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capture(capture 是什么意思)

[本站 capture(capture是什么意思)capture是什么意思capture是什么意思capture的形容词capture的动词capture什么意思capture做动词时的意思capturecatchseize区别gra…

capture(capture 是什么意思)

  • capture 是什么意思
  • capture是什么意思
  • capture的形容词
  • capture的动词
  • capture什么意思
  • capture做动词时的意思
  • capture catch seize 区别
  • grab 和 capture怎么记有什么区别
  • 单词capture的中文是什么意思

capturen.捕获, 战利品vt.俘获, 捕获, 夺取例句To take captive, as by force or craft; seize.俘虏:俘虏,如通过武力或诡计;捕获To gain possession or control of, as in a game or contest:赢得,夺取:赢得对…的占有或控制,如在游戏或竞赛中:capture the queen in chess; captured the liberal vote.下国际象棋时吃掉王后;赢得自由党的选票To attract and hold:引起(注意)并吸引住:tales of adventure that capture the imagination.引起想象的探险故事To succeed in preserving in lasting form:成功地长久保存:capture a likeness in a painting.保存一幅油画中的人物肖像n.(名词)The act of catching, taking, or winning, as by force or skill.俘获,赢得:抓获、攫取或夺得,如通过武力或技艺One that has been seized, caught, or won; a catch or prize.俘虏,奖品:被抓获、逮住或赢得的人;捕获物或战利品Physics The phenomenon in which an atom or a nucleus absorbs a subatomic particle, often with the subsequent emission of radiation.【物理学】 俘获:一种原子或原子核吸收亚原子粒子的现象,随后常伴有辐射现象


意思:v. 俘虏;俘获;捕获;用武力夺取;攻取;攻占;夺得;赢得;争得。

n. (被)捕获;(被)俘获。

读音:英 [?k?pt??(r)]? ?美 [?k?pt??r]?

第三人称单数: captures? ?现在分词: capturing? ?

过去式: captured? ?过去分词: captured



v.avoid capture 避免被俘;escape capture 逃脱被俘;fail to capture 未能擒获

n.capture territory 占领领土;capture your attention 吸引注意力;capture your imagination? 激发想象

词根:cap(t), cep(t), ceive, cip, cup= to take, to hold, to seize 拿, 抓, 握住

同学,你好!Captive 和 capture 作名词都有俘虏的意思,除此之外,captive可以作形容词:被俘虏的,被迷住的。Capture可以做动词:俘获,夺得。一男老师的区别没什么问题。祝复习顺利!

翻译为:准确表达一种感受或氛围 是 表现,体现,展示的意思 例句:Their mood was captured by one who said,’Students here don’t know or care about campus issues.’

capture 英[’k?pt??(r)] 美[?k?pt??] vt. 俘获;夺取;夺得;引起(注意、想像、兴趣) n. 捕获;占领;捕获物;[计算机]捕捉 第三人称单数:captures;过去分词:captured;现在分词:capturing;过... [例句]* Andy serkis and the evolution of motion capture technology.·《大众机械》(PopularMechanics)杂志文章:《安迪?瑟金斯与动作捕捉技术的革命》。更多示例用法》》

翻译为:准确表达一种感受或氛围 是 表现,体现,展示的意思例句:Their mood was captured by one who said, ’Students here don’t know or care about campus issues.’



  • Grab a seat and make yourself at home. 随便找个地方坐,别客气。

  • Let’s grab a sandwich and go to see the film. 让我们赶快吃个三明治就去看电影吧。

  • He grabbed my collar and pulled me towards him. 他抓住我的领子把我拉倒他面前。

  • When I gave him the chance, he grabbed it at once. 我给他这一机会,他立刻抓住不放。

  • They want desperately to grab our Liberated Areas. 我们解放区的地方,他们要拚命来争。

capture 捕获;占领;夺取;

  • The animals are captured in nets and sold to local zoos. 那些动物用网捕获后被卖到当地的动物园。

  • Rebel forces finally captured the village. 叛军最终占领了这个村庄。

  • The company looks forward to capturing the Canadian market. 该公司期待获得加拿大市场。

  • The novel captured the imagination of thousands of readers. 这部小说引起了千万读者的想象。

  • He captured a baby’s smile in his photograph. 他拍摄到一个婴儿的微笑。

capture [’cap·ture || ’k?p?t?t??]n. 抓取; 捕获之物, 战利品; 把屏幕的所有或部分拷贝到暂时记忆区 (计算机用语); 俘虏v. 俘获; 夺取; 捕获

标签:in   捕获   意思   the   ing

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