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[本站 overview是什么意思overview是什么意思overview和review有什么区别overview和summary什么区别论文里面introduction和overview有什么区别Overview概述是英文是什么英文文献中的review,overview和survey的区别overv…


  • overview是什么意思
  • overview和review有什么区别
  • overview和summary什么区别
  • 论文里面introduction和overview有什么区别
  • Overview
  • 概述是英文是什么
  • 英文文献中的review,overview和survey的区别
  • overview在会计英语中是什么意思
  • overview 和profile的区别

overview 英
n. 概观; 总的看法; 回顾,复习;
I’m afraid I can’t give you a general overview of the situation.I can only offer you a worm’s-eye view that is based on my own experience.
The opening chapter gives a brief historical overview of transport.
The seminar aims to provide an overview on new media publishing.

  词根view都是“用眼审视”不同点在于前缀 over- 和re-。
  over- 含“从头到尾”,re- 则表示“重新”。所以,overview 指“总的看法”、“全面的见解”或“全面的评述”,review 指“回顾”或“简单的评述”。
  另外,overview 仅仅是名词,而review 既可以用作名词,也可以用作动词。



Horizontal directional drilling or HDD ( known also as Guided Boring) techniques are used for the trenchless installation of newpipelines,ducts and cables. As shown in Figure 15. 1,the drill path may be straight or gradually curved,and the direction of the drilling head can be adjusted at any stage during the initial pilot bore to steer around obstacles or under highways, rivers or railways. Using the correct type of drilling rig,bores can be carried out between pre- excavated launch and reception pits,or from the surface by setting the machine to drill into the ground at a shallowangle.

Figure 15. 1 Horizontal directional drilling

In terms of scale and capability,HDD tends to fall between the techniques of impact moling and microtunnelling. The term HDD is frequently used to describe the heavier end of the market such as major river,canal and highway crossings that often covering long distances,but there is nowsuch an overlap in equipment capabilities that it is probably unnecessary and unhelpful to drawa line between HDD and Guided Boring.

Installation of the product pipe or duct is usually a two-stage operation. A pilot hole is first drilled along the required path using position-monitoring equipment to provide the steering information and the bore is then back-reamed,in a single or multistage operation depending on the ground conditions and project requirements,to a larger diameter to accommodate the product pipe. During the final “pullback”stage,the product pipe is attached to the reamer by means of a swivel connector,and is pulled into the enlarged bore as the drill string is withdrawn.

In earlier years,HDD was used mainly for the installation of pressure pipes and cable ducts,where precise gradients are not usually critical,rather than for gravity pipelines which demand close tolerances in vertical alignment in order to meet hydraulic design criteria. However,in more recent years,drilling machines and guidance systems have offered improved accuracy in suitable ground conditions,and it is expected that the technique will become increasingly popular for gravity pipelines.

Equipment capabilities have improved in recent years,both in the power and diameter of installation available and in the wider range of ground conditions that can be bored,and the advantages of trenchless technology for newconstruction have become more widely appreciated. Some utility companies nowhave a presumption against open-cut techniques ( particularly in roads) where a no-dig alternative is available. Apart from the obvious environmental benefits of trenchless installation,the relative cost of HDD has fallen to belowthat of trenching for many applications,even ignoring the social costs of traffic disruption and delay.




n. 概观(况);总结。

The opening chapter gives a general overview of the subject.


Provide an overview to the game world.





n. 指示;表示;迹象。

There are some indications that the prices will rise.


There is every indication that the price will rise.


review 文献回顾

n. 回顾; 复习; (报刊的) 评论; 复审;
vt. 评论; 复习; 复查; 检验;
vi. 复习功课; 写评论;
The president ordered a review of US economic aid to Jordan
第三人称单数:reviews 复数:reviews 现在分词:reviewing过去式:reviewed 过去分词:reviewed
overview 英
n. 概观; 总的看法; 回顾,复习;
The central section of the book is a historical overview of drug use.
survey 英
vi. 测量土地;
vt. 调查; 勘测; 俯瞰;
n. 调查(表),调查所,测量,测量部,测量图; 概观,检查,鉴定书; 环顾;
Business Development Advisers surveyed 211 companies for the report
第三人称单数:surveys 复数:surveys 现在分词:surveying过去式:surveyed 过去分词:surveyed

财务管理总论:Overview of Financial Management

概观; 总的看法; 回顾,复习
概览; 概述; 概要

  词根view都用眼审视同点于前缀 over- re-   over- 含尾re- 则表示重新所overview 指总看、全面见解或全面评述review 指顾或简单评述   另外overview 仅仅名词review 既用作名词用作


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