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[本站 “火星探测器”英语怎么说“火星探测器”英语怎么说太阳系资料(英文)华盛顿航空航天博物馆英文介绍外语版初二上册英语第三模块第二单元课文翻译皇牌空战X2那个可失速时会自动维持平衡的系统怎破求一部杰拉尔·德帕迪约主演的两部电影请大家推荐几部杰拉尔德帕迪约的经典影片推荐几部德帕迪约的喜剧电影给我吧法国电影《大鼻子情圣》的主演叫什么很喜欢…


  • “火星探测器”英语怎么说
  • 太阳系资料(英文)
  • 华盛顿 航空航天博物馆 英文介绍
  • 外语版初二上册英语第三模块第二单元课文翻译
  • 皇牌空战X2那个可失速时会自动维持平衡的系统怎破
  • 求一部杰拉尔·德帕迪约主演的两部电影
  • 请大家推荐几部杰拉尔德帕迪约的经典影片
  • 推荐几部德帕迪约的喜剧电影给我吧
  • 法国电影《大鼻子情圣》的主演叫什么很喜欢他的电影,哪下得到


  The Mars rover NASA sends in 2020 will look for signs of past life on the planet.

  It will carry a suite of instruments that will attempt to detect the traces left in rocks by ancient biology.

  The mission is a subtle step on from the current Curiosity rover, designed to establish if the planet has ever had habitable environments in its history.

  But the 2020 mission will still not be an explicit hunt for present-day life on Mars.






  文中的 Mars rover 就是“火星探测器”的意思。rover的意思就是“月球车”、“探测机器人”的意思。Mars是火星,八大行星中其他七大行星的英文分别为:水星 Mercury、金星 Venus、地球 Earth、木星 Jupiter、土星 Saturn、海王星 Neptune和天王星 Uranus。

  第一段中的NASA就是美国国家航空航天局,全称为National Aeronautics and Space Administration。

The sun and the solar system by the gravitational effect of its operation objects around it constitute the celestial system. It includes the sun, eight planets and their satellites, asteroids, comets, meteoroids and interplanetary matter. Human beings living on Earth is a member of the solar system.
Solar system where we are now the star system. By the sun, eight planets, 66 satellites, as well as numerous asteroids, comets and meteorites formed. Planet from the sun out of order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. From the sun closer to Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars is called terrestrial planets.Farther from the sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune called the Jovian planets。

  The Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum maintains the largest collection of historic air and spacecraft in the world. It is also a vital center for research into the history, science, and technology of aviation and space flight, as well as planetary science and terrestrial geology and geophysics.
  The Museum has two display facilities. The National Mall building in Washington, D.C. has hundreds of artifacts on display including the original Wright 1903 Flyer, the Spirit of St. Louis, the Apollo 11 command module, and a lunar rock sample that visitors can touch. The Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center displays many more artifacts including the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, Boeing B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay and Space Shuttle Enterprise.
  The Museum currently conducts restoration of its collection at the Paul E. Garber Preservation, Restoration, and Storage Facility in Suitland, MD. For years, this facility also displayed many of the Museum’s artifacts kept in storage. Only guided tours allowed access to this portion of the collection. The new Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center displays most of the aircraft and spacecraft previously stored at Garber, many never seen before in a museum setting. The Center will also eventually become the Museum’s primary artifact restoration facility.
  The National Air and Space Museum offers a variety of free educational programs for school groups and organized youth groups. Here you will find information on educational activities at the Museum as well as resources provided for classroom learning.
  The National Air and Space Museum on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. has hundreds of original, historic artifacts on display, including the Wright 1903 Flyer; the Spirit of St. Louis; the Apollo 11 command module Columbia; and a Lunar rock sample that visitors can touch.
  The Museum offers 22 exhibition galleries, the Lockheed Martin Imax Theater, flight simulators, a three-level Museum shop, and a food-court-style restaurant. Docent tours, daily free educational programs, and school group tours and activities are also available.
  The Albert Einstein Planetarium presents two shows daily: Cosmic Collisions launches visitors on a thrilling trip through space in a spectacular immersive theater experience. The Stars Tonight offers a relaxing journey through the current night sky. (Varying schedules.)
  A favorite gallery for children is How Things Fly - the place for hands-on action including fascinating science demonstrations; paper airplane contests; and 50 exciting interactive devices.
  Experience the early history of the airplane - from some of the earliest notions of flying through the first decade of powered flight - in the Early Flight gallery.
  Visitors can get a close-up view of the original 1903 Wright Flyer and 170 other related artifacts in The Wright Brothers & The Invention of the Aerial Age. After the exhibition closes, the Flyer will be returned to its usual hanging position in the Milestones of Flight gallery.
  The history of human space exploration is detailed in two exhibitions. To learn about the American and Soviet competition, visit Space Race, where artifacts on display include the V2 ballistic missile, a full-size Hubble Space Telescope test vehicle, and the backup Skylab space station that visitors can walk through.
  The story of America’s effort to land a human on the Moon is told in Apollo to the Moon, where the original space suits worn by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the Moon are on display.
  The Museum on the National Mall also features several exhibitions covering Earth and planetary studies. Looking at Earth shows visitors how views of our planet from above have helped us to better understand the Earth. Examples of satellite imagery and aerial photography are on display.
  Exploring the Planets highlights the history and achievements of planetary explorations, both Earth-based and by spacecraft. On display here is a full-scale replica of the Voyager spacecraft which traveled to the outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
  Explore the Universe demonstrates the various methods used by humankind to observe the skies throughout the ages, starting with the naked eye, through telescopes, and finally into the digital age.
  Exploring the Planets highlights the history and achievements of planetary explorations, both Earth-based and by spacecraft. On display here is a full-scale replica of the Voyager spacecraft which traveled to the outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
  Explore the Universe demonstrates the various methods used by humankind to observe the skies throughout the ages, starting with the naked eye, through telescopes, and finally into the digital age.
  For details about the many other exhibits at the Museum, click here.
  In 2001, the National Air and Space Museum celebrated its 25th anniversary. See the Timeline for a chronology of all major events in the Museum’s history. For more facts and figures about the downtown museum, please see the Museum’s press kit; for a complete list of the Museum’s exhibitions, please see the Exhibitions page.
  Begin planning your visit to the Museum on the National Mall, or learn about the National Air and Space Museum’s two other sites by selecting from the menu on the left.
  The National Air and Space Museum (NASM) of the Smithsonian Institution is a museum in Washington, D.C., United States, and is the most popular of the Smithsonian museums. It maintains the largest collection of aircraft and spacecraft in the world. Almost all space and aircraft on display are originals or backup crafts to the originals.
  Because of the museum site’s close proximity to the United States Capitol, the Smithsonian Institution wanted a building that would be architecturally impressive but would not stand out too boldly against the Capitol Building. St. Louis-based architect Gyo Obata of Hellmuth, Obata and Kassabaum accepted the challenge and designed the museum as four simple marble-encased cubes containing the smaller and more theatrical exhibits, connected by three spacious steel-and-glass atria which house the larger exhibits such as missiles, airplanes and spacecraft. The massing of the museum echoes the National Gallery of Art across the National Mall, and uses the same pink Tennessee marble as the National Gallery.
  Restoration facility
  Main article: Paul E. Garber Preservation, Restoration, and Storage Facility
  The museum’s total collection numbers over 30,000 aviation-related and 9,000 space-related artifacts, and is thus larger than will fit in the main hall. Many of the aircraft are at the Paul E. Garber Preservation, Restoration, and Storage Facility , also sometimes referred to as the “Silver Hill facility“, in Suitland-Silver Hill, Maryland. The facility was acquired by the Smithsonian Institution in 1952 as a storage location for the growing collection of aircraft. It is named for Paul E. Garber, former curator of the collection, and it consists of 32 buildings.
  The facility once was open for touring, but all exhibition items are being moved to the museum annex.
   Other facilities
  The Museum’s archives are divided between the main exhibition building on the Mall and the Garber facility in Suitland. The collections include personal and professional papers, corporate records, and other collections assembled by topic.
  The Museum includes the Center for Earth and Planetary Studies (CEPS), which conducts geological and geophysical research related to all the planets in the solar system. CEPS participates in programs that involve remote-sensing satellites and unmanned probes.
  The museum also has a research library, at the site of the main museum building.
  Wright Flyer hanging in the museum in 1982Originally called the National Air Museum when it was formed on August 12, 1946 by an act of Congress, some pieces in the National Air and Space Museum collection date back to the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia after which the Chinese Imperial Commission donated a group of kites to the Smithsonian. The Stringfellow steam engine intended for aircraft was accessioned into the collection in 1889, the first piece actively acquired by the Smithsonian now in the current NASM collection.
  After the establishment of the museum, there was no one building that could hold all the items to be displayed. Some pieces were on display in the Arts and Industries Building, some were stored in a shed in the Smithsonian’s South Yard that came to be known as the “Air and Space Building“, and the larger missiles and rockets were displayed outdoors in “Rocket Row.“
  The combination of the large numbers of aircraft donated to the Smithsonian after World War II and the need for hangar and factory space for the Korean War drove the Smithsonian to look for its own facility to store and restore aircraft. The current Garber Facility was ceded to the Smithsonian by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission in 1952 after the curator Paul E. Garber spotted the wooded area from the air. Bulldozers from Fort Belvoir and prefabricated buildings from the United States Navy kept the initial costs low.
  The space race in the 1950s and 1960s led to the renaming of the Museum to the “National Air and Space Museum“, and finally congressional passage of appropriations for the construction of the new exhibition hall, which opened July 1, 1976 at the height of the United States Bicentennial festivities. The Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center opened in 2003, funded by a private donation.
  The museum will receive several artifacts, including a former camera, from the Hubble Space Telescope that were taken to Earth after the May 2009 space shuttle mission STS-125 that extended the life of the telescope
  Carl W. Mitman was the first head of the museum, under the title of Assistant to the Secretary for the National Air Museum, heading the museum from 1946 until his retirement from the Smithsonian in 1952.
  The following have been, or acted as, Director of the museum:
  Philip S. Hopkins, 1958-1964
  S. Paul Johnston, 1964-1969
  Frank A. Taylor (acting), 1969-1971
  Michael Collins, 1971-1978;
  Melvin B. Zisfein (acting), 1978-1979
  Noel W. Hinners, 1979-1982
  Walter J. Boyne (acting 1982–1983, director 1983-1986)
  James C. Tyler (acting), 1986-1987
  Martin O. Harwit, 1987-1995
  Donald D. Engen, 1996-1999
  John R. Dailey, 2000-present
  Controversy erupted in 1994 over a proposed exhibit commemorating the atomic bombing of Japan on its 50th anniversary. The centerpiece of the exhibit was the Enola Gay, the B-29 bomber that dropped the A-bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Veterans’ groups, backed by some Congressmen, argued strongly that the exhibit’s inclusion of Japanese accounts and photographs of victims insulted airmen.
  Scientific clarity
  Throughout the museum’s displays, the Air and Space Museum presents all thrust levels for rocket and jet engines in mass units (kilograms or pounds) rather than force units (newtons or pounds-force). This usage is at odds with common scientific/engineering practice presented in NASA SP 7012.

   Module 3 Journey to space
1.进一步学习现在完成时的用法,掌握好副词already, just, yet在现在完成时中的用法。
4.本单元需要掌握的单词:Earth, Mars, already, just, model, station, panic, latest, several, month, discover, recently, show, over, planet, solar, also, none, environment, air, grow, part, galaxy, billion, universe, light, beyond, alone, entrance, cost, prefer, diary, even, Jupiter, secret, real, twice, explore, mission, unmanned.
5.本单元需要掌握的短语:apace station, space shuttle,
1.already adv. 已经,早已(尤与动词完成时态连用)
e.g.I’ve already seen that film, so I’d rather see another one.
Have your children started school already?
e.g.I am not ready yet.
Are you out of bed yet?
Have you finished lunch already?
2.just adv. 刚刚,刚才
e.g.I have just seen John.
3.panic v. & n.(使)感到惶恐
e.g.Don’t panic! 不要慌!
The gunfire panicked the horses.
She got into a panic when the fire started.
4.explore v. 勘探;探测
e.g.Columbus discovered America but did not explore the new continent.
As soon as they arrived in the town they went out to explore.
We explored several solutions to the problem.
5.several adj. 几个的,数个的(三个以上)
e.g.Several letters arrived this morning.
Several of you need to work harder.
6.recently adv. 最近
e.g.a recently painted house
He has been to Beijing recently.
比较:recently/not long ago/lately
e.g.Did she have a party recently?
They’ve recently bought a new car.
not long ago仅用于肯定式陈述句中,与动词过去时态连用。
e.g.They arrived in Britain not long ago/recently.
lately用于疑问句和否定式陈述句中,若用于肯定式陈述句中,通常与only, much, a lot连用,动词必须用现在完成时态。
e.g.Have you seen him lately/recently?
They haven’t written lately/recently.
She’s only lately/recently begun working here.
I’ve seen a lot of her lately/recently.
7.also adv. 也,同样;而且(不与否定式动词连用)
e.g.She speaks French and German and also a little Russian.
He is young and good-looking, and also very rich.
I teach five days a week and I also teach evening classes.
比较:also/too/as well
also, too, as well都指句中有关词语与前面提到的事物相结合或相一致,这三个词语的雅俗程度和在句中的位置有所不同。
e.g.I’ve met Jane and I’ve also met her mother.
She was rich, and she was also selfish.
too和as well比较通俗,通常用于从句的句尾。
e.g.I’ve read the book and I’ve seen the film as well/too.
8.grow v. 生长;种植(grew/grown)
e.g.Rice does not grow in a cold climate.
How tall you’ve grown!
9.light n. 光线;电灯
e.g.the light of the sun, a lamp, the fire, etc
This light is too poor to read by.
A light was still burning in his study.
10.alone adj. 孤单的,孤独的
e.g.I don’t like going out alone after dark.
e.g.Although I’m alone, I don’t feel lonely.
11.cost v. 价钱为;花费
e.g.These chairs cost $40 each.
How much does it cost?
It costs too much.
e.g.I spent $40 on the chair.
The chair costs me $40.
12.prefer v. 更喜爱
e.g.I prefer apple to orange.
I prefer watching TV to Seeing films.
13.other/the other/others/another
other其它的(人或物)  后面经常跟可数名词复数形式;
the other(两者中的)另一个  后面不可能跟复数形式;
others其它的人或物(已经包括在内)  后面不能跟名词,本身就含有名词的含义;
another(三者以上中的,或不知道数量的)另一个  后面也不可跟复数形式。
e.g.We haven’t found life on other planets yet.
He has two daughters. One is a teacher, the other is a doctor.
Some people came by car, others came on foot.
Would you like another cup of tea?
14.space shuttle 航天飞机
15.space station 太空站;宇宙空间站
16.What are you up to? 你在干什么呢?
up to常用在非正式场合中,表示“正在干,从事着”。
e.g.The children are very quiet, I wonder what they are up to.
What’s he up to with all those books on the floor?
拓展:up to you 由你决定
e.g.It’s up to you to decide when you should do it.
The choice is up to you.
17.The Earth is a planet and it goes around the Sun. Eight other planets also go around the Sun.
18.With so many stars in the universe, are we alone, or is there life out there in space?
with so many stars in the universe是介词短语,在句中作状语,表示伴随情况。
e.g.The boy ran in, with a ball in his hands.
The teacher came in, with some books in his arms.
19.It’s hard to understand how large the universe is.
It’s …to do sth. 表示做什么事情很怎么样。it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。一般来说,当主语比较长,我们都选择用这种形式。
e.g.It’s difficult to study English well.
20.The astronauts have gone to the space station.
have gone to 表示已经去了,但是到了没有或者回来没有,都不知道;
have been to 表示去过,现在可能不在那个地方。
She has gone to Beijing.
She has been to Beijing.
(1)肯定式:They have / They’ve just finished their homework.
否定式:They haven’t finished their homework yet.
疑问式:Have they finished their homework yet?
简略答语:Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t.
(2)肯定式:She has seen the movie already.
否定式:She hasn’t seen the movie yet.
疑问式:Has she seen the movie yet?
简略答语: Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t.
一般过去时与现在完成时都可以表示在过去发生的动作。但现在完成时态强调的是过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,它重点说明现在的情况,是基于现在时间的时态,因此它不能与明确指出过去时间的状语如:yesterday, last week, last night, last month, … ago, just now等连用,但可以和一些不明确指出时间的时间状语如:already, yet, just, before等连用。一般过去时态只表示过去的某时间发生的动作或存在的状态,叙述过去的事实,不涉及现在的情况,甚至与现在无关。因此它可以和表示过去某时间的时间状语连用。
e.g.Did you get up early?
Has he got up?
She has been ill for three days.
She was ill for three days.

1 Emagency APS
条件:一周目 二周目 Easy难度 Normal难度 Mission 08 ACE机体击落
1 Turbo Engine
条件:一周目 二周目 Easy难度 Normal难度 Mission 06 ACE机体击落
2 Light Engine
条件:一周目 二周目 Easy难度 Normal难度 Mission 15 ACE机体击落,总飞行时间超过06:40
3 Adv Turbo Engine
条件:一周目 二周目 Easy难度 Normal难度 Mission 12A ACE机体击落
4 Caudal Engine
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 10 ACE机体击落
5 Minotaur Engine
条件:一周目 二周目 Easy难度 Normal难度 Mission 18 ACE机体击落
6 Bullet Engine
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 14 ACE机体击落
7 Hayabusa Engine
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 08 ACE机体击落
8 Rocket Moter Engine
条件:一周目 二周目 Easy难度 Normal难度 Mission 20ACE机体击落
9 RAMJet Engine
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 16 ACE机体击落
10 SCRAMJet Engine
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 13 ACE机体击落
11 Turbo RAMJet Engine
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 11 ACE机体击落
12 C-Cycle Engine
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 20 ACE机体击落
13 Mercury Engine
条件:二周目 Ace难度 Mission 07 ACE机体击落
14 Uranus Engine
条件:二周目 Ace难度 Mission 09 ACE机体击落
15 Hydra Engine
条件:任易难度 Mission SP 01 ACE机体击落
1 Adv Trimtab
条件:一周目 二周目 Easy难度 Normal难度 Mission 10 ACE机体击落
2 Extra Airbrake
条件:Mission 05A or 05B过关
3 Extra Ladder
条件:Mission 05A or 05B过关
4 Air Gripper
条件:Mission 05A or 05B过关
5 Adv Balancetab
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 09 ACE机体击落
6 Acv A-Balancetab
条件:一周目 二周目 Easy难度 Normal难度 Mission 13 ACE机体击落
7 Extra V Canard
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 18 ACE机体击落
8 Extra Elron
条件:一周目 二周目 Easy难度 Normal难度 Mission 21A ACE机体击落
9 Extra Canard
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 06 ACE机体击落
10 Thornback Fin
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 01 ACE机体击落
11 Adv Sweep Wing
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 17 ACE机体击落
12 Adv Actuator
条件:二周目 Ace难度 Mission 03 ACE机体击落
13 Extra Hardpoint
条件:二周目 Ace难度 Mission 13 ACE机体击落 或 一周目 二周目 Easy难度 Normal难度 Mission 21B ACE机体击落
14 Adv B. Wing Body
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 05A ACE机体击落
15 Sylph Wing
条件:任易难度 Mission SP02
1 Scale Armor
条件:一周目 二周目 Easy难度 Normal难度 Mission 11 ACE机体击落
2 CFRP Conversion
条件:一周目 二周目 Easy难度 Normal难度 Mission 14 ACE机体击落
3 Ceramic Armor
条件:一周目 二周目 Easy难度 Normal难度 Mission 09 ACE机体击落
4 Beatle Armor
条件:Mission 05A or 05B 过关
5 NERA Armor
条件:一周目 二周目 Easy难度 Normal难度 Mission 16 ACE机体击落
6 RAM Cort
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 02 ACE机体击落
7 Titanium Armor
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 04 ACE机体击落
8 Light Armor
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 07 ACE机体击落
9 Composite Armor
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 19 ACE机体击落
10 Anti-Ground Armor
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 12A ACE机体击落
11 Adv Titanium
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 15 ACE机体击落 或 总飞行时间超过08:20
12 TiAl Armor
条件:二周目 Ace难度 Mission 10 ACE机体击落
13 Extra Hardpoint
条件:二周目 Ace难度 Mission 05B ACE机体击落 或 二周目 Ace难度 Mission 08 ACE机体击落
14 Diffusion Coat
条件:二周目 Ace难度 Mission 17 ACE机体击落
15 DA Armor
条件:二周目 Ace难度 Mission 21A ACE机体击落
1 Emagency APS
条件:一周目 二周目 Easy难度 Normal难度 Mission 08 ACE机体击落
2 Raven
条件 Mission 05A or 05B をクリアする
3 Terra Hammer
条件:一周目 二周目 Easy难度 Normal难度 Mission 07 ACE机体击落
4 Hawk Eye
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 03 ACE机体击落
条件:二周目 Ace难度 Mission 01 ACE机体击落
6 Tracer
条件:二周目 Hard难度 Mission 05A ACE机体击落
7 Salamander
条件:一周目 二周目 Easy难度 Normal难度 Mission 19 ACE机体击落
8 AAM Jammer
条件:一周目 二周目 Easy难度 Normal难度 Mission 17 ACE机体击落
9 Adv SA Rader
条件:二周目 Ace难度 Mission 02 ACE机体击落 或 一周目 二周目 Easy难度 Normal难度
Mission 12B ACE机体击落
10 Fenrir ECMS
条件:二周目 Ace难度 Mission 11 ACE机体击落
11 Earth Shaker
条件:二周目 Ace难度
另外我玩这个游戏也不是一天两天了,我玩了428 小时,所有勋章,飞机组键都刷出来了,纯手刷,我经常在PSN联机,我的联机ID是“SHN“

另一个大仲马 L’autre Dumas (2010) 钻石13 Diamond13 (2009)杰拉尔·德帕迪约头号公敌L’ennemi public n°1(2008) 高卢英雄大战凯撒王子 Astérix aux jeux olympiques (2008) 玫瑰人生 La Vie En Rose(2007) 当我是个歌手时 Quand j’étais chanteur (2006) 求偶二人组 Je préfère qu’on reste amis (2005) 爱我多深 Combien tu gagnes? (2005) 最后的假日 Last Holiday (2005) 布杜 Boudu (2005) Nouvelle-France (2004) “La Femme Musketeer“ (2004) 森林鲁滨逊 RRRrrrr!!! (2004) Temps qui changent, Les (2004) 圣安东尼奥 San Antonio (2004) 警界争雄 36 Quai des Orfèvres (2004) 黑道追杀令 Crime Spree (2003) 请你闭嘴 Tais-toi! (2003) 沉默的条约 Pacte du silence, Le (2003) 魅影危程 City of Ghosts (2003) 一路顺风 Bon voyage (2003) 拿破仑 Napoleon (2002) 爱你的父亲 Aime ton père (2002) 美丽新世界2:埃及任务 Astérix & Obélix: Mission Cléopatre (2002) 陌生人之间 Between Strangers (2002) 我是蒂娜 I Am Dina (2002) 完美女人 CQ (2002) 夺面解码 Vidocq (2001) Concorrenza sleale (2001) 下岗风波 The Closet (2001) 欲望巴黎 Vatel (2000) 悲惨世界 Misérables, Les (2000) 异国寻母 Mirka (2000) 102斑点狗 102 Dalmatians (2000) 美丽新世界 Astérix et Obélix contre César (1999) Un pont entre deux rives (1999) 巴尔扎克激情的一生 Balzac (1999) 宾伯地 Bimboland (1998) 铁面王子 Man in the Iron Mask, The (1998) 基督山伯爵 1998年 代媾 Unhook the Stars (1996) Plus beau métier du monde, Le (1996) 哈姆雷特 Hamlet (1996) 妈咪也疯狂 Bogus (1996) The Secret Agent (1996) 天使保镖 Anges gardiens, Les (1995) 难为了爸爸 Gar?u, Le (1995) 爱丽莎的情人 Elisa (1995) 幽国车站 Pura formalità, Una (1994) Colonel Chabert, Le (1994) 悲哀于我 Hélas pour moi (1993) 萌芽 Germinal (1993) 哥伦布传 1492: Conquest of Paradise (1992) Mon père, ce héros. (1991) 日出时让悲伤终结 Tous les matins du monde (1991) 绿卡 Green Card (1990) 大鼻子情圣 Cyrano de Bergerac (1990) Uranus (1990) 爱的过火 Trop belle pour toi (1989) I Want to Go Home (1989) Dr?le d’endroit pour une rencontre (1988) 罗丹的情人 Camille Claudel (1988) 撒旦阳光下 Sous le soleil de Satan (1987) 恋恋山城 Jean de Florette (1986) 晚礼服 Tenue de soirée (1986) Fugitifs, Les (1986) 别说你懂得女人 Une femme ou deux (1985) 警察 Police (1985) 沙岗堡 Fort Saganne (1984) Danton (1983) 冷月迷情 Lune dans le caniveau, La (1983) 从马丁战争中归来 Retour de Martin Guerre, Le (1982) 隔墙花 Femme d’à c?té, La (1981) Loulou (1980) 最后一班地铁 Dernier métro, Le (1980) 我的美国舅舅 Mon oncle d’Amérique (1980) 巴菲特.弗依德 Buffet froid (1979) Ingorgo - Una storia impossibile, L’ (1979) 掏出你的手帕 Préparez vos mouchoirs (1978) 猴子再见 Bye Bye Monkey (1978) Sucre, Le (1978) 告诉他我爱他 Dites-lui que je l’aime (1977) Le Camion (1977) Je t’aime moi non plus (1976) 一九零零 1900 (1976) 巴洛可 Barocco (1976) 最后的女人 Dernière femme, La (1976) 七次判处死刑 Sept morts sur ordonnance (1975) 远行他方 Valseuses, Les (1974)

头号公敌L’ennemi public n°1(2008)
玫瑰人生 La Vie En Rose(2007)
当我是个歌手时 Quand j’étais chanteur (2006)
求偶二人组 Je préfère qu’on reste amis (2005)
爱我多深 Combien tu gagnes? (2005)
最后的假日 Last Holiday (2005)
布杜 Boudu (2005)
Nouvelle-France (2004)
“La Femme Musketeer“ (2004)
森林鲁滨逊 RRRrrrr!!! (2004)
Temps qui changent, Les (2004)
圣安东尼奥 San Antonio (2004)
警界争雄 36 Quai des Orfèvres (2004)
黑道追杀令 Crime Spree (2003)
请你闭嘴 Tais-toi! (2003)
沉默的条约 Pacte du silence, Le (2003)
魅影危程 City of Ghosts (2003)
一路顺风 Bon voyage (2003)
拿破仑 Napoleon (2002)
爱你的父亲 Aime ton père (2002)
美丽新世界2:埃及任务 Astérix & Obélix: Mission Cléopatre (2002)
陌生人之间 Between Strangers (2002)
我是蒂娜 I Am Dina (2002)
完美女人 CQ (2002)
夺面解码 Vidocq (2001)
Concorrenza sleale (2001)
下岗风波 The Closet (2001)
欲望巴黎 Vatel (2000)
悲惨世界 Misérables, Les (2000)
异国寻母 Mirka (2000)
102斑点狗 102 Dalmatians (2000)
美丽新世界 Astérix et Obélix contre César (1999)
Un pont entre deux rives (1999)
巴尔扎克激情的一生 Balzac (1999)
宾伯地 Bimboland (1998)
铁面王子 Man in the Iron Mask, The (1998)
基督山伯爵 1998年
代媾 Unhook the Stars (1996)
Plus beau métier du monde, Le (1996)
哈姆雷特 Hamlet (1996)
妈咪也疯狂 Bogus (1996)
The Secret Agent (1996)
天使保镖 Anges gardiens, Les (1995)
难为了爸爸 Gar?u, Le (1995)
爱丽莎的情人 Elisa (1995)
幽国车站 Pura formalità, Una (1994)
Colonel Chabert, Le (1994)
悲哀于我 Hélas pour moi (1993)
萌芽 Germinal (1993)
哥伦布传 1492: Conquest of Paradise (1992)
Mon père, ce héros. (1991)
日出时让悲伤终结 Tous les matins du monde (1991)
绿卡 Green Card (1990)
大鼻子情圣 Cyrano de Bergerac (1990)
Uranus (1990)
爱的过火 Trop belle pour toi (1989)
I Want to Go Home (1989)
Dr?le d’endroit pour une rencontre (1988)
罗丹的情人 Camille Claudel (1988)
撒旦阳光下 Sous le soleil de Satan (1987)
恋恋山城 Jean de Florette (1986)
晚礼服 Tenue de soirée (1986)
Fugitifs, Les (1986)
别说你懂得女人 Une femme ou deux (1985)
警察 Police (1985)
沙岗堡 Fort Saganne (1984)
Danton (1983)
冷月迷情 Lune dans le caniveau, La (1983)
从马丁战争中归来 Retour de Martin Guerre, Le (1982)
隔墙花 Femme d’à c?té, La (1981)
Loulou (1980)
最后一班地铁 Dernier métro, Le (1980)
我的美国舅舅 Mon oncle d’Amérique (1980)
巴菲特.弗依德 Buffet froid (1979)
Ingorgo - Una storia impossibile, L’ (1979)
掏出你的手帕 Préparez vos mouchoirs (1978)
猴子再见 Bye Bye Monkey (1978)
Sucre, Le (1978)
告诉他我爱他 Dites-lui que je l’aime (1977)
Le Camion (1977)
Je t’aime moi non plus (1976)
一九零零 1900 (1976)
巴洛可 Barocco (1976)
最后的女人 Dernière femme, La (1976)
七次判处死刑 Sept morts sur ordonnance (1975)
远行他方 Valseuses, Les (1974)

当我是个歌手时 Quand j’étais chanteur (2006)
求偶二人组 Je préfère qu’on reste amis (2005)
爱我多深 Combien tu gagnes? (2005)
最后的假日 Last Holiday (2005)
布杜 Boudu (2005)
Nouvelle-France (2004)
“La Femme Musketeer“ (2004)
森林鲁滨逊 RRRrrrr!!! (2004)
Temps qui changent, Les (2004)
圣安东尼奥 San Antonio (2004)
警界争雄 36 Quai des Orfèvres (2004)
黑道追杀令 Crime Spree (2003)
请你闭嘴 Tais-toi! (2003)
沉默的条约 Pacte du silence, Le (2003)
魅影危程 City of Ghosts (2003)
一路顺风 Bon voyage (2003)
拿破仑 Napoleon (2002)
爱你的父亲 Aime ton père (2002)
美丽新世界2:埃及任务 Astérix & Obélix: Mission Cléopatre (2002)
陌生人之间 Between Strangers (2002)
我是蒂娜 I Am Dina (2002)
完美女人 CQ (2002)
夺面解码 Vidocq (2001)
Concorrenza sleale (2001)
下岗风波 The Closet (2001)
欲望巴黎 Vatel (2000)
悲惨世界 Misérables, Les (2000)
异国寻母 Mirka (2000)
102斑点狗 102 Dalmatians (2000)
美丽新世界 Astérix et Obélix contre César (1999)
Un pont entre deux rives (1999)
巴尔扎克激情的一生 Balzac (1999)
宾伯地 Bimboland (1998)
铁面王子 Man in the Iron Mask, The (1998)
基督山伯爵 1998年
代媾 Unhook the Stars (1996)
Plus beau métier du monde, Le (1996)
哈姆雷特 Hamlet (1996)
妈咪也疯狂 Bogus (1996)
The Secret Agent (1996)
天使保镖 Anges gardiens, Les (1995)
难为了爸爸 Gar?u, Le (1995)
爱丽莎的情人 Elisa (1995)
幽国车站 Pura formalità, Una (1994)
Colonel Chabert, Le (1994)
悲哀于我 Hélas pour moi (1993)
萌芽 Germinal (1993)
哥伦布传 1492: Conquest of Paradise (1992)
Mon père, ce héros. (1991)
日出时让悲伤终结 Tous les matins du monde (1991)
绿卡 Green Card (1990)
大鼻子情圣 Cyrano de Bergerac (1990)
Uranus (1990)
爱的过火 Trop belle pour toi (1989)
I Want to Go Home (1989)
Dr?le d’endroit pour une rencontre (1988)
罗丹的情人 Camille Claudel (1988)
撒旦阳光下 Sous le soleil de Satan (1987)
恋恋山城 Jean de Florette (1986)
晚礼服 Tenue de soirée (1986)
Fugitifs, Les (1986)
别说你懂得女人 Une femme ou deux (1985)
警察 Police (1985)
沙岗堡 Fort Saganne (1984)
Danton (1983)
冷月迷情 Lune dans le caniveau, La (1983)
从马丁战争中归来 Retour de Martin Guerre, Le (1982)
隔墙花 Femme d’à c?té, La (1981)
Loulou (1980)
最后一班地铁 Dernier métro, Le (1980)
我的美国舅舅 Mon oncle d’Amérique (1980)
巴菲特.弗依德 Buffet froid (1979)
Ingorgo - Una storia impossibile, L’ (1979)
掏出你的手帕 Préparez vos mouchoirs (1978)
猴子再见 Bye Bye Monkey (1978)
Sucre, Le (1978)
告诉他我爱他 Dites-lui que je l’aime (1977)
Le Camion (1977)
Je t’aime moi non plus (1976)
一九零零 1900 (1976)
巴洛可 Barocco (1976)
最后的女人 Dernière femme, La (1976)
七次判处死刑 Sept morts sur ordonnance (1975)
远行他方 Valseuses, Les (1974)

  Gérard Depardieu
  出生日期 1948-12-27
  出生地 Chateauroux, Indre, France
  人 物 简 介
  杰拉尔·德帕迪约(Gérard Depardieu)可谓当今法国最具实力的男影星之一。不管是他演的历史剧还是喜剧,都能吸引来各个阶层的观众为他拍手叫好。
  在几部电影中饰演了一些无足轻重的小角色之后,德帕迪约终于凭借由贝特朗·伯列尔(Bertrand Belier)执导的《华尔兹舞女》一片获得了满堂喝彩,从而成为影坛上一颗引人注目的新星。在这部影片中,德帕迪约为法国电影开创了一种新的英雄形象,这也使得他在观众中的人气陡增起来。在此之后,德帕迪约不断地探索、尝试了很多不同类型的银幕形象,由于他对角色有着高度的塑造力,因而成为大家公认的法国80与90年代最受欢迎的男影星。
  作为德帕迪约在电影上所获得的成就的肯定,恺撒奖的最佳男演员奖项曾两次颁发给他,一次是因为他与卡特琳娜·德纳芙(Cathrine DENEUVE)合作拍摄的《最后一班地铁》(1980年),一次是因为电影《贝尔热拉克》(1990年)。此外,德帕尔迪约还曾因第二部片子获得过奥斯卡奖提名。他长期以来塑造的一系列角色也为他带来了许多国际电影节上颁发的大奖。
  1996年, 德帕迪约终于作为一名硕果累累的演艺界巨星获得了由法国政府颁发、代表法国最高荣誉的“骑士勋位勋章“。
  杰拉尔·德帕迪约的妻子是伊丽莎白·德帕迪约,两人曾在电影《Jean de Florette》中合作。他们拥有一个儿子和一个女儿,儿子纪尧姆·德帕迪约也是一名演员。
  作 品 年 表
  演 出
  1 Astérix aux jeux olympiques 亚历和奥运会 【2007】
  2 Vie en rose, La 【2006】
  3 Amici miei ’400 【2006】
  4 Quand j’étais chanteur 当我还是歌手时 【2006】
  When I was a Singer
  5 Knights of Manhattan 【2006】
  6 Michou d’Auber 【2006】
  7 Combien tu gagnes? 爱我多深 【2005】
  8 Last Holiday 最后的假期 【2005】
  9 Boudu 布杜 【2005】
  10 Je préfère qu’on reste amis 求偶二人组 【2005】
  11 La Vie de Michel Muller est plus belle que la v?tre 【2005】
  12 Olé 【2005】
  13 RRRrrrr!!! 天啊ㄚㄚㄚ!!! 【2004】
  14 36 Quai des Orf 36总局 【2004】
  15 San Antonio 圣安东尼奥 【2004】
  16 Temps qui changent, Les 时光流转 【2004】
  17 “La Femme Musketeer“ 火枪女英雄 【2004】
  18 Nouvelle-France 【2004】
  19 Pacte du silence, Le 沉默的条约 【2003】
  20 Tais-toi! 越狱疯云 【2003】
  21 Bon voyage 一路顺风 【2003】
  22 Crime Spree 黑道追杀令 【2003】
  23 Volpone 【2003】
  24 Clefs de bagnole, Les 车钥匙 【2003】
  25 Nathalie... 娜塔莉 【2003】
  26 Asterix and Obelix Mission Cleopatra 美丽新世界2:埃及任务 【2002】
  27 City of Ghosts 幽灵城市 【2002】
  28 Between Strangers 陌生人之间 【2002】
  29 Ruy Blas 【2002】
  30 I Am Dina 我是迪娜 【2002】
  31 Blanche 复仇 【2002】
  32 Aime ton père 爱你的父亲 【2002】
  33 “Napoléon“ 拿破仑 【2002】
  34 The Closet 下岗风波 【2001】
  35 CQ 完美女人 【2001】
  36 Vidocq 夺面解码 【2001】
  37 Unfair Competition 非公平竞赛 【2001】
  38 Streghe verso nord 【2001】
  39 102 Dalmatians 102斑点狗 【2000】
  40 Vatel 欲望巴黎 【2000】
  41 Actors 男演员 【2000】
  42 Les Misérables (mini) 悲惨世界 【2000】
  43 Mirka 异国寻母 【2000】
  44 Bérénice 【2000】
  45 Zavist bogov 神仙也羡慕 【2000】
  46 Tutto l’amore che c’è 【2000】
  47 The Bridge 桥 【1999】
  48 Asterix and Obelix Take On Caesar 美丽新世界 【1999】
  49 Balzac (TV) 巴尔扎克 【1999】
  50 The Man in the Iron Mask 铁面王子 【1998】
  51 Bimboland 宾伯地 【1998】
  52 “Comte de Monte Cristo, Le“ 基督山伯爵 【1998】
  53 Parola amore esiste, La 【1998】
  54 XXL 【1997】
  55 Unhook the Stars 代沟 【1996】
  56 Bogus 妈咪也疯狂 【1996】
  57 Hamlet 哈姆雷特 【1996】
  58 Plus beau métier du monde, Le 【1996】
  59 The Secret Agent 【1996】
  60 Guardian Angels 天使保镖 【1995】
  61 A Hundred and One Nights 一百零一夜 【1995】
  62 Gar?u, Le 难为了老爸 【1995】
  63 élisa 伊丽莎 【1995】
  64 Pure Formality 幽国车站 【1994】
  65 My Father the Hero 我的爸爸是英雄 【1994】
  66 The Machine 机器 【1994】
  67 Colonel Chabert 夏伯特上校 【1994】
  68 Germinal 萌芽 【1993】
  69 Alas for Me 悲哀于我 【1993】
  70 1492: Conquest of Paradise 哥伦布传 【1992】
  71 From Time to Time 时过境迁 【1992】
  72 All the Mornings of the World 日出时让悲伤终结 【1991】
  73 Thank You, Life 感谢你生活 【1991】
  74 Mon père, ce héros. 【1991】
  75 Green Card 绿卡 【1990】
  76 Cyrano de Bergerac 大鼻子情圣 【1990】
  77 Uranus 天王星 【1990】
  78 Too Beautiful for You 怪你过分美丽 【1989】
  79 I Want to Go Home 我要回家 【1989】
  80 Deux 【1989】
  81 Camille Claudel 罗丹的情人 【1988】
  82 Strange Place for an Encounter 遇到一个陌生的地方 【1988】
  83 Under Satan’s Sun 撒旦阳光下 【1987】
  84 Jean de Florette 恋恋山城 【1986】
  85 Evening Dress 晚礼服 【1986】
  86 Rue du départ 【1986】
  87 Fugitifs, Les 难兄难弟 【1986】
  88 Je hais les acteurs 【1986】
  89 Police 警察的故事 【1985】
  90 A Woman or Two 别说你懂得女人 【1985】
  91 Fort Saganne 沙岗堡 【1984】
  92 Rive droite, rive gauche 【1984】
  93 Tartuffe, Le 【1984】
  94 The Moon in the Gutter 冷月迷情 【1983】
  95 Compères, Les 【1983】
  96 The Return of Martin Guerre 马丁·盖尔归来 【1982】
  97 Danton 丹顿 【1982】
  98 Grand frère, Le 【1982】
  99 The Woman Next Door 隔墙花 【1981】
  100 Choice of Arms 武器的选择 【1981】
  制 片
  1 Aime ton père 爱你的父亲 【2002】
  2 “Napoléon“ 拿破仑 【2002】
  3 Les Misérables (mini) 悲惨世界 【2000】
  4 The Bridge 桥 【1999】
  5 She’s So Lovely 恋恋风暴 【1997】
  6 The Visitor 不速之客 【1991】
  7 Shakha Proshakha 【1990】
  导 演
  1 Paris, je t’aime 巴黎我爱你 【2006】
  2 The Bridge 桥 【1999】
  3 Tartuffe, Le 【1984】
  获 奖 资 料
  时 间 类 别 奖 项
  奥斯卡奖 Oscar
  1991 提名 最佳男演员 (Best Actor in a Leading Role) Cyrano de Bergerac (1990) 大鼻子情圣
  金球奖 GG
  1991 获奖 最佳男演员(喜剧/音乐类) (Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Comedy/Musical) Green Card (1990) 绿卡
  英国学院奖 BAFTA
  1992 提名 最佳男演员 (Best Actor) Cyrano de Bergerac (1990) 大鼻子情圣
  1988 最佳男演员 (Best Actor) Jean de Florette (1986) 恋恋山城
  欧洲电影奖 EFA
  1998 提名 最佳男演员 (Best Actor) The Man in the Iron Mask (1998) 铁面王子
  戛纳电影节 Cannes
  1990 获奖 最佳男演员 (Best Actor) Cyrano de Bergerac (1990) 大鼻子情圣
  威尼斯电影节 Venice
  1997 获奖 最佳男演员 (Best Actor)
  1985 最佳男演员 (Best Actor) Police (1985) 警察的故事
  美国影评人协会奖 NSFC
  1984 获奖 最佳男演员 (Best Actor) Danton (1982) 丹顿
  最佳男演员 (Best Actor) The Return of Martin Guerre (1982) 马丁·盖尔归来
  法国恺撒奖 CAF
  1995 提名 最佳男演员 (Best Actor (Meilleur acteur)) Colonel Chabert (1994) 夏伯特上校
  1991 获奖 最佳男演员 (Best Actor (Meilleur acteur)) Cyrano de Bergerac (1990) 大鼻子情圣
  1990 提名 最佳男演员 (Best Actor (Meilleur acteur)) Too Beautiful for You (1989) 怪你过分美丽
  1989 最佳男演员 (Best Actor (Meilleur Acteur)) Camille Claudel (1988) 罗丹的情人
  1988 最佳男演员 (Best Actor (Meilleur acteur)) Under Satan’s Sun (1987) 撒旦阳光下
  1986 最佳男演员 (Best Actor (Meilleur acteur)) Police (1985) 警察的故事
  1981 获奖 最佳男演员 (Best Actor (Meilleur acteur)) The Last Metro (1980) 最后一班地铁
  1979 提名 最佳男演员 (Best Actor (Meilleur acteur)) Sucre, Le (1978)
  1978 最佳男演员 (Best Actor (Meilleur acteur)) This Sweet Sickness (1977) 告诉他我爱他
  1977 最佳男演员 (Best Actor (Meilleur acteur)) The Last Woman (1976) 最后的女人
  1976 最佳男演员 (Best Actor (Meilleur acteur)) Bestial Quartet (1975) 七次判处死刑


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