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[本站 加拿大移民论坛(加拿大移民论坛健康卡有哪些规定)♂加拿大移民论坛(加拿大移民论坛健康卡有哪些规定)加拿大移民论坛健康卡有哪些规定申请移民加拿大为什么会被拒法国留学怎样申请加拿大魁北克技术移民论坛有什么比较好的技术移…


  • 加拿大移民论坛健康卡有哪些规定
  • 申请移民加拿大 为什么会被拒
  • 法国留学怎样申请加拿大魁北克技术移民论坛
  • 有什么比较好的技术移民加拿大的论坛,QQ群之类的
  • 加拿大两华人妇女网上对骂16年,此举的原因是什么
  • 加拿大家园论坛
  • 加拿大魁北克移民:如何提高成功率

在你第一次入境的时候有一封申请健康卡的表格在里面了 如果你丢了也没有关系 去service ontario的办公处也有表格 带上你的枫叶卡 工卡 还有一封证明你住址的信(好像电话单或者银行的信 上面有你的名字跟地址就行了) 如果你有驾驶证那就不需要了信了

















2 魁北克留学保证金30万元,远远低于加拿大其他省份(加拿大其他省份要40万到50万元)。
3 魁北克省移民政策优于加拿大其他各省,技术移民相比打分系统更加灵活,魁省技术移民60分,其他省份移民67分,留学生经验类移民从各方面条件衡量按照加拿大法律都是移民审批优先。
4 无需托福雅思成绩门槛,不用再为拿到雅思6.5分而发愁。经过国内法语培训机构4个月500学时的培训,即可申请加拿大魁北克大学攻读硕士课程(搜教育部留学监管网站加拿大魁北克省大学)。
5 就业率高达95%“带薪实习课程”。每周一般工作40小时,推荐大学:魁北克大学组织管理专业,该项目为学生提供半年带薪实习机会,魁北克大学官方信息称,连续5年该校就业率高达95%,你可以学知识得加拿大工作经验,赚学费(每小时15加元),有的学生毕业后还可能直接被企业录用,可谓一举四得,留学生毕业=就业。毕业后即取得三年工作签证,工作一年即有申请移民资格,申请周期最快2个月即可完成。加拿大移民的大门已经向你敞开,加拿大留学移民一步到位。

1 本科以上学历
2 本科三年成绩单
3 出生证明(29岁以下)
4 有30万经济担保金存款证明







。 移民加拿大的方式很多:如加拿大投资移民、加拿大技术移民、加拿大企业移民、加拿大自雇移民等等。不同的移民方式对移民加拿大申请人要求也不一样。关键要根结合自己的情况,看看自身比较适合哪种移民方式,然后再从移民家园网找相关资料,移民家园是个移民家园论坛相当不错,里面内容也相当的丰富,建议去看看,深入了解下,希望我的回答对你有所帮助。




移民局的大爷们已经明确的表示材料不全、不清楚是肯定会被拒签的。人家也不过是个公务员,每天也是朝九晚五,如果你提供的资料不全、模糊不清楚,势必会对人家造成工作负担啊。 人家暂缓你的案子,再跟你催促索要不齐全的资料,对工作人员来说产生额外的劳动不说,对其他资料齐全的申请人来说也不公平,所以按照我们以往的经验,资料不全直接会被拒签。










技术移民申请最重要的材料就是工作内容的部分。 除了联邦EE项目以外,各个省份的项目严格要求申请人的工作经历要与各个省份紧缺职业相符。加拿大移民局对职业分类有500多种,你们是不是也往往有这样一种感觉?我的职业往似乎可以靠拢这个,但是细究起来又不太像;我的职业又可以申请那个项目,但是心里总是发慌不知道移民局认可不认可? 具体来说省提名移民申请是要求申请人的专业和职业完全匹配移民局要求的如果申请人专业不符,往往需要工作经历具有足够长的时间来支撑你的申请。

举个例子,如果你是学会计的,虽然拥有2年的软件开发工作经历,但是如果按照软件工程师去申请省提名技术移民拒签是肯定的! 此外,各位申请人一定要知道,移民局的职业NOC列表并不意味着你有相关工作经历就一定符合职业要求。每一项职业都有严格学历背景、认证证书、工作年限等具体的要求。



最常见的背景调查的方式就是随机的电话调查,当然对于特殊类别的申请人也有可能登门调查。 我们会在进入背景调查阶段之后告知申请人的推荐人提前做好准备,而往往就有一些申请人的推荐人没有放在心上,接到陌生电话以后驴唇不对马嘴,之乎者也的扯皮上。多年的操作经验总结得出,如果推荐人回答信息不符或者3次以上不接听电话基本都会被直接拒签。


这一部分也适用于投资移民和雇主移民的申请人,请坐好小板凳认证听讲。 怎么算材料逻辑不符呢? 举一个最简单的例子:申请人王先生在提交移民局资料的时候,填写的工作经历为2012年8月~2015年7月在AA工作,从事的是软件开发职位。












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  • 育空河流域的气候是怎样的在
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  • 育空河流向哪个大洋
  • 育空河水文特征
  • 荒野的召唤马格南怎么解锁
  • 育空河的特征
  • 野性的呼唤的幕后花絮











支流波丘派恩河(育空堡站)流域面积6.71万平方公里,多年平均流量402.7立方米/秒;支流塔纳诺河(塔纳诺站)流域面积11.5万平方公里,长1060km,多年平均流量1160立方米/秒,支流科尤库克河休斯站(Hughs)流域面积4.84万平方公里,长891km,多年平均流量411.5立方米/秒. 育空河沿程有各种地形,河源区有高山峡谷,也有指状湖泊。在怀特霍斯以下,河流切割高原,形成阶地河谷。进入阿拉斯加后,成为平原河流,河床宽阔,有众多的河槽,在塔纳河口以下,为分汊河道,河中有大的沙洲,最后是多沼泽的河口三角洲。

育空河为北美洲主要河流之一,流经加拿大的育空地区中部和阿拉斯加中部。先往西北流,然后总得采取西南走向流过一个向下倾斜穿过阿拉斯加的地势较低的高原,注入白令海,属于 太平洋。




《猎人荒野的召唤》是Expansive Worlds开发的一款第一人称射击冒险游戏,于2017年2月16日发行。





尼苏特林河发源于育空地区中南部的佩利山脉,向南流入特斯林湖之後流入特斯林河。但育空河的主河源出自阿特林湖(Atlin Lake),该湖海拔为668公尺(2,192呎),位于不列颠哥伦比亚省和育空地区之间的边界正北方。在塞尔扣克村,育空河与佩利河汇合,大大增加了育空河的水量,因为佩利河带来了马更些山脉西坡大约51,023平方公里(19,700平方哩)无人居住地区的水量。
当育空河流近白令海时,急转弯向北洩入诺顿湾(Norton Sound)。育空河三角洲宽66.5公里(40哩),长87.1公里,面积约145平方公里。布满湖泊和沼泽。许多支流河道很浅,但是东北阿浦通口(Apoon Pass)曾通行船只。 几乎所有居民都居住在育空河流域的谷地。这里是亚极地气候,夏季短暂,相当温暖;但是无树的山坡高地属于极地气候。整个漫长冬季有来自西伯利亚或北冰洋的冷气团横越阿拉斯加和育空地区,但偶尔有来自北太平洋的温暖气团越过圣伊莱亚斯山脉的障碍为怀特霍斯(Whitehorse)地区带来较暖的冬季气温。1月平均气温在道生(Dawson)约为-31℃(-24℉),在怀特霍斯则为-21℃(-6℉)。1947年正式记录的北美洲最低温度-63℃(-81℉)是在育空地区西南沿阿拉斯加公路的斯纳格(Snag)记录到的。
这个高纬度地区的河谷,由于日照时间长,夏季相当暖和,道生7月平均温度约16℃(60℉),而在怀特霍斯略低育空地区育空河上游的五指急流。育空河流域因地处加拿大西北部和阿拉斯加中部,年降水量低,在怀特霍斯记录的平均年降水量约为260公釐(10吋),在道生则为305公釐。几乎50%的降水为夏季4个月内的雨水。 在河谷的森林地带栖居著多种动物,较大的哺乳动物有黑熊、棕熊和灰熊;北美驯鹿、和驼鹿;在海拔较高处有山地山羊和绵羊。狼很常见。还可见到诸如松鸡和雷鸟等允许捕猎的鸟。水禽则有多种鹅、天鹅和鸭。印第安人通常设陷捕捉的毛皮兽有麝鼠、水貂、貂、猞猁、鼬、狐狸、渔貂和松鼠。在育空河中则可发现诸如北极茴鱼、江鱈、北美狗鱼、鲑和白鲑等鱼。






加拿大阿卡迪亚大学的地址:阿卡迪亚大学15大学沃尔夫维尔,加拿大新斯科舍省沃尔夫维尔,B4P 2R6知识学院电子邮件地址:agi@acadiau.ca大学成立于1838年。这是加拿大历史上最长的历史。其中一所大学是一所专注于本科教育的学校(研究生项目很少,这不是大学发展的重点)。加拿大对本科教育的评估非常好。该大学被评为加拿大最好的本科教育大学之一,例如国家广播和杂志。阿卡迪亚大学位于加拿大东海岸的沃尔夫井,人口37,000。它距离省会哈利法克斯只有100公里。学校主要关注本科教育,并提供文科,科学和专业学科的广泛选择课程。商科学生可以选择文科,市场,金融和营销管理课程。学校非常重视当今科学,技术和学校课程的创新精神和有机结合。专业环境:应用科学学院:生物学,化学,计算机科学,工程,环境科学,地质,数学和统计,营养,物理,心理学。人文学院:经济学,英语,法语,德语,历史,哲学,政治学,音乐,社会学,西班牙,戏剧研究,女性研究。专业研究学院:行业和商业,教育,体育机器,娱乐管理。研讨会:神学,神学。


n. 阿卡迪亚(①1604-1713年法国在北美东南沿海一带的殖民地②美国路易斯安那州东南部的教区)




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  • 请把下面这段文字翻译成英语
  • technotragedy是什么意思啊
  • 美国文化英语论文,高分求助







1. VIP个性化目标教学理念


2. 张扬个性的小班化教学


3. 学分制开放式教学环境





4. 家长和学校互动式教育管理


5. 学生互助式学习


6. 发挥校友人脉资源



30个学分 18必修 12选修
1门法语(加拿大人默认法语为第二语言 我的英语为第二语言所以没修法语)
3门数学 (at least 1 credit in Grade 11 or 12)
OSSD Credit Requirements
One component of the OSSD graduation requirements is the accumulation of 30 credits. A breakdown of the credits is listed below.
Compulsory Credits
Students must earn the following 18 compulsory credits in order to obtain the OSSD:
4 credits in English (1 credit per grade)
1 credit in French as a second language
3 credits in mathematics (at least 1 credit in grade 11 or 12)
2 credits in science
1 credit in Canadian history
1 credit in Canadian geography
1 credit in the arts
1 credit in health and physical education
0.5 credits in civics
0.5 credits in career studies
1 additional credit in English, or a third language, or social sciences and the humanities or Canadian and world studies, or guidance and career education, or co-operative education *
1 additional credit in health and physical education, or the arts, or business studies, or co-operative education *
1 additional credit in science (grade 11 or 12), or technological education (grades 9-12), or co-operative education *
* a maximum of 2.0 credits in co-operative education can count as compulsory credits
Optional Credits
In addition to the 18 compulsory credits, students must earn 12 optional credits selected from the courses listed as available in the school course calendar.

本田知道如何时间的东西。就像燃料成本促使美国人说:“哇,妈妈乔!”个人感觉燃料(例如,它们是精简他们骑)、本田准备好去接受他们与公民fuel-sipping阵容得够多的了,刚刚updated-albeit方便,barely-for 2009年midcycle增强和增加两个新轿车修剪的水平。
公民DX总是脱料板上,而不是DX-VP结构代表“价值包”)让最节俭的公民购物者得到一个收音机和空调,我们诚然认为所有的汽车来在这些日子。在进攻端,新的公民LX-S基本上是与一个比较运动的中等LX用银子针theme-black织物内部,leather-wrapped轮、faux-suede bolsters-as以及后方行毁灭的、和合金车轮。

Secondary, School education, Australia
Secondary school is compulsory and is from Year 7 or 8 to Year 10. The first 1 or 2 years of secondary school are a general program undertaken by all students. In later years students take a core group of subjects and electives. Core subjects usually include English, mathematics, science, society and environment, languages other than English (LOTE), technological and applied studies, creative arts and personal development, health and physical education. Some subjects are offered at several levels of depth and complexity.
Australian Capital Territory
Secondary school lasts for 4 years between Years 7 and 10.
There is a mandatory curriculum in addition to elective subjects. Subjects include English, mathematics and health, physical education and sport. Other subjects include science, studies of society and the environment (SOSE), arts, technology and languages.
The ACT Year 10 School Certificate is awarded following successful completion of Years 9 and 10. Assessment for the Year 10 Certificate is school based and includes academic performance, attendance and conduct. The High School Record is awarded to those students ineligible for the ACT Year 10 School Certificate. Before 1989 students received both types of documentation.
Access to senior secondary school
Students with the ACT Year 10 School Certificate are eligible to continue to senior secondary education.
New South Wales
Secondary school lasts for 4 years between Years 7 and 10.
There is a mandatory curriculum in addition to elective subjects. For the School Certificate to be awarded, students are required to take state-wide external tests in English-literacy, mathematics, science, Australian history, geography, civics and citizenship and computing skills.
Qualifications and assessment
The School Certificate is awarded following successful completion of Year 10. Assessment is school-based in terms of course performance descriptors. Students receive a Record of Achievement showing external test results together with grades for all subjects studied in Years 9 and 10. Schools award a Grade from A to E in each subject studied in Years 9 and 10. External test results are shown on a scale of 0 to 100.
Access to senior secondary school
All students with a School Certificate are eligible to continue to senior secondary school.
Northern Territory
Secondary school consists of both the Middle Years and Senior Years.
Qualifications and assessment
There is no formal qualification awarded upon completion of school up to Year 10. Previously, the Northern Territory Year 10 Certificate or the Junior Secondary Studies Certificate was awarded at the end of Year 10.
Access to senior secondary school
All students who complete secondary school are eligible to continue to senior secondary school.
Secondary school lasts for 3 years between Years 8 and 10.
Secondary curriculum is based on 8 key learning areas including English, health and physical education, languages, mathematics, studies of society and the environment (SOSE), science, technology and the arts.
Qualifications and assessment
There is no formal qualification awarded at the completion of secondary school.
Access to senior secondary school
All students who complete secondary school are eligible to continue to senior secondary school.
South Australia
Secondary school lasts for 5 years between Years 8 and 12, with Years 11 and 12 comprising senior secondary studies.
Qualifications and assessment
There is no formal qualification awarded at the completion of secondary school.
Access to senior secondary school
All students who successfully complete Year 10 are eligible to continue to senior secondary studies in Years 11 and 12.
Secondary school lasts for 4 years between Years 7 and 10.
Qualifications and assessment
There is no formal, centrally awarded qualification at the completion of Year 10.
Access to senior secondary school
All students who complete Year 10 are eligible to continue to senior secondary studies in Years 11 and 12.
Secondary school lasts for 4 years between Years 7 and 10.
Qualifications and assessment
There is no formal qualification awarded at the completion of Year 10.
Access to senior secondary school
All students who complete Year 10 are eligible to continue to senior secondary studies in Years 11 and 12.
Western Australia
Secondary school lasts for 5 years between Years 8 and 12, with Years 11 and 12 comprising senior secondary studies.
Qualifications and assessment
There is no award at the end of Year 10. Between 1986 and 1993, the Certificate of Lower Secondary Studies (CLSS) was awarded on completion of Year 10.
Access to senior secondary school
All students who complete Year 10 are eligible to continue to senior secondary studies in Years 11 and 12.
Schooling outside state and territory systems
International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (MYP)
The Middle Years Program is offered to students aged 11 to 16. The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) has authorised 48 Australian schools to offer this program.
The MYP curriculum has 8 key areas:
? language A
? language B
? humanities
? mathematics
? arts
? sciences
? technology
? physical education.
Assessment is based on set standards and objectives for each subject. Assessment is continuous and school-based

Confucianism advocates the benevolent policy ceremony governance and the rule of man, emphasizing the moral probation; Legalism advocated “breaking the law“, the rule of law, stressed that the rule of brute force; Taoism advocates accord with nature, “inaction“ three highly complementary. After Qin, Western Han Dynasty and the Governance Practice proved from both positive and negative aspects: In the turbulent era of warlordism, the implementation of the national Great Unification difficult Confucian route, the Legalism route able to receive this effect; turbulent end of the beginning , the population to struggle, production and destruction, should be implemented Taoist political inaction, and the people rest, to restore and develop production; stability in the country, took to the track of normal operation can not implement the rule of brute force draconian laws, while Confucian route should. Show the trend of convergence between the three. To the Han Dynasty period, Dong Zhongshu based on Confucian routes, to Legalism route as the auxiliary of both Taoist reasonable thinking, laid the basic pattern of the ruling ideology of China’s feudal society.

What constitutes a technotragedy?
It involves loss of life, one or many.
Technotragedies are caused by events that are not immediately clear or comprehensible, involving technology with often unknown capabilities. They tap into our propensity toward paranoia and fuel our lust for conspiracy.
The technotragedy evokes our profound hubris and ignorance about technology, either because we expect technology to bring an instant solution, or because we suspect technology of being culpable in some way.
It involves vivid, sometimes disturbing imagery - videotapes, radar images, satellite pictures - that often brings us face to face with realities for the first time.
Technotragedies are now among our biggest, most continuously covered events. They pose new challenges for government; they lend themselves to paranoia and conspiracy; they capture the public imagination. They are addictive because they are puzzles and problems.
They raise elemental moral questions about our time’s most interesting and controversial phenomena: the evolution of technology, its limits, and its meaning. Hypnotic and irresistible, they can transfix, distract, and overwhelm us.
The sinking of the Titanic was a technotragedy of its time. Now, nearly a century later, it has risen again, this time in the form of the most expensive movie ever made.
TWA Flight 800 was a technotragedy, like the Pan Am disaster over Lockerbie, Scotland, before it. The Heaven’s Gate mass suicide was a technotragedy, along with elements of the Gulf War, especially the aerial bombings and missile strikes. The O. J. Simpson trial had many elements of a technotragedy. And the Unabomber killings, of course. And most recently, the disappearance of an A-10 subsonic fighter plane over Colorado.
Media transmit technotragedies like stunned children - ideas, information, and theories move at lightning speed via TV and the Internet. Until the spread of news via screen technology, tragedies like plane crashes usually lasted only a few days; there was nothing else to fuel them and keep them going. Now, technotragedies take on lives of their own, like living organisms. They endure for months, even years, as images and theories move across the synergistic media spectrum of books, TV, movies, radio, the Net, and the Web.
Some of our most enduring and haunting stories involve technological drama or mystery. Was there another gun on the grassy knoll? Was the DNA evidence at the Simpson trial reliable? Did satellites pick up missiles hurtling toward TWA Flight 800? Was the Titanic unsinkable? Could it have been saved?
Americans worship technology, often attributing to it the power to accomplish almost anything. But they are schizophrenic about it, too. They marvel at the tiny piece of metal the FBI found on a Scottish farm that led to the indictment of two Libyans for murdering the passengers on Pan Am 103. Then they become angry and impatient - and paranoid - when the FBI can’t immediately explain why a jet exploded and burned over Long Island Sound. They are suspicious when technology works, and sometimes when it doesn’t.
Meanwhile, the ability of the Net and TV and other new-media technologies to transmit accusations, theories, and new kinds of medical and social problems rapidly results in few filtering mechanisms to temper or balance the suspicions of paranoia and conspiracy that radiate around these stories. So technotragedies are pumped directly into the consciousness of news consumers.
These stories drown out most other kinds. Few political statements or civic events can compete with pictures of TWA Flight 800 burning on the ocean, or with live testimony from the O. J. Simpson trial. Technotragedies, from hurricanes to the A-10, are now tracked second by second on the Net, as well as broadcast live. We can see tornadoes moving toward us on live weather sites, exchange theories about how an Air Force pilot could vanish with his plane. Our common civics, from congressional debates on C-Span to live presidential press conferences, seem (and are) tepid by comparison.

What is culture anyway? Bacteria grow in it. Anything made by man and depicted on a map is referred to as culture. I think it’s safe to state that people think of the word in terms of past traditions and a desire to maintain them. Some people want to “freeze” a tradition as it existed somewhere in time and often recounted by grandparents while believing it to be something to protect and preserve against all attempts to introduce change. This frequently takes place through legends, song and dance and it’s good that it’s done.
Today’s young students will one day think back on the classroom culture of today’s computer lab and wonder how anything could be accomplished on such primitive machines. So culture changes along with one’s mindset and the march of time. The dictionary defines “culture” terminology as the following: “the development and refinement of mind, morals or taste. The condition therefore produced; refinement. The specific stage in the development of a civilization and the sum total of the attainment and learned behavior patterns of any specific period, race, or people.” Nehru once said, “Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit.” Matthew Arnold in the Preface to Literature and Dogma wrote: “Culture – the acquainting ourselves with the best that has been known and said in the world.” Selected tools for cultural enrichment are: education, exposure, travel, language, etc. Opportunities for such enrichment can be experienced in: museums, libraries, zoos, universities, lectures, theaters, concerts, ethnic customs, cuisine, religions, observatories, planetariums and other people, places and things and, of course, profuse oratory contests, (of which American politicians and some writers exhibit an abundant measure). Do people confuse “culture” with “traditions” or are they one and the same?
One of the problems of assimilation into the “American culture” – what ever that may be – is that you probably have to be in the country for the process to take effect. For a new immigrant savoring the essence of liberty, a metamorphosis takes place. I have yet to meet one who was not extremely proud of his new citizenship. People who immigrate to the United States and are physically present in the environment are exposed to all manner of influences both positive and negative within the American scene. Some try to resist the erosion and dilution of the ways of the “old county” but the process soon catches up with them – just inquire about the effect on their children. One thing about America is the freedom permitted to try to compete at being the best of anything you can be. Regardless of what the endeavor might be: basketball, singing or pickling prunes – if you reach the top of your field in America – you are probably the best in the world. That’s American culture.
Americans freely elect the most powerful man in the world as their leader and then verbally attack him with impunity. The culture of America is freedom and liberty and the tool is citizenship: the right to criticize; the right to hold unpopular beliefs; the right to protest; the right of independent thought. That’s why so many people want to stay in the Northern Marianas after their work contracts expire and choose to remain illegally. Same reason the Mexican entering the border illegally. That’s one reason why U.S. and CNMI immigration officials now have – and always will have – a problem. How did this come about? It’s America’s fault – America is to blame with its culture of freedom – that “mental narcotic” of the spirit that all people seek – independence. How did it happen in the Northern Marianas, an area dominated for more than 400 years by the Spanish, Germans and Japanese colonialists before finally exercising their own free will in choosing their own destiny? A destiny sanctioned and encouraged by the United States. Here’s how.
At the conclusion of the Second World War the United States, not desiring to appear as having annexed the islands by virtue of “victor’s rights”, placed the islands under the supervision of the Security Council of the newly formed United Nations. For a nation to acquire additional territory, a government must either annex an area by force of arms or by purchase from a sovereign government. The Northern Marianas was not a permanent legal possession of Japan at the time of the war as it had only been entrusted to Japan under a mandate by a group of countries through their organization – the League of Nations. Therefore, the United States could not strip territory from defeated Japan at the conclusion of hostilities since the islands were never recognized as a permanent legal possession of Japan. You can’t take something from someone if you recognize that they didn’t own it in the first place and the United States did not recognize Japanese sovereignty over the islands.
There may still be some people within the Northern Marianas unfamiliar with the obligations and responsibilities that are inherent in U. S. citizenship, an honor bestowed upon the islanders by Presidential Order. Unlike other nationalities seeking U. S. citizenship, the people of the Northern Marianas were not required to possess any knowledge of American history or appreciation of the principles of democracy as most Americans perceive them to be. Most foreigners seeking U. S. citizenship must study a variety of subjects related to American history pass an examination and swear an oath of allegiance. This was not required of the people of the Northern Marianas. Nor during the period did the Trust Territory Government conduct comprehensive educational programs for self government. Civics and the duties of citizenship were not taught in the public schools.
To have done so during the period of the early seventies when political preferences were being explored – and to have openly advocated U. S. Commonwealth status from among the other options available to the people of the Northern Marianas, namely, maintaining the status quo and remaining a Trust Territory, independence or free association with the United States – would have raised the ire of the English, French and Soviet delegates to the United Nations and precipitate a charge of colonialism against the United States. The political education program, what there was of it, had to be impartial. So, in the early years, this may have resulted in an educational deficiency among some in the Commonwealth as to the history of American democracy and, indeed, an appreciation of the uniqueness of the Northern Marianas within the American political family.
No other United States territory or insular possession has a similar relationship. Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and other Pacific possessions were all acquired under circumstances far different than that of the Northern Marianas. A lot of blood and treasure has been paid to preserve American freedom. Today people risk shark attacks in the Florida straits, sneak across the Mexican border, stow away in freezing aircraft wheel bays, falsify documents, marry for green cards, try to purchase illegal passports, enlist in the military or hide in dank holds of rotting foreign ships only to get dumped off American shores to “swim for it.” Others attempt to bribe officials and some perhaps even murder to try to get into the United States. Why? Because it’s the best country on earth in spite of its imperfections.
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