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[本站 desalination是什么意思desalination是什么意思desalinatedesalinizedesalt这三个动词的区别淡化的英语翻译淡化用英语怎么说物理学人员留学英语词汇desalinationn.减少盐分,脱盐作用;淡化;例句:1.Andthereareplansformoredesalinationplants.同时更多的海水淡化处理厂也在酝酿中。2.Ifthepro…


  • desalination是什么意思
  • desalinate desalinize desalt这三个动词的区别
  • 淡化的英语翻译 淡化用英语怎么说
  • 物理学人员留学英语词汇

n.减少盐分,脱盐作用; 淡化;
And there are plans for more desalination plants.

If the process is successfully industrialized, a potential source for themineral ions needed for the reaction could be the briny water produced as abyproduct of desalination, says barbero.

desalt 基本解释
及物动词脱盐; 除去盐分
desalt 网络解释
1. 除盐设备:Deposit 沉积结垢 | Desalt 除盐设备 | Description 说明、描述
2. 除去盐份:de- 除去、取消、毁 | desalt 除去盐份 | deforest 砍伐森林
3. 脱盐:desalination 脱盐 | desalt 脱盐 | desalted crude 脱盐原油
desalt 双语例句
1. Besides, the operation electric current of the electrostatic desalt unit reduced about 50% when using HF-101 decalcification agent.
2. But when aqueous solution of the sodium hydroxide was used as reaction medium, mole ratio of β CD to p toluenesulfonyl chloride was 1∶6, the reaction proceeded at 22℃ for 3h reaction, and anhydrous ethylalcohol was used to reflux and desalt the crude product, the yield (β CD 2 OTs) was 70%.
用氢氧化钠的水溶液作为反应介质,β?环糊精与对甲苯磺酰氯的物质的量比为1∶6,在22 ℃下反应3 h,粗产物用无水乙醇回流脱盐,合成产物是β?CD?2?OTs,产率为70%。
3. The single factor test was involved in the carbon source and divalent cation. The results showed that the syrup produced with β-amylase was a better carbon source, and pullulan yield was higher than the treatment with SNase303 glucoamylase after decolor and desalt treatment.
4. Cannot be excuse in order to teach, the earnest sex of desalt law and chasten sex.
5. The hydrolysate was desalt ed and the amino acid content was also obtained.
6. Current, in a few Party members, it is especially in cadre of leader of a few Party members, the good convention of criticism and self-criticism more and more by desalt.
7. Enhanced tubes can increases the heat transfer performances. and are widely used in power, chemical, petroleum and sea desalt factories.
8. So, I need to change my home page only be called stationmaster China, and the desalt with other channel sedulous name this word perhaps does not appear this word, all channel total catenary arrives above this word.
9. Although Microsoft is faced with competition is minatory already because network foamy is undone and desalt, but apparent Microsoft is not paranoiac.
10. After desalt ing, there are only malic acid and citric acid in the desalt sample.
11. What the author hopes Baidu can be done of course is better, but the old man that serves as Internet, baidu should do still have a lot of, offer better technical way to resolve existing contradiction, it is very important that the strong business colour with existing desalt will raise an user to experience.
12. L-Arginine; Ion Exchange; Extraction; Desalt; Fine Purification; Adsorption
13. Plant essence contained in the product, on the one hand, can slow down activity of melanophore, repair damage skin, remove epiderm pigmentation, desalt freckle and improve dark skin; on the other hand, due to rich specific whitening element, can adjust cell metabolism, stimulate cell`s vitality, provide multiple full maintenance, strengthen skin`s flexibility and softness to make skin have white, tender and smooth healthy status.
14. But this is not meant can be loosened or the thought construction of desalt party.
15. The author is trying desalt method all the time in old education practice, pay attention to think of
16. Have a person to know how dispel or the method of silk of desalt red blood or product?
17. To 2006, will reach day of scale of production that produces desalt of 200 thousand tons of seawater.
18. We ought to comply with historical tide, desalt droit idea, idea of establish property right.
19. Till today, chen Tianqiao also had not wanted to want desalt familial colour.
20. This level admitance meter meets the requirements of ease calibration, high stability and measurement accuracy in areas of liquid gas tank, oxidizing tower of asphaltic bitumen, and desalt tank of petroleum crude, (etc.)
desalt 英英释义
1. remove salt from
e.g. desalinate water
Synonym: desalinatedesalinizedesalinise




  1. 遗传因素:雀斑很多都是是常染色体显性遗传。
  2. 月经周期:雀斑也有与月经周期有关,女人比男人更容易有雀斑;
  3. 日晒因素:主要是阳光紫外线照射对肌肤的伤害,会使黑色素分泌沉淀,夏季在紫外线照射下,雀斑的颜色就会加深,要做好及时修复
  4. 精神压力大:精神压力大必然会分泌肾上腺素,长期受到压力的话人体的代谢平衡就会被破坏,皮肤所需要的营养供应就比较缓慢,色素细胞就会变得活跃。



  1. 防晒:不管是祛斑前还是祛斑后,都必须要注重防晒!因为我们长斑的很大的一个原因都是因为太阳光!在祛斑之前一定要做好防晒,祛斑之后效果才会更好哦~
  2. 减少感光食物的摄入。感光食物被摄入后,人体皮肤内的黑色素细胞活力会增加,从而加重脸上色斑。所以,你在做祛斑之前,就要开始减少光感食物的摄入,这样才能保持最佳的祛斑效果!
  3. 戒酒。
  4. 保准睡眠充足。经常熬夜、睡眠不足,会加重黑色素的沉淀,易产生雀斑。每天晚上至少保证8小时的休息时间。
  5. 防止便秘。便秘会使体内的毒素堆积,没办法正常的排泄出来,使得毒素全部在体内形成黑色素,从而以雀斑的形式出现在皮肤上。



  gravity n. 地心引力,重力,严重,庄重,严肃

  sound vt. 听(诊);测量,测…深;使发声;试探;宣告 n. 声音,语音;噪音;海峡;吵闹;听力范围; 探条 adj. 健全的,健康的;合理的;可靠的;有效彻底的 adv. 彻底地,充分地 vi. 听起来;发出声音;回响;测深

  acoustics n. (作单数)音响学, 声学 n. (复数) 音响效果

  vibration n. 震动, 颤动

  wavelength n. 波长, 波段

  intensity n. 激烈,强度,强烈,剧烈

  sonar n. 声纳,声波定位器

  energy n. 活力,精力,能力,能,能量

  magnifier n. 放大镜,放大器

  ultraviolet adj. 紫外线的 n.紫外线

  infrared ray 红外线

  dispersion n. 散布

  transparent adj. 透明的, 明显的, 清晰的

  translucent adj. 半透明的.

  opaque adj. 不透明的, 难懂的

  electron tube n. 真空管, 电子管

  electron n. 电子

  static electricity n.静位觉

  static n. 静电, 静电干扰, 噪声, 阻碍, 抨击 adj. 静态的,静电的,固态的

  semiconductor n. 半导体

  electric circuit n. 电路

  circuit n. 电路,一圈,巡回 vt. &vi. 巡回

  electric shock 触电, 电休克

  shock n. 震动,冲突,震惊,休克 vt. &vi.震动,冲突,使...受电击

  storage battery n. 蓄电池

  storage n. 储存体, 储藏, 仓库, 保管费

  magnetism n. 磁性, 吸引力, 磁学

  electromagnetism n. 电磁, 电磁学

  velocity n. 速度, 速率, 迅速

  acceleration n. 加速,促进,加速度

  equilibrium n. 平衡,均衡

  gravitation n. 万有引力

  resonance n. 共鸣, 共振, 洪亮

  amplify v. 扩大, 详述, 使...增幅

  amplification n. 扩大, 扩充,膨胀 n. 详述, 引伸,推广 n. 增幅, 放大(率), 放大倍数

  amplifier n. 放大器, 扩音机

  conservation n. 保存, 防止流失, 守恒, 保护自然资源

  thermodynamics n. 热力学

  ultrasonics n. 超声学

  appliance n. 器具,器械,装置,应用

  alloy n. 合金 vt. 使...成合金, 搀以劣质, 减低成色, 影响或贬损 vi. 有合金能力

  property n. 财产; 性质; 道具

  trumpet n. 喇叭,喇叭声,喇叭手 vt. 宣扬;鼓吹;吹嘘 vi. 吹喇叭,发出喇叭似的声音

  trombone n. 长号,伸缩喇叭

  damp n. 毒气,湿气,丧气 adj. 潮湿的 vt. 呛,抑制,使潮湿 vi. 衰减

  dampen v. (使)潮湿, 使沮丧, 泼凉水

  undamped adj.不潮湿的

  patina n. 绿锈, 光泽, 古色, 神态, 圣餐盘 【机】 铜绿

  halt n. 停止,中止; 暂停; 小火车站 vt. 使停止; 使中断; 阻止; 使立定 vi. 停止,立定; 犹豫

  hull n. 壳, 皮, 船体 v. 去壳

  barnacle n. 黑雁

  film n. 电影, 胶卷, 薄膜 vt. 把...拍成电影, 给...覆上一薄层 vi. 从事电影拍摄

  desalination n. 脱盐(作用)

  optics n. 光学

  optical adj. 眼睛的, 视觉的, 光学的

  optical fiber n. 光导纤维

  fiber n. 纤维(物质),力量

  lens n. 镜头,透镜

  refract vt. 使折射, 测定屈光度


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