conquest vehicles(谁知道:有关流浪猫狗的英语文章)
- 谁知道:有关流浪猫狗的英语文章
- 年薪多少才开得起骑士十五世
How to HelpIt is a wrenching scenario for all who care about animals when you see a dog on the side of the road. Once you’ve seen the dog (or cat), many feel it’s too late to drive away from him or her. After all, what if your own dog or cat were standing there? So, before you pull over, use these guidelines for assisting animals safely and effectively.* Be ready to rescue. If you know in your heart that you’re a rescuer, why not equip yourself to do the best possible job?* Here are some things to have in your car at all times: Phone; phone numbers of local animal control, a shelter, and a 24-hour emergency veterinary clinic; cat carrier or cardboard box; collars and strong leashes for dogs; heavy blanket; water bowls and water; strong-smelling foods, such as canned tuna or dried liver; and an animal first-aid kit.* Think about your safety first. You cannot help an animal if you become injured in the process. Look in your rear-view mirror before braking, signal your intentions, pull your car completely off the road, turn off the ignition, set the parking brake and put on hazard lights. If you have emergency flares, prepare to use them.* Consider the safety of the animal. A strange, frightened and possibly sick or injured animal can behave unpredictably. A sudden move on your part, even opening your car door, can spook him and cause him to bolt—possibly right onto the highway. If the animal looks or acts threatening, or, if for any reason, you feel uneasy about the situation, stay in your car.* If possible, restrain the animal. Create a barrier or use a carrier, leash, piece of cloth or length of rope to keep the animal from leaving the area. Signal approaching vehicles to slow down if you cannot confine the animal, or divert traffic around him if he appears to be injured and is still on the roadway.* Use caution when approaching the animal. Should you succeed in getting close enough to capture him, you stand a good chance of being scratched or bitten. Even a small animal can inflict a painful wound, and if you are bitten by a cat or dog whose vaccination status is unknown, you will be advised to undergo preventive treatment for rabies.* When approaching the animal, speak calmly to reassure him. Make sure he can see you at all times as you approach, and perhaps entice him to come to you by offering a strong-smelling food such as canned tuna or dried liver.* Try to lure an animal into your car with food, close the door, and wait for help. But do this only if you are certain someone will come to get the animal very soon. In most cases it is not a good idea to attempt to drive somewhere with a strange dog unrestrained in your car; he may become frantic or aggressive once you’re in the car with him. Cats may do the same, as well as lodge themselves under the car seat, from which extracting them can be dangerous.* If you’re not able to safely restrain the animal, call the local police or animal control agency. Do so whether or not the animal is injured, and whether or not he appears to be a stray or to be owned (meaning he is wearing an identification tag or flea collar or has recently been groomed). If you have a phone in your car, call the local animal care and control agency (in rural areas, call the police or sheriff) and report the situation. Leave your phone number with the dispatcher and try to get an estimate of how long it may take someone to respond. If possible, stay on the scene to keep an eye on the dog or cat until help arrives. Make sure you report to authorities precisely where the animal is by using road names, mile markers or landmarks.* If you are able to transport the animal, take him to the nearest animal shelter. If you plan to keep the animal in the event no owner is found, notify animal control that you have the animal or that you have taken him to a veterinary hospital for treatment. You usually can place a free “found“ ad in your local newspaper. Keep a copy of the ID to prove your good intentions should any question arise later.
一辆车到中国就得1000多万人民币 ,一箱油2-3000块, 保养4S店是不会管你的 ,只能等老外上门 ,没个年薪200W就想想一下好了, 200W只能勉强。
骑士十五世(外文名:Knight XV),是由加拿大多伦多汽车厂商Conquest Vehicles制造的SUV。
基本简介 :由加拿大多伦多专业设计和生产全防护、超豪华、纯手工、运动型多用途车的汽车厂商ConquestVehicles制造,灵感取自重型军用装甲车的SUV,命名为KnightXV(骑士十五世)。此车为《速度与激情5》中巨石强森的坐驾GurkhaLAPV的民用版。
相关介绍 :KnightXV的外形十分彪悍,这种军需形象给人感觉只要横冲直撞就能杀出重围,好像公路上的坦克。同样,车的内饰也绝对对得起他的售价。威尔顿羊绒地毯、AndrewMuirhead皮革制品、6向可调电动座椅、遮阳玻璃、置于侧面的笔记本电脑托盘、LED发光显示仪表盘、AlpineDVD导航和蓝牙端口,即以方便驾驶的夜视仪和车尾摄像系统。至于车内娱乐系统,黑色奢侈的形象也只有PS3和他最配。KnightXV采用6.8升V10引擎,拥有最大400马力(298.28千瓦)的输出功率和675牛顿.米的扭力。而制造商首批仅生产100辆,因为全手工打造一辆KnightXV就需要耗费1500小时。这款新车动力系统搭载一具汽油6.8LV10引擎(引擎本体来自FORD集团),最大马力达到400hp的水平,峰值扭力达到67.7kgm,而且这辆新车更可以使用E85高乙醇含量酒精汽油当作燃料,所以也具备替代能源的概念在内。
相关阅读 :克里夫兰骑士队(ClevelandCavaliers)是位于美国俄亥俄州克里夫兰的NBA球队,于1970年加入NBA联盟。骑士队在2003年挑选了状元秀“勒布朗·詹姆斯”,在詹姆斯的带领下,骑士队于2007年首次进入NBA总决赛,但被圣安东尼奥马刺以4-0击败。2010年7月9日骑士当家球星詹姆斯宣布加盟迈阿密热火队,让克里夫兰人陷入绝望。