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[本站 clarity(Clarity的简介)Clarity的简介Clarity的介绍clarity是什么意思(caratweight)(clarity)的音标分别是什么JohnMayer的《Clarity》歌词一种新的成像技术——CLARITY技术,能使大脑透明,并提供完整…


  • Clarity的简介
  • Clarity的介绍
  • clarity是什么意思
  • (carat weight )(clarity)的音标分别是什么
  • John Mayer的《Clarity》 歌词

一种新的成像技术——CLARITY技术,能使大脑透明,并提供完整无损的神经网络3D图像,包括精细回路和分子连接。科学家说CLARITY已经开启了神经影像学检查的新时代,这将在之前美国总统奥巴马宣布的大脑图谱计划中发挥重要作用。负责制定大脑图谱计划实施路线图工作小组的主席斯坦福大学神经生物学家William Newsome博士称,CLARITY方法完全是令人震惊的。  CLARITY是指清晰脂质交换丙烯酰胺杂交精细成像/免疫染色/原位杂交相容性组织水凝胶。该技术涉及化学工程与生物工程,由斯坦福大学Karl Deisseroth博士领导的团队开发。Karl Deisseroth博士是一名生物工程学家和精神病学家,也是路线图工作小组的成员。

1、地球物理学:Clarity是钻石净度的术语 钻石结晶于地球深处地幔岩浆之中,环境复杂,成分多样,温度压力极高,历经亿万年的地质变化,其内部难免含有各种杂物或存在瑕疵。2、生物影像学:一种生物标本成像技术。

  clarity 英[?kl?r?ti]美[?kl?r?ti]  n.清晰度; 明确; 透明; 清楚,明晰  例句:  He stated the market situation with astonishing clarity.  他极其清晰地陈述了市场行情。


歌曲名:Clarity歌手:John Mayer专辑:As-IsClarityJohn MayerI worryI weigh three times my bodyI worryI throw my fear aroundBut this morningThere’s a calm I can’t explainThe rock candy’s melted, only diamonds now remainBy the time I recognize this momentThis moment will be goneBut I will bend the light pretendingThat it somehow lingered onWell all I got’sAnd I will wait to findIf this will last foreverAnd I will wait to findIf this will last foreverAnd I will pay no mindWhen I won’t and it won’t cause it can’tIt just can’t(It’s not supposed to no no )Was there a second of time I looked around?Did I sail through or drop my anchor down?Was anything enough to kiss the groundAnd say I’m here nowAnd she is here nowSo much wasted in the afternoonSo much sacred in the month of JuneHow about youAnd I will wait to findIf this will last foreverAnd I will wait to findThat it won’t and it won’t it won’t歌手独白summer is over they won’t lieing you they will say the truth but summer is over summer is over now now now 。。。I will worry about it when i found out what real is worry about worry about don’t be scary about next to day tuesday hasen happen yet tuesday hasen happen yetsummer is over they won’t tell you summer is over now now now...歌手独白歌手独白

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