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[本站 silentdevil是什么意思silentdevil是什么意思求鬼泣4(devilmaycry4)的英语简介speakofthedevil是什么意思silentdevil沉默的恶魔双语例句1Youmayfeelyoudon’thaveanythingtoshar…


  • silentdevil是什么意思
  • 求鬼泣4(devil may cry4)的英语简介
  • speak of the devil是什么意思

silent devil

You may feel you don ’t have anything to share, but that’ s the Devil trying to keep you silent.

“Ghost Sobs 4“ the time foreword supposes between 1 generation and 2 generations. The evil spirit sword teaches the group is the city fills the metropolis “Fu Du that” (Fortuna) the belief organization, the worship boldly thrusts forward for the humanity to resist evil spirit army’s Sparta (Spada, is father of the Dante), the hatred repels outside Sparta’s devil, take removes other devils as the first religious doctrine, therefore taught in the group to establish a personal army “to teach the group the knight” to maintain the evil spirit sword to teach the group the religious doctrine, and has the technical bureau to be responsible to study copes with the devil the weapon. The lead Nepal wealth is “teaches the group the knight” one of members, is one has the devil the right wrist’s young soldier. Until has on first, Dante after the flower bud peduncle mouth knew the evil spirit sword teaches the group the plot, then attacks teaches the group the headquarters, the member who the slaughter evil spirit sword teaches the group, therefore the Nepali wealth then launches a field excitation with Dante to fight, finally the Nepali wealth uses him “the devil the right wrist” the success to repel Dante. Because teaches the group person unknown Dante attacks reason, therefore teaches the group knight Commander Keleide (Credo) to order the Nepali wealth to go to seek for Dante. The Nepali wealth leaves the headquarters to detect that Fu Du that completely was already invaded by the devil, has launched “Ghost Sobbed 4“ the story like this.

speak of the devil的意思是“something you say when the person you were talking about appears unexpectedly”,即“说曹操曹操到;说到某人,某人就到”。

我们知道devil有“魔鬼”的含义,那speak of the devil为什么是“说曹操曹操到”这样的含义呢?

这句习语源于16世纪,speak of the devil这句习语实际上是“Speak of the Devil and he will appear.”这句话的简写。在以前人们认为世界上有魔鬼,如果提到魔鬼,可能魔鬼就会出现,这句话的意思就是警告人们不要谈论魔鬼。因此,随着时间的发展,人们将这句习语引申为了如今的含义。


Speak of the devil─here’s Alice now!


下面再介绍一个关于devil的习语:the devil to pay

the devil to pay的意思是“a lot of trouble, difficulty, punishment, anger, etc.”,即“ 大麻烦,大乱子”。



There’ll be?the devil to pay?when he finds out.



标签:the   he   is   we   魔鬼

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