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amend 和 emend 的区别

[本站 amend和emend的区别improve的同义词是什么amend和emend的区别mend词根都有哪些比较常见的美国处方药(Emend)阿瑞吡坦怎么买emend怎么记忆amend与emend的区别是什么苔菜用英语怎么说“订正“用英语怎么说amendas和amendto的区别betteradj.更好的,较好的...perfectadj…

amend 和 emend 的区别

  • improve的同义词是什么
  • amend 和 emend 的区别
  • mend词根都有哪些比较常见的
  • 美国处方药(Emend)阿瑞吡坦怎么买
  • emend怎么记忆
  • amend与emend的区别是什么
  • 苔菜用英语怎么说
  • “订正“用英语怎么说
  • amend as 和 amend to的区别

better adj.更好的, 较好的... perfect adj.完美的, 完全的...
enhance vt.提高, 增加, 加强 ameliorate vt.使改善, 使变好;...
progress n.进步, 发展, 前进... develop v.发展, 发育, 开发...
mend vt.修理, 修补, 改... advance n.前进, 进展, 预付...
rally n.集会, (价值等)回... meliorate v. 改善, 改良, 变好
refine v.精炼, 改进, 使更文雅 look up v.查阅, 好转, 仰视...
amend vt.修正, 改进 get better 转好
perk up 昂首翘尾, 振作起来 pick up v.捡起, 收集, 继续...
build up vt. 建立, 逐步增... further adj.更远的; adv...
correct adj.正确的, 得体的... adjust v.调整, 校准, 调节...
touch up 修改, 润色 tweak v.拧, 扭,拉,微调 ...
titivate v. 打扮自己; =ti... cultivate vt.栽培, 耕作, 培...
gain n.获得, 收益, 增益... help v.帮助, 有助于, 促...
enrich vt.使富足, 使肥沃,... promote vt.促进, 提升, 升...
revise n. 校订, 修正, ... recover v.恢复, 复原, 重获
convalesce v.渐渐康复,渐愈 appreciate vt.欣赏, 赏识, 感...
emend vt. 修订, 校订 strengthen v.加强, 变坚固
uplift v.鼓舞, 提高(道德水... reform n.改革, 改良 ; v...

amend 指改动(字句),相当于change,reform;
emend 指改正(错误),相当于correct, check error.


  词根:-mand-, -mend-


  【词根来源】:来源于拉丁语动词mand.o, mand.are, mand.avi, mand.atus(命令,委托)。

  【同源单词】:command, commandant, commandeer, commander, demand

  = to order

  来自拉丁语的mend 意为fault。此外,还有意为to order 的mand,mend,请勿混淆。


  1. emend(指出错误、缺点e《ex(=out) + mend(=fault))


  emendation n.校正;修改

  emendate v.校正

  A good editor emends a text without substantially altering it .优秀的可以在不改动文本的本质内容的基础上对其进行校正。

  2. amend

  v.修改,修订(规则、法案等);改善,改进 *a《ab(=away)

  amendable adj.可修正的;能改善的

  3. amendment

  n.(法案等的)修改,修订;修正案;改善 *a《ab(=away)

  the Eighteenth amendment 美国宪法第十八条修正案(禁酒令)

  4. amends

  n.赔偿 *a《ab(=away)

  make amends for 为...赔偿

  5. mendacious


  mendacity n.虚假;谎言

  mendacious newspaper reports 虚假的报纸报道

  6. mending


  a basketful of mending 一篮子等补的衣物

  invisible mending 织补

  = to order(命令), to entrust(委托)

  来自拉丁语的mand,mend意为 to order,to entrust。同义词根有来自拉丁语的ordin,意为to order。

  (*拉丁文mandare (= to command,to entrust)——英文字根字典)


  1. mandatory (和命令有关mand (=order))

  adj. 命令的;受委托的;强制的,义务的


  The hour of morning exercise is mandatory during basic training.在基础训练期间必须保证晨练的时间。

  2. commandeer (严厉命令com (=intensive) + mand(=order))


  The FBI agent commandeered a private vehicle to chase the suspect.联邦调查局特工为追击嫌疑人征用一辆私家车。

  3. commend (完全委托 com (=intensive) + mend (=entrust,order))

  vt.sb + for +sth; sb + to +sb 称赞;赞赏;委托,托付

  commendation n.称赞

  commendable adj.值得称赞的

  With some trepidation,I commended my young son to the boarding school’s care.把我儿子托付给寄宿学校,我很担心。

  4. remand (命令向后发送 re (=back) + mand (=order))



  After having testified,the prisoner was remanded to his prison cell.罪犯在法庭上作证后被押回牢房候审。

  5. command v.命令;指挥,统率;控制;博得;俯瞰 n.命令,指挥权;运用能力 *com (=intensive)

  command the air /sea拥有制空/制海权;Great men command our respect.传人值得我们尊敬;The hill commands a fine view.这座小山的俯瞰视野很好;chain of command指挥系统;I am at your command.服从你的命令;command module (宇宙(指令舱;command post指挥所(缩写:C.P);have a good/great command of the English language 精通英语

  6. commanding adj.指挥的;有权威架子的;居高临下的 *com (=together)

  commanding officer 指挥官;commanding ship 指挥舰 ;in a commanding tone 以权威的口气;in a commanding position 站在指挥的位置上

  7. commander n.指挥官;司令官;海军中校

  commandant n.指挥官;司令


  8. commandment n.戒律 *com (=together)

  the Ten Commandments 十诚

  9. commando n.突击队(员) *com (=together)

  10. countermand v.取消,撤回(命令等)*counter (=against)

  11. demand vhttps://www.bjygyt.com/hynews/n.要求;需要 *de (= down)

  demand an apology from her要求她道歉

  12. recommend v.推荐,举荐;劝说,劝告;使受欢迎 *re (= again),com (=intensive)

  Behavior of this sort will not recommend you.那样的行为使你无法获得别人的好感。

  13. recommendation n.推荐,举荐;劝告;推荐信;长处 *re (= again),com (=intensive)

  letter of recommendation 推荐信

  14. reprimand vhttps://www.bjygyt.com/hynews/n.申斥,斥责 *re (=again),pri《press(=press)

  15. mandamus nhttps://www.bjygyt.com/hynews/v.(上级法院向下级法院发布的)执行令

  16. mandarin n.(中国旧时的)官吏;中国官话(普通话的旧称);(作品风格的)繁复晦涩

  mandarin prose of some civil servants(一些公务员写的繁复晦涩的文章)

  mandarin duck 鸳鸯



AmendAmend is a verb that means to rectify, correct, or improve something for its betterment. If you think the word has to do something with amendments made by legislators in assemblies, you are right. This is because laws are amended to make them better in the interests of the people. Amendment is always done to remove a fault or to make a better, improved design of something.? The management amended the rule to make it easier for the employees.(Amend主要有让改正修正的事物更好更完善的意味, 除了书面的修订, 还可以是法条法规等的修订.) EmendEmend is a verb that means to rectify mistakes in a written text. This is a word rarely used in our daily lives, and it is mostly confined to professionals concerned with writing and editing. If you are doing editing of a text, you are actually emending it.? This article needs to be emended as it has many mistakes in it.(Emend主要是把错的改正为对的, 而且较限於书面的校订)

dried sea grass
苔菜为藻类石莼科植物,有浒苔Enteromorphaprolifera(lclull)J .Ag .条浒苔E.clathrata(Roth)Grev.emend.Bliding.肠浒苔E.intestinalis(L.)Link等多种浒苔的藻体,又名海青菜、海菜、苔条等。

correct; revisal; revise; make corrections; emend;
Corrections have been made to the first edition.

amend as 和 amend to的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。


1、amend as:修改为。

2、amend to:修改成。


1、amend as:amend的基本意思是“修改,修订”,指对文件、建议、法律等进行略微改进或稍微改动,也可指为使某人或某事物变得更好而“改过”“改善”“改良”。

2、amend to:emend则指以找出文稿中错误为目的的“校订”。


1、amend as:侧重于与目标类似的单独个体。

2、amend to:侧重于变成鱼目标相同的个体。

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