicillin was accelerated, and mass production began in 1944. Due to the widespread use of penicillin, many lives were saved during the war. If penicillin had not been available, many people would have died from sickness or even small wounds. Penicillin became the greatest drug of the 20th century, saving millions of lives. In 1945, the three scientists, Fleming, Florey and Chain, shared the Nobel Prize in Medicine for their work. ??

  • Magic needles: Chinese acupuncture?

  • One of the most famous Chinese medical treatments is the art of ’magic needles’, or Chinese acupuncture. It was developed long ago, perhaps as early as 2000 BC. There is evidence that acupuncture began during the Stone Age, when stone tools called bian (砭) were used to press areas of the body.?

  • As acupuncture developed, the simple bian stones were replaced by stone needles. Eventually, metal needles began to appear and took their place. There were nine different kinds of needles. These included a needle with a head like an arrow, used for making shallow holes in the surface of the skin; a needle with a round tip, used for pressing the tissue under the skin; a dull needle, used for tapping against pressure points; and a needle like a small sword, used for letting liquid out of body parts which had swollen up. These needles could be made of different metals, such as gold and silver. Some acupuncturists today still use gold and silver needles, but the majority use only stainless steel ones. The main needle now used for acupuncture is fine and sharp. Most of the others have been replaced by more complex medical instruments. For example, the needle looking like a sword has been replaced by a sharp knife that doctors use in operations.?

  • Acupuncture uses stainless steel needles that are put into the skin at certain points on the body so that a disease can be cured or a health problem solved. These points are called acupuncture points. When acupuncture was first practised, there were 365 such points. The number of acupuncture points was the same as the number of days in a year. However, over the last 2,000 years, this number has gradually increased to about 2,000. Some acupuncturists insert needles at or near the body part affected by the disease, while others select points according to the symptoms that the patient has.?

  • If you go to an acupuncturist, he or she will ask you questions about your medical history and your way of life. The acupuncturist will look at the colour of your skin and your tongue, listen to your breathing, and check your pulses. ? ?

  • Western medicine only recognizes one pulse which indicates the heartbeat. However, according to traditional Chinese medicine, there are twelve different pulses, six on each wrist, and every one of them is connected with a major body organ or its function. By checking all the pulses, the acupuncturist can find out which energy channel does not have enough energy.?

  • Some of the medical problems that can be treated by acupuncture include severe pains, headaches, injuries, stomach problems and high blood pressure. Some people have also used acupuncture to treat smokers, alcoholics and people who are addicted to drugs.?

  • How acupuncture reduces pain is not clear. One theory explaining this phenomenon suggests that acupuncture blocks pain signals from reaching the brain. Another theory relates acupuncture to the production of chemicals in the body which reduce pain. A lot of people now subscribe to these theories.?

  • As a unique contribution of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture spread to many other Asian countries, such as Japan, as early as the 6th century. It was introduced to the West in the 17th century. Today acupuncture has become popular round the world, as have other traditional Chinese medicines. The World Health Organization recommends acupuncture as a good treatment for over forty medical problems. While doubts about its safety have faded away, interest continues to grow.

  • ical components eventually became so small that, by the late 1960s, portable cassette players were developed, along with video recorders which were used by TV stations. By the late 1970s, video recorders small and cheap enough for home use were introduced. Sound and video go digital?

  • In 1982, the first CDs were made available. CDs are often used for storing and playing music because they have a much better sound quality than traditional records and cassettes. In 1993, the VCD was born, and in 1995, the DVD was invented. The DVD is now the standard for recording?

At the moment, it may be difficult to imagine, but many people believe that, by the year 2100, we will be living on the planet Mars.Our own planet, Earth, is becoming more and more crowded and polluted.Hopefully, we can start again and build a better world on Mars. Here is what life might be like.
First of all, transport should be much better. At present, our spacecraft are too slow to carry large numbers of people to Mars---- it takes months. However, by the year 2100, the journey might take only a very short time in space shuttles that travels at half the speed of light!
Humans need food, water and air to survive.Scientists should be able to develop plants that can grow on Mars. These plants will produce the food, water and oxygen that we need. However, nobody is sure if these plants can produce enough water.
Gravity will be a problem for the early settlers on Mars. The gravity on Mars is only about three-eighths of that on Earth.This may be dangerous because we could easily jump too high and float away into space. To prevent this, humans on Mars have to wear special boots to make themselves heavier. These boots will probably become very fashionable and there will be many different designs for settlers to choose from.
Compared with life on Earth,life on Mars will be better in many ways.People will have more space. We may even live in a dome with ten bedrooms. Many people believe that robots will do most of our work and that we will have more time for our hobbies
there will probably be no schools on Mars every student will have a computer at home connected to an interplanetary network they can study do their homework and take exams at online schools each student will aiso have their own online teacher called an ’e-teacher’
however in some ways life on mars may not be better than life on earth today food will not be the same meals will probably be in the form of pills and will not be as tasty as they are today also space travel will make many people feel ill the space shuttles travel fast but the journey to mars may be very uncomfortable

Dealing with trouble
Thursday,28 June
Today my father and I were waiting for the ferry .People usually wait quietly,but this afternoon we heard a big argument .Two women tourists were shouting at a big man .He was shouting back at them .He held out a bag, and showed everyone that it was empty.
The crowd stared at the three people .No one knew what was happening.
My father moved through the crowd and said quietly to one of the women,“What’’’’s going on?“
“They stole my friend’’’’s purse five minutes ago, “said the woman.“We were down in the bookshop,buying postcards .Three young men started talking to us .At first they were very friendly. Then suddenly my friend noticed that her purse was not in her handbag. Two of the men ran away .We followed this man here.“
Then the bell rang, the gates opened, and everyone started going down onto the ferry.The man hurried aboard,and the two tourists went after him.
“Wait, “said my father. “I don’’’’t want to go on that ferry.“
This was strange .Was my father afraid of that man? I wanted to go and watch the action.
But he hurried to an ice-cream shop,“Can I use your phone?“ he asked the shop assistant .He quickly dialled 110.
“I want to report a robbery.The man is on the ferry now. It just left a few minutes ago.“He looked down through the railings.“It’’’’s the‘No.3’Ferry,“he said,“Please meet the ferry.“He gave some more details,and then put the phone down.
We took the next ferry.As we got off, we saw them.Six policemen stood around the man,who was in handcuffs .The two women were talking to the police.
“ Well done,Dad,I said as we walked by.“Good thinking!”

Diogenes(412-323 BC)was a famous Greek thinker.
提奥奇尼斯(公元前412 - 323)是一位著名的希腊思想家。
He believed that the way to be happy was to own as possible.
Diogenes only had a big jar to live in,a coat,a small bag and a cup,but he was very happy.
One day,he saw a small boy kneeling by a fountain,using his hands to drink from it.
So Diogenes threw away his cup and became even happier.
Dinosaurs lined on Earth more than sixty million years before human beings.
They lived everywhere.
Some were as small as chickens.
Others were as big as the elephants.
Some dinosaurs could even fiy.
Many dinosaurs were gentle and ate plants.
Others were dangerous and ate meat.
Dinosaurs all died out suddenly.
Nobody knows the reason.
However, people can learn about the lives of dinosaurs from fossils of their skeletons, eggs and footprints.
(See Earth History)
Disneyland is a famous park in the USA,Its founder was Walt Disney(1901-1966).
迪士尼乐园是一个著名的公园在美国,它的创始人是沃尔特·迪斯尼(1901 - 1966)。
He is famous for his cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy and Snow White.
Disney was born in the USA.
After leaving school, he sod newspapers and dilivered letters, At the same time, he studied art at night, Finally, he got a job drawing cartoons for films,
离开学校后,他dilivered sod报纸和信件,同时,他在晚上学习艺术,最后,他得到了一个为影片画漫画的工作,
Sometimes a mouse sat on Walt’s desk when he was at work, He drew the mouse and put it in a cartoon.
This became Disney’s most famous cartoon character-Mickey Mouse.
Mickey soon became a star and Disney became rich and famous.
(See Cartoons)


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