15和17的models(java 运行出现空指针,变量i和model为空,,请高手帮忙解答)
- java 运行出现空指针,变量i和model为空,,请高手帮忙解答
- 请各位英语高手帮帮忙!!!!
- 特斯拉车型主要有哪些
- 错误 1 应输入 class、delegate、enum、interface 或 struct D:mywebMODELSCaseType.cs 15 17 MODELS 错
- 苹果笔记本电脑MacBookPro(MC373CH A)和MacBookAir(MC503CH A)的英文介绍
- 请高人帮我翻译下 谢谢哈 好人一生平安
- 特斯拉有哪些选配是必选的
- 钢铁雄心如何自己做models
models = new Model[new java.util.Random().nextInt(2)];这一句意思是将models数组初始化,但是大小是随机的(貌似写错了,应该new java.util.Random.nextInt(2)),随机数是0-1,数组下标越界,自然是NullPointer。
1. sea cucumber 海参
2. sea cock 1. 船壳上的海底阀 2. 【口】海盗
3. land shark 1.码头专门敲诈上岸水手的骗子 2。非法占用公地的人
4.floating island n. 浮岛,覆有蛋白的蛋糕
5. dumb waiter 小型升降送货机
6.lazy Susan 旋转餐盘
7.black sheep 害群之马, 败家子
8.cold pig 用冷水把睡着的人泼醒的办法
9.lady chair
10.morning glory 牵牛花
11.night soil 人的shit
12.hen party 妇女聚会
13.donkey pump n. 辐助泵(蒸汽往复泵)
14.monkey engine 打桩机
15.Greek gift 图谋害人的礼物
16.Indian meal n. 玉米粉
17.family tree 家谱
18.house flag n. (商船)公司旗
1、Model X
Model X是一款SUV车型,但车身重心要比一般的SUV更低,更像是类似宝马X6,介于SUV和轿跑车之间的跨界车。
此外Model X配备了医疗级别HEPA滤网,可有效过滤空气中的花粉、细菌、PM 2.5等污染物或过敏原。同时该车空调系统还增加了“生化武器防御模式”,即在车厢内增加气压,从而抵制车外不良空气进入。
3、特斯拉MODEL 3
在外观上,特斯拉MODEL 3基本就是缩小版的MODEL S,它们的线条轮廓和车身比例都非常接近。MODEL 3前脸完全一体化,取消了传统的进气格栅。隐藏式门把手等经典元素得以保留。MODEL 3的长度为4694mm,比MODEL S短了285mm,但它的轴距依然达到了2870mm,只比MODEL S少了90mm,车内空间应该比较充裕。
内饰方面,MODEL 3显得极为激进。在车内甚至没有仪表盘,只有一块大尺寸的触摸屏。这种设计非常挑战用户的使用习惯。此前,外界曾普遍认为量产版的MODEL 3会增加一块大尺寸的HUD,但是目前看来这个愿望,只可能会在后续的改款车型上实现了。
特斯拉中国否认将推 16 万元新车
据第一财经今日报道,针对 1 月 8 日有媒体报道称特斯拉上海超级工厂将生产第三款衍生电动车型,价格有望控制在 16 万元左右,特斯拉方面回应称该消息不实,但并未透露更多情况。
多家媒体曾于1月7日表示,特斯拉将在上海超级工厂内增产第三款国产车型,定位低于 Model 3,定价预计在 15 至 20 万元,最快可在 2022 年实现量产并向用户交付。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace MODELS
public class CaseType{
private int caseTypeId;
public int CaseTypeId
get { return caseTypeId; }
set { caseTypeId = value; }
private string typeName;
public string TypeName
get { return typeName; }
set { typeName = value; }
/// 《summary》
/// 类别信息描述
/// 《/summary》
private string typeDesc;
public string TypeDesc
get { return typeDesc; }
set { typeDesc = value; }
/// 《summary》
/// 创建时间
/// 《/summary》
private DateTime createTime;
public DateTime CreateTime
get { return createTime; }
set { createTime = value; }
With faster processors and faster graphics, the new MacBook Pro does everything in nothing flat.The new 15- and 17-inch MacBook Pro. New Intel Core i5 and Core i7 processors. The new Intel Core i5 and Core i7 processors boost performance up to 50 percent over the previous generation. Based on Intel’s latest 32-nanometer process technology, these are the fastest dual-core processors available and they set an all-new benchmark for Mac notebooks.1Turbo Boost. Intel Core i5 and Core i7 processors also feature Turbo Boost. If you’re using processor-intensive applications like Aperture 3 or Final Cut Pro that would benefit from an extra performance kick, Turbo Boost dynamically increases the speed of one or both cores, taking a 2.66GHz MacBook Pro all the way up to 3.33GHz.Hyper-Threading. Built-in Hyper-Threading allows two threads to run simultaneously on each core, so Mac OS X recognizes four virtual cores instead of just two. When you’re running multiple applications at once, the Core i5 and Core i7 processors spread tasks more evenly across a greater number of cores — so you can get more done, faster.Integrated memory controller. Unlike systems that connect memory to the processor through a separate controller, the new MacBook Pro uses an integrated memory controller to connect memory directly to the processor. In a sense, this cuts out the middleman. With faster access to memory, each core gets right to work on your data, rather than waiting for it to arrive. Together with up to 4MB of shared L3 cache, the integrated memory controller ensures MacBook Pro can keep up with you.Next-generation graphics. Inside the 15- and 17-inch MacBook Pro models is the new NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M discrete graphics processor — the fastest graphics ever in a Mac notebook. With 48 processing cores and up to 512MB of dedicated video memory, this graphics processor delivers even more horsepower than the previous generation. And you don’t have to sacrifice efficiency for speed: The NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M is up to 30 percent more energy efficient than its predecessor. For even greater power savings, MacBook Pro also includes integrated Intel HD Graphics.Outstanding Performance Up to 1.5x faster than previous-generation MacBook Pro11.5x Final Cut Studio
HDV to H.264 encode1.4x Modo 401
3D rendering1.2x Motion 4.0.2
Playback and export speed1.1x Aperture 3.0.1
Common application tasksBaseline On-demand performance.
Off-the-charts efficiency. The 15- and 17-inch MacBook Pro models come standard with automatic graphics switching. It’s a breakthrough technology from Apple that switches graphics processors on the fly to give you performance when you need it (when you’re playing the latest 3D game, for example) and better battery efficiency when you don’t (such as when you’re reading email). MacBook Pro transfers the workload between the powerful discrete NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M graphics processor and integrated Intel HD Graphics so seamlessly, you won’t even notice. Whether you’re using applications like Aperture, Motion, or Final Cut Pro or just surfing the web, your MacBook Pro always knows which processor to use. You don’t have to log out, shut down, or change your preferences. Automatic graphics switching does it all for you.One charge. Nine hours. Since high-performance graphics kick in only when you need them, the battery in the 15- and 17-inch MacBook Pro can last up to 8-9 hours on a single charge.2The new 13-inch MacBook Pro. The new standard for performance and portability. The new 13-inch MacBook Pro features advanced NVIDIA integrated graphics technology along with Intel Core 2 Duo processors that are faster than ever before. That makes for the ultimate combination of performance, portability, and battery life — up to 10 hours — without adding an ounce to the slimmest, lightest MacBook Pro. And with 4GB of memory and larger hard drives now standard, this is the most powerful 13-inch MacBook Pro yet.Faster Intel Core 2 Duo processors. Now reaching speeds up to 2.66GHz, the new processors in the 13-inch MacBook Pro are big on performance. With the 1066MHz frontside bus and 3MB of shared L2 cache, all your applications will run faster and more efficiently than you thought possible.More powerful NVIDIA graphics. The 13-inch MacBook Pro features the new NVIDIA GeForce 320M integrated graphics processor with 48 processing cores — three times as many as before. The result? The fastest integrated graphics on the market and a performance boost of up to 80 percent over the previous generation.3 That makes a huge difference when you’re using 3D games and graphics-intensive applications. And when you’re not, you’ll benefit from a new energy-efficient architecture that uses up to 40 percent less power for everyday tasks like writing email and surfing the web. It’s so efficient, in fact, that you can now get up to 10 hours of battery life on a single charge.4One charge. Ten hours. The new energy-efficient architecture in the 13-inch MacBook Pro gives you up to 10 hours of battery life on a single charge.4 So you can stay unplugged longer than ever.13-inch MacBook Pro Graphics Performance Up to 1.8x faster than previous-generation 13-inch MacBook Pro31.8x Doom 3 1.6x Call of Duty 41.5x Unreal Tournament 20041.3x Quake 4Baseline See what makes each Mac different.Learn the basic differences between a PC and a Mac.The special one-day Apple shopping event. November 26.Buy MacBook Pro from $1199. Apple Online StoreConfigure and get free shipping Apple Retail StoreTest-drive at your nearest store Call 1-800-MY-APPLE (800-692-7753). Get Apple education pricing. Find your local authorized reseller. Testing conducted by Apple in March 2010 using preproduction 2.66GHz Intel Core i7–based 15-inch MacBook Pro units with NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M and production 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo-based 15-inch MacBook Pro units with NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT. All systems were configured with 4GB of RAM. Content was encoded using the Compressor 3.5.2 H.264 for iPod Video 640x480 preset and Qmaster with the maximum number of instances available on each system. Modo test files: BathFaucet.lxo and Couch.lxo. Tested using prerelease version of Motion 4.0.2. MacBook Pro continuously monitors system thermal and power conditions, and may adjust processor speed as needed to maintain optimal system operation. For 15-inch MacBook Pro, testing conducted by Apple in March 2010 using preproduction 2.66GHz Intel Core i7–based 15-inch MacBook Pro units. For 17-inch MacBook Pro, testing conducted by Apple in March 2010 using preproduction 2.53GHz Intel Core i5-based 17-inch MacBook Pro units. Battery life depends on configuration and use. See www.apple.com/batteries for more information. The wireless productivity test measures battery life by wirelessly browsing various websites and editing text in a word processor document with display brightness set to the middle setting.Testing conducted by Apple in March 2010 using preproduction 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo–based 13-inch MacBook Pro units with NVIDIA GeForce 320M and production 2.53GHz Intel Core 2 Duo-based 13-inch MacBook Pro units with NVIDIA GeForce 9400M. All systems were configured with 4GB of RAM. Doom 3 v1.3.1 tested using timedemo: demo1, high graphics quality, at 1024x768. Call of Duty 4 v1.7.1 tested using Timedemoambush, Timedemobog, Timedemopipeline, at 1280x800. Unreal Tournament 2004 v3369.2 tested using Bridge of Fate botmatch, maximum graphics quality, at 1024x768. Quake 4 v1.3 tested using netTimeDemo: demo001, high graphics quality, at 1280x800. MacBook Pro continuously monitors system thermal and power conditions, and may adjust processor speed as needed to maintain optimal system operation. Testing conducted by Apple in March 2010 using preproduction 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo–based 13-inch MacBook Pro units. Battery life depends on configuration and use. See www.apple.com/batteries for more information. The wireless productivity test measures battery life by wirelessly browsing various websites and editing text in a word processing document with display brightness set to 50%.
(1)12种模型/特 每样10个2s的, 4m的,3l的,1x1,3,11,15,12,17,16,18,23,20,5,28 和27的.
(2)另外每样5个: 3m的 2l的。这25个你方便时候就寄给我。
另外他还要3,11,15,12,17,16,18,23,20,5,28 和27号的每样一个(1x1.